#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6.d.PREVIEW; use Cro::HTTP::Router; use Cro::HTTP::Server; use Ultramarine::Model::Users; use Ultramarine::Middleware::Authentication; use Ultramarine::Middleware::Authorisation; use Ultramarine::Middleware::SetContentType; use Ultramarine::Serialiser::XML; use Ultramarine::Serialiser::JSON; sub respond(*@body) { response.status = 200; response.set-body(@body); } my $users = Ultramarine::Model::Users.new( accounts=>{me=>'sesame'}, ); my $ultramarine_rest = route { # this needs to be here, not in the Server because its # short-circuited "unauthorised" response will be emited in an # 'after' middleware, but the ResponseSerializerExtension is # applied just before those middlewares, so our serialised won't # be seen by the "unauthorised" response before Ultramarine::Middleware::Authorisation; post -> 'ping.view' { respond [] } post -> 'getLicense.view' { respond [ license => [ :valid, :email, :licenseExpires<2019-01-01:00:00:00>, ] ], } }; my $ultramarine = route { include rest => $ultramarine_rest; } my class Trace does Cro::HTTP::Middleware::RequestResponse { method process-requests(Supply $requests --> Supply) { supply whenever $requests -> $req { say $req.Str; emit $req; } } method process-responses(Supply $responses --> Supply) { supply whenever $responses -> $res { say $res.Str; emit $res; } } } my Cro::Service $um = Cro::HTTP::Server.new( :host<>, :port<8080>, application => $ultramarine, before => [ Trace, Ultramarine::Middleware::Authentication.new(:$users), ], add-body-serializers => [ Ultramarine::Serialiser::XML, Ultramarine::Serialiser::JSON, ], after => [ Ultramarine::Middleware::SetContentType, ], ); $um.start; react whenever signal(SIGINT) { $um.stop; exit; }