#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use WWW::Mechanize; use WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder; use URI; use DBI; use Text::CSV_XS; use Path::Class; use Getopt::Long::Descriptive; use Try::Tiny; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use open ':std',':locale'; my $default_db_path = file(__FILE__)->parent->file('oyster.db')->stringify;; my ($opt,$usage) = describe_options( '%c %o', [ 'database|d=s', 'path to the database to use', { default => $default_db_path } ], [ 'username|u=s', 'username to log in as (updates value in db)' ], [ 'password|p=s', 'password to log in with (updates value in db)' ], [], [ 'verbose|v', 'print progess' ], [ 'help|h', 'print help and exit' ], ); if ($opt->help) { print $usage->text; exit; } sub progress { return unless $opt->verbose; my $str=shift; printf "$str\n",@_; } my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname='.$opt->database, '','', { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 }, ); my ($username,$password); try { progress('getting credentials'); ($username,$password) = $dbh->selectrow_array( 'select username,password from credentials' ); } catch { progress('new db, creating'); # no table, create schema $dbh->do(q{create table credentials ( username text unique not null, password text not null )}); $dbh->do(q{create table journeys ( start_ts integer not null, stop_ts integer not null, description text not null, charge real, credit real, balance real, note text, unique (start_ts,stop_ts) on conflict replace )}); $dbh->do( q{insert into credentials (username,password) values (?,?)}, {}, $opt->username, $opt->password, ); }; if ($opt->username or $opt->password) { progress('updating credentials from command line'); $username = $opt->username if $opt->username; $password = $opt->password if $opt->password; $dbh->do(q{update credentials set username=?, password=?}, {}, $username,$password); } my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder->meta->apply( $mech, tree_class => 'HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath', ); $mech->agent_alias('Linux Mozilla'); progress('logging in'); $mech->get('https://oyster.tfl.gov.uk/oyster/entry.do'); $mech->submit_form( form_name => 'sign-in', fields => { j_username => $username, j_password => $password, }, ); $mech->uri eq 'https://oyster.tfl.gov.uk/oyster/loggedin.do' or die "login failed\n".$mech->content; progress('getting journeys history'); $mech->follow_link(text_regex => qr{journey history}i); my ($input_button) = $mech->findnodes( q{//form[@name='jhDownloadForm']//input[@type='submit']} ); my $js=$input_button->findvalue('@onclick'); my (undef,$url) = ($js=~m{action=(["'])(\S+?)\1}); $url=URI->new_abs($url,$mech->uri); progress('downloading CSV'); my $res = $mech->post($url, {}); die "CSV download failed\n".$res->decoded_content if !$res->is_success; my $date_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M', locale => 'en_GB', time_zone => 'Europe/London', on_error => 'croak', ); my $csv=Text::CSV_XS->new({binary=>1}); my $csv_text=$res->decoded_content; open my $fh,'<',\$csv_text; $csv->column_names($csv->getline($fh)); progress('parsing CSV'); while (my $row = $csv->getline_hr($fh)) { progress('got a row (for %s, %s - %s)', $row->{Date}, $row->{'Start Time'}, $row->{'End Time'}, ); # bus journeys don't have a end time $row->{'End Time'} ||= $row->{'Start Time'}; my $start_dt = $date_parser->parse_datetime( $row->{Date}.' '.$row->{'Start Time'}); my $stop_dt = $date_parser->parse_datetime( $row->{Date}.' '.$row->{'End Time'}); if ($stop_dt < $start_dt) { # if it ends after midnight, it looks like we went back in time $stop_dt->add(days=>1); } # a duplicate row will get overwritten $dbh->do(q{insert into journeys(start_ts,stop_ts,description,charge,credit,balance,note) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}, {}, $start_dt->epoch, $stop_dt->epoch, $row->{'Journey/Action'}, $row->{Charge}, $row->{Credit}, $row->{Balance}, $row->{Note}, ); } progress('done'); exit 0;