path: root/lib/Imager/QRCode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Imager/QRCode/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Imager/QRCode/ b/lib/Imager/QRCode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9e4887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Imager/QRCode/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+package Imager::QRCode::Fancy;
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::QRCode;
+use Carp;
+use List::AllUtils qw(min);
+use Imager;
+use Types::Standard qw(Dict InstanceOf ArrayRef CodeRef Optional HashRef is_ArrayRef is_CodeRef);
+use Types::Common::Numeric qw(PositiveNum);
+use Types::Path::Tiny qw(Path);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use Type::Utils qw(enum union);
+use namespace::clean;
+sub make {
+ state $check = compile(Dict[
+ qr_code => InstanceOf['Data::QRCode'],
+ image => Optional[union[
+ InstanceOf['Imager'],
+ ArrayRef[InstanceOf['Imager']],
+ ]],
+ size => Optional[PositiveNum],
+ colormap => Optional[HashRef],
+ module => Optional[union[
+ enum[qw(box circle)],
+ CodeRef,
+ ]],
+ dot_scale => Optional[PositiveNum],
+ ]);
+ my ($arg) = $check->(@_);
+ my $qr = $arg->{qr_code};
+ my @images = is_ArrayRef($arg->{image}) ? @{$arg->{image}}
+ : defined($arg->{image}) ? $arg->{image}
+ : ();
+ if (not $arg->{size} and not @images) {
+ croak 'I need a target size, or some images to overlay';
+ }
+ my $size = $arg->{size} || min($images[0]->getwidth,$images[0]->getheight);
+ state $module_map = {
+ box => \&draw_box,
+ circle => \&draw_circle,
+ };
+ my $module = is_CodeRef($arg->{module}) ? $arg->{module}
+ : $module_map->{$arg->{module}||'box'};
+ my $colormap = {
+ empty => 'white',
+ data => 'black',
+ format => 'red',
+ version => 'green',
+ timing => 'blue',
+ alignment => 'navy',
+ finder => 'web green',
+ misc => 'black',
+ %{ $arg->{colormap} || {} },
+ };
+ my $dot_scale = $arg->{dot_scale} || 1/3;
+ my $data_size = $qr->width;
+ $size -= ($size % $data_size);
+ my $scale = $size / $data_size;
+ my $back_image = qr_image($qr,$size,$module,$colormap);
+ return $back_image unless @images;
+ my $front_image = qr_dots_image($qr,$size,$dot_scale,$module,$colormap);
+ my @ret_images;
+ for my $image (@images) {
+ my $target = Imager->new(xsize=>$size,ysize=>$size);
+ $target->paste(src => $back_image);
+ $target->compose(src => $image);
+ $target->compose(src => $front_image);
+ push @ret_images, $target;
+ }
+ if (@ret_images > 1) {
+ return \@ret_images;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $ret_images[0];
+ }
+sub qr_image {
+ my ($qr,$size,$module,$colormap) = @_;
+ my $data_size = $qr->width;
+ my $scale = $size / $data_size;
+ my $image = Imager->new(xsize=>$size,ysize=>$size);
+ $image->box(filled=>1,color=>'white');
+ for my $dx (0..$data_size-1) {
+ for my $dy (0..$data_size-1) {
+ my $dp = $qr->data_at($dx,$dy);
+ $module->(
+ image => $image,
+ bounding_box($dx,$dy,$scale),
+ color => Imager::Color->new(datapoint2color($dp,$colormap)),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $image;
+sub qr_dots_image {
+ my ($qr,$size,$dot_scale,$module,$colormap) = @_;
+ my $data_size = $qr->width;
+ my $scale = $size / $data_size;
+ my $image = Imager->new(xsize=>$size,ysize=>$size,model=>'rgba');
+ $image->box(filled=>1,color=>[0,0,0,0]);
+ for my $dx (0..$data_size-1) {
+ for my $dy (0..$data_size-1) {
+ my $dp = $qr->data_at($dx,$dy);
+ my @box = $dp->{in_data}
+ ? dot_in_bounding_box($dx,$dy,$scale,$dot_scale)
+ : bounding_box($dx,$dy,$scale);
+ $module->(
+ image => $image,
+ @box,
+ color => Imager::Color->new(datapoint2color($dp,$colormap)),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $image;
+sub datapoint2color {
+ my ($dp,$colormap) = @_;
+ return $colormap->{empty} unless $dp->{color};
+ for my $k (qw(format version timing alignment finder misc data)) {
+ next unless $dp->{"in_$k"};
+ if (my $v = $colormap->{$k}) {
+ return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return $colormap->{misc}; # just in case
+sub bounding_box {
+ my ($x,$y,$size) = @_;
+ return (
+ xmin => $x*$size, ymin => $y*$size,
+ xmax => $x*$size+$size-1, ymax => $y*$size+$size-1,
+ );
+sub dot_in_bounding_box {
+ my ($x,$y,$size,$dot_scale) = @_;
+ my $dot_size = int($size*$dot_scale);
+ my $dot_offset = int(($size-$dot_size)/2);
+ return (
+ xmin => $x*$size+$dot_offset, ymin => $y*$size+$dot_offset,
+ xmax => $x*$size+$size-$dot_offset, ymax => $y*$size+$size-$dot_offset,
+ );
+sub draw_box {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ $args{image}->box(
+ %args,
+ filled => 1,
+ );
+sub draw_circle {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ my $cx = int($args{xmax}+$args{xmin})/2;
+ my $cy = int($args{ymax}+$args{ymin})/2;
+ my $radius = min(
+ $args{xmax}-$cx,
+ $args{ymax}-$cy,
+ $cx-$args{xmin},
+ $cy-$args{ymin},
+ );
+ $args{image}->circle(
+ x => $cx, y => $cy,
+ r => $radius,
+ color => $args{color},
+ filled => 1,
+ );