package Enigmatic::CryptTrain; use DAKKAR::p 'class'; use Enigmatic::Types qw(Letter RotorPos); use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(ArrayRef); use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; with 'Enigmatic::Role::Rotate'; has rotors => ( isa => ArrayRef[class_type('Enigmatic::Rotor')], traits => ['Array'], writer => 'set_rotors', handles => { set_rotor => 'set', rotor_at => 'get', rotors => 'elements', }, ); sub rotor_count { my ($self) = @_; return scalar $self->rotors; } has reflector => ( isa => class_type('Enigmatic::Reflector'), writer => 'set_reflector', reader => 'reflector', ); has positions => ( isa => ArrayRef[RotorPos], traits => ['Array'], writer => 'set_positions', handles => { set_position => 'set', position_at => 'get', positions => 'elements', }, lazy_build => 1, ); sub _build_positions { my ($self) = @_; my @ret = (0) x $self->rotor_count; return \@ret; } around BUILDARGS => sub { my $orig = shift; my $class = shift; my $args = $class->$orig(@_); if ($args->{positions}) { for my $pos (@{$args->{positions}}) { $pos = to_RotorPos($pos); } } return $args; }; around set_position => sub { my ($orig,$self,$idx,$pos) = @_; return $self->$orig($idx,to_RotorPos($pos)); }; sub map { my $self = shift; my ($letter) = pos_validated_list( \@_, { isa => Letter }, ); my $max_idx = $self->rotor_count -1; $self->step_positions(); for my $idx (0..$max_idx) { my $rotor = $self->rotor_at($idx); my $position = $self->position_at($idx); $letter = _rotate_by($letter,$position); $letter = $rotor->map($letter); $letter = _rotate_by($letter,-$position); } $letter = $self->reflector->map($letter); for my $idx (reverse 0..$max_idx) { my $rotor = $self->rotor_at($idx); my $position = $self->position_at($idx); $letter = _rotate_by($letter,$position); $letter = $rotor->inverse_map($letter); $letter = _rotate_by($letter,-$position); } return $letter; } sub _inc_position { my ($self,$idx) = @_; my $cur = $self->position_at($idx); $cur = ($cur+1)%26; $self->set_position($idx,$cur); return $cur; } sub rotor_window_at { my ($self,$idx) = @_; return ['A'..'Z']->[$self->position_at($idx)] } sub rotor_windows { my ($self) = @_; my @ret = map { $self->rotor_window_at($_) } 0 .. $self->rotor_count -1; return @ret; } sub step_positions { my ($self) = @_; # from # the mechanism is: # - the first rotor always steps # - if there is a notch at the current position, both the rotor # with the notch, and the next one, will step my $max_idx = $self->rotor_count -1; my @will_step = (0) x $max_idx; $will_step[0]=1; # the first rotor always steps for my $idx (0 .. $max_idx) { my $rot = $self->rotor_at($idx); my $notch = $rot->has_notch_at($self->rotor_window_at($idx)); $will_step[$idx] = $will_step[$idx+1] = 1 if $notch; } $will_step[3] = 0; # the fourth rotor never steps for my $idx (0 .. $max_idx) { $self->_inc_position($idx) if $will_step[$idx]; } return; }