path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PPIx/ b/lib/PPIx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0873b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PPIx/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+package PPIx::XPath;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PPI;
+use Carp;
+use Scalar::Util qw(reftype blessed);
+use Tree::XPathEngine;
+use 5.006;
+our $VERSION='2.01';
+sub new {
+ my ($class,$source) = @_;
+ croak "PPIx::XPath->new needs a source document" unless defined($source);
+ my $doc;
+ if (blessed($source) && $source->isa('PPI::Node')) {
+ $doc = $source;
+ }
+ elsif (reftype($source) eq 'SCALAR'
+ or (!ref($source) && -f $source)) {
+ $doc = PPI::Document->new($source);
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "PPIx::XPath expects either a PPI::Node or a file" .
+ " got a: [" .( ref($source) || $source ). ']';
+ }
+ return bless {doc=>$doc},$class;
+# PPIx::XPath 1.0.0 allowed the use of partial package names as node names;
+# this collides with the axis specification of proper XPath.
+# Here we change the "old-style" node names into the new names
+my $legacy_names_rx;my %new_name_for;
+sub clean_xpath_expr {
+ my (undef,$expr)=@_;
+ $expr =~ s{$legacy_names_rx}{$new_name_for{$1}}ge;
+ return $expr;
+ my @PPI_Packs;
+ # taken from Devel::Symdump
+ my @packages=('PPI');
+ while (my $pack=shift(@packages)) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ while (my ($key,$val)=each(%{*{"$pack\::"}})) {
+ local *ENTRY=$val;
+ if (defined $val && defined *ENTRY{HASH} && $key=~/::$/
+ && $key !~ /^::/
+ && $key ne 'main::' && $key ne '<none>::') {
+ my $p = "$pack\::$key";$p =~ s{::$}{}; #}{};
+ push @packages,$p;
+ $p =~ s{^PPI::}{};
+ next unless $p=~/::/;
+ my $newname=$p;
+ $newname =~ s{::}{-}g;
+ push @PPI_Packs,$p;
+ $new_name_for{$p}=$newname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $legacy_names_rx='\b('.join('|',
+ sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} @PPI_Packs
+ ).')\b';
+ $legacy_names_rx=qr{$legacy_names_rx};
+sub match {
+ my ($self,$expr) = @_;
+ $expr=$self->clean_xpath_expr($expr);
+ Tree::XPathEngine->new()->findnodes($expr,$self->{doc});
+package PPI::Element;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_name { my $pack_name=substr($_[0]->class,5);
+ $pack_name =~ s/::/-/g;
+ $pack_name }
+sub xpath_get_next_sibling { $_[0]->snext_sibling }
+sub xpath_get_previous_sibling { $_[0]->sprevious_sibling }
+sub xpath_get_root_node { $_[0]->top }
+sub xpath_get_parent_node { $_[0]->parent }
+sub xpath_is_element_node { 1 }
+sub xpath_is_attribute_node { 0 }
+sub xpath_is_document_node { 0 }
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'significant'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'content'),
+sub xpath_to_literal { "$_[0]" }
+sub xpath_get_value { "$_[0]" }
+sub xpath_string_value { "$_[0]" }
+sub xpath_cmp {
+ my( $a, $b)= @_;
+ if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'PPIx::XPath::Attr')) {
+ # elt <=> att, compare the elt to the att->{elt}
+ # if the elt is the att->{elt} (cmp return 0) then -1, elt is before att
+ return ($a->_xpath_elt_cmp( $b->{parent}) ) || -1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'PPI::Document')) {
+ # elt <=> document, elt is after document
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # 2 elts, compare them
+ return $a->_xpath_elt_cmp( $b);
+ }
+sub _xpath_elt_cmp {
+ my ($a,$b)=@_;
+ # easy cases
+ return 0 if( $a == $b);
+ return 1 if( $a->_xpath_in($b)); # a starts after b
+ return -1 if( $b->_xpath_in($a)); # a starts before b
+ # ancestors does not include the element itself
+ my @a_pile= ($a, $a->_xpath_ancestors);
+ my @b_pile= ($b, $b->_xpath_ancestors);
+ # the 2 elements are not in the same twig
+ return undef unless( $a_pile[-1] == $b_pile[-1]);
+ # find the first non common ancestors (they are siblings)
+ my $a_anc= pop @a_pile;
+ my $b_anc= pop @b_pile;
+ while( $a_anc == $b_anc) {
+ $a_anc= pop @a_pile;
+ $b_anc= pop @b_pile;
+ }
+ # from there move left and right and figure out the order
+ my( $a_prev, $a_next, $b_prev, $b_next)= ($a_anc, $a_anc, $b_anc, $b_anc);
+ while () {
+ $a_prev= $a_prev->sprevious_sibling || return( -1);
+ return 1 if( $a_prev == $b_next);
+ $a_next= $a_next->snext_sibling || return( 1);
+ return -1 if( $a_next == $b_prev);
+ $b_prev= $b_prev->sprevious_sibling || return( 1);
+ return -1 if( $b_prev == $a_next);
+ $b_next= $b_next->snext_sibling || return( -1);
+ return 1 if( $b_next == $a_prev);
+ }
+sub _xpath_in {
+ my ($self, $ancestor)= @_;
+ while ( $self= $self->parent) {
+ return $self if ( $self == $ancestor);
+ }
+sub _xpath_ancestors {
+ my( $self)= @_;
+ my @ancestors;
+ while ( $self= $self->parent) {
+ push @ancestors, $self;
+ }
+ return @ancestors;
+package PPI::Token;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_child_nodes { return }
+package PPI::Token::Quote::Double;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'interpolations'),
+package PPI::Token::Number;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'base'),
