git-promptgit-prompt, with patches dakkar12 years
URLQueueHandy utility window to mail yourself a URL link dakkar21 months
TFLMonitorkeep tabs on the tube dakkar10 years
Tree-Template-DeclareModules to build trees, inspired by Template::Declare dakkar9 years
Tree-Transform-XSLTishModules to transform trees, like XSLT but in Perl dakkar13 years
emacsMy EMACS configuration dakkar2 months
fvwm-crystalMy fvwm-crystal configuration dakkar6 months
WebCosoMy ongoing attempt at a CMS dakkar7 months
my-stuffMy stuff dakkar24 min.
urxvtmy URXVT plugins dakkar4 years
xf86-input-evdevPatches for the evdev driver dakkar8 years
fanotifyPerl interface to the Linux fanotify API dakkar12 years
Template-Plugin-ASCIITablePlug-in joinig Template Toolkit with Text::ASCIITable dakkar15 years
Thread-TaskRe-implementation of the Padre Task API 2.0, stand-alone dakkar14 years
ScopinichRe-typed and scanned short books on "Metromeccanica" by Franco Scopinich dakkar15 years
oystersave oyster journeys from website to a db dakkar9 years
kana-trainSimple "flash-card" style learning program for kana dakkar15 years
better-keyboard-layoutSimple experiment in layout optimization dakkar15 years
DeWeaveSimple Perl client to dump data from a Mozilla Sync account dakkar11 years
qr-builderSimple tool to layout a QR code with superimposed strings dakkar11 years
hal-automountersimple UDisks-DBUS client that creates fstab entries for hot-plugged volumes dakkar4 years
skeinforge-settingsskeinforge settings for my MakerBot CupCake dakkar14 years
tecniche-debugSlides of the "Debugging Techniques" talk (in Italian) dakkar15 years
intro-perlSlides of the "Introduction to Perl" talk (in Italian) dakkar15 years
best-practicesSlides of the "Perl Best Practices" talk (in Italian) dakkar15 years
dotfilessome dotfiles I use dakkar3 years
gitosis-dakkarSome improvement work on gitosis dakkar
thenautilusSource repository for my website dakkar7 months
data-multivaluedstore tag- and range-dependant values in a scalar or Moose attribute dakkar11 years
MyShortenThe simplest URL shortener I could come up with dakkar13 years
sitemakeThe software previously used to generate dakkar15 years
bash-object-systemUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar7 months
env-sensorUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar2 years
exampleUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar3 years
impossible-objectsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar4 years
keyboardio-model01Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar18 months
lego-pianoUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar4 years
maki-terranUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar4 years
media-controlUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar3 months
mixed-serverUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar5 years
pixel-clarusUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar18 months
raku-bohaUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar3 years
rtwatchUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar4 years
soap-boxUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar10 months
xscreensaver-dbusUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. dakkar4 months
dotfiles_mrVCSH / MR dotfiles bootstrap repo dakkar3 years
weave-minimalweave-minimal, with patches dakkar13 years
Thread-Queue-EventWrapper on Thread::Queue with hooks into event loops dakkar15 years
broad_awayXChat Perl plug-in to sync your IRC away status to Pidgin dakkar14 years