package DAKKAR::Net::DNSBLLookup; # copied from Net::DNSBLLookup v0.03 use 5.005; use strict; require Exporter; use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD); use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @ISA); use Net::DNS; use IO::Select; $VERSION = '0.04'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_RELAY DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP DNSBLLOOKUP_CONFIRMED_SPAM DNSBLLOOKUP_SMARTHOST DNSBLLOOKUP_SPAMHOUSE DNSBLLOOKUP_LISTSERVER DNSBLLOOKUP_FORMMAIL DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_HTTP DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_SOCKS DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_MISC DNSBLLOOKUP_HIJACKED DNSBLLOOKUP_MULTI_OPEN_RELAY DNSBLLOOKUP_UNKNOWN); use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_RELAY => 1; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP => 2; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_CONFIRMED_SPAM => 3; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_SMARTHOST => 4; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_SPAMHOUSE => 5; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_LISTSERVER => 6; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_FORMMAIL => 7; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY => 8; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_HTTP => 9; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_SOCKS => 10; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_MISC => 11; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_HIJACKED => 12; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_MULTI_OPEN_RELAY => 13; use constant DNSBLLOOKUP_UNKNOWN => 14; require DAKKAR::Net::DNSBLLookup::Result; # updated DNSBL lists our %dns_servers = ( '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_HTTP, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_SOCKS, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY_MISC, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_RELAY, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_SPAMHOUSE, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_FORMMAIL, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_CONFIRMED_SPAM, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_HIJACKED, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_RELAY, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_SPAMHOUSE, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_MULTI_OPEN_RELAY, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_FORMMAIL, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_UNKNOWN, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_UNKNOWN, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_UNKNOWN, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_SPAMHOUSE, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP, '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_DYNAMIC_IP, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY, }, '' => { '' => DNSBLLOOKUP_OPEN_PROXY, }, ); sub new { my ($class) = shift; my $self = { @_ }; bless $self, $class; unless (exists $self->{zones}) { @{$self->{zones}} = grep !/^$/, keys %dns_servers; } $self->{timeout} ||= 5; return $self; } sub lookup { my ($self, $ip) = @_; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $sel = IO::Select->new; my @sockets; my $result = DAKKAR::Net::DNSBLLookup::Result->new(); my $reverse_ip = join('.',reverse split('\.',$ip)); for my $zone (@{$self->{zones}}) { my $host = join('.',$reverse_ip,$zone); my $socket = $res->bgsend($host); $sel->add($socket); undef $socket; } while ($sel->count > 0) { my @ready = $sel->can_read($self->{timeout}); last unless @ready; foreach my $sock (@ready) { my $packet = $res->bgread($sock); my ($question) = $packet->question; next unless $question; my $qname = $question->qname; (my $dnsbl = $qname) =~ s!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.!!; $result->add_dnsbl($dnsbl); foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; $result->add($dnsbl, $rr->address); } $sel->remove($sock); $sock = undef; } } return $result; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DNSBLLookup - Lookup IP Address in Open Proxy and SPAM DNS Blocklists =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DNSBLLookup; my $dnsbl = Net::DNSBLLookup->new(timeout => 5); my $res = $dnsbl->lookup($ip_addr); my ($proxy, $spam, $unknown) = $res->breakdown; my $num_responded = $res->num_proxies_responded; =head1 ABSTRACT This module queries the major Open Proxy DNS Blocklists, including Sorbs, Easynet, NJABL, DSBL, Blitzed, CBL and PSBL. Open Proxies are servers that allow hackers to mask their true IP address. Some of these blocklists also contain hosts that have been known to send spam. This module distinguishes the results between Open Proxy and Spam/Open Relay servers. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module can be used to block or flag Internet connections coming from Open Proxy or Spam servers. Why would you want to do this? Hackers often use Open Proxy servers to hide their true IP address when doing "bad" stuff. This includes using purchasing stuff with stolen credit cards, and getting around IP Address based restrictions =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new Calls C to create a new DNSBLLookup object: $dnsbl = new Net::DNSBLLookup(timeout => 5); Takes timeout as an argument, defaults to 5 seconds if not specified. The module waits C seconds before giving up on a slow DNS host. =item lookup This sends out a lookup to the major DNS Blocklists, and waits up to C seconds then returns the results: $res = $dnsbl->lookup($ip_addr); =back =head1 SEE ALSO L There is a free credit card fraud prevention service that uses this module located at L =head1 AUTHOR TJ Mather, Etjmather@maxmind.comE Paid support is available from directly from the author of this package. Please see L for more details. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003 by Maxmind LLC This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut