package Bookmarks::M::DB::Links; use strict; use MIME::Base64; use Bookmarks::M::DB::LinksTags; for my $col_name (qw(add_date last_access_date)) { __PACKAGE__->has_a( $col_name => 'DateTime', inflate => sub { DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $_[0] ) }, deflate => 'epoch', ); } sub set_icon { my ($self,$icon)=@_; $self->icon(encode_base64($icon)); } sub get_icon { my ($self)=@_; return decode_base64($self->icon()); } __PACKAGE__->has_many( tags => ['Bookmarks::M::DB::LinksTags' => 'tag'] ); =head1 NAME Bookmarks::M::DB::Links - CDBI Model Component Table Class =head1 SYNOPSIS Very simple to use =head1 DESCRIPTION Very nice component. =head1 AUTHOR Clever guy =head1 LICENSE This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut 1;