package DeWeave::Collection; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(ArrayRef); use JSON::Any; use Try::Tiny; use DeWeave::EDO; use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number 'to_S'; use Log::Log4perl ':easy'; use Data::Dump 'pp'; has items => ( isa => ArrayRef['DeWeave::WBO'], is => 'ro', required => 1, ); sub _local_part { my ($class) = @_; my ($sub) = ($class =~ m{^DeWeave::Collection::(\w+)}); return $sub; } sub item_class { my ($class) = @_; my $sub = ucfirst(to_S(lc($class->_local_part))); return "DeWeave::BO::$sub" if $sub; return 'DeWeave::WBO' } sub items_path { my ($class) = @_; my $sub = lc($class->_local_part); return "storage/$sub"; } sub from_json { my ($class,$json,$crypt)=@_; my $j = JSON::Any->new; my $args = $j->decode($json); DEBUG '$args ',{filter=>\&pp,value=>$args}; my @items;my %deletions; for my $input_item (@$args) { my $item_args = DeWeave::WBO->unpack_args($input_item,$crypt); if (exists $item_args->{deleted}) { $deletions{$item_args->{id}}=undef; next; } # the $item_args is passed to allow subclasses to # generate objects of different types for different inputs my $item = $class->item_class($item_args) ->new($item_args); push @items,$item if $item; } @items = grep { ! exists $deletions{$_->id} } @items; return $class->new({ items => \@items, }); } sub fetch { my ($class,$storage,$crypto) = @_; my $path = $class->items_path; my $data = $storage->get_item($path); return $class->from_json( $data, $crypto, ); } 1;