+package PPI::Token::Word;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'method-call'),
+package PPI::Token::Comment;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'line'),
+package PPI::Token::HereDoc;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# TODO: add access to the contents of the heredoc (->heredoc method)
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'terminator'),
+package PPI::Token::Prototype;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_to_literal { $_[0]->prototype }
+sub xpath_get_value { $_[0]->prototype }
+sub xpath_string_value { $_[0]->prototype }
+package PPI::Node;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_child_nodes { $_[0]->schildren }
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'scope'),
+package PPI::Token::Attribute;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'identifier'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'parameters'),
+package PPI::Token::Symbol;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'symbol'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'canonical'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'raw_type'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'symbol_typel'),
+package PPI::Statement;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'label'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'stable'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'type'),
+package PPI::Statement::Sub;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'name'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'prototype'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'forward'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'reserved'),
+package PPI::Statement::Package;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'namespace'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'file-scoped'),
+package PPI::Statement::Include;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'module'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'module-version'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'version'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'version-literal'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'pragma'),
+package PPI::Structure;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_attributes {
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::xpath_get_attributes,
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'start'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'finish'),
+ PPIx::XPath::Attr->new($_[0],'braces'),
+package PPI::Document;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub xpath_get_root_node { $_[0] }
+sub xpath_get_parent_node { return }
+sub xpath_is_attribute_node { 0 }
+sub xpath_is_document_node { 1 }
+package PPIx::XPath::Attr;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+ my ($class,$parent,$name)=@_;
+ my $meth=$parent->can($name);
+ return unless $meth;
+ my $value;
+ eval {$value=$meth->($parent);1} or return;
+ return unless defined $value;
+ return bless {parent=>$parent,name=>$name,value=>$value},$class;
+sub xpath_get_name { $_[0]->{name} }
+sub xpath_get_root_node { $_[0]->{parent}->top }
+sub xpath_get_parent_node { $_[0]->{parent} }
+sub xpath_is_element_node { 0 }
+sub xpath_is_attribute_node { 1 }
+sub xpath_is_document_node { 0 }
+sub xpath_to_literal { $_[0]->{value} }
+sub xpath_get_value { $_[0]->{value} }
+sub xpath_string_value { $_[0]->{value} }
+sub xpath_to_number { Tree::XPathEngine::Number->new($_[0]->{value}) }
+sub xpath_cmp($$) {
+ my( $a, $b)= @_;
+ if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'PPIx::XPath::Attr')) {
+ # 2 attributes, compare their elements, then their name
+ return ($a->{parent}->_xpath_elt_cmp( $b->{parent}) )
+ || ($a->{name} cmp $b->{name});
+ }
+ elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'PPI::Document')) {
+ # att <=> document, att is after document
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # att <=> elt : compare the att->elt and the elt
+ # if att->elt is the elt (cmp returns 0) then 1 (elt is before att)
+ return ($a->{parent}->_xpath_elt_cmp( $b) ) || 1 ;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+PPIx::XPath - an XPath implementation for the PDOM
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use PPI;
+ use PPIx::XPath;
+ use Tree::XPathEngine;
+ my $pdom = PPI::Document->new('');
+ my $xpath = Tree::XPathEngine->new();
+ my @subs = $xpath->findnodes('//Statement-Sub',$pdom);
+ my @vars = $xpath->findnodes('//Token-Symbol',$pdom);
+Deprecated interface, backward-compatible with C<PPIx::XPath> version
+ use PPIx::XPath;
+ my $pxp = PPIx::XPath->new("");
+ my @subs = $pxp->match("//Statement::Sub");
+ my $vars = $pxp->match("//Token::Symbol");
+This module augments L<PPI>'s classes with the methods required by
+L<Tree::XPathEngine>, allowing you to perform complex XPath matches
+against any PDOM tree.
+See L<Tree::XPathEngine> for details about its methods.
+=head2 Mapping the PDOM to the XPath data model
+=over 4
+=item *
+Each node in the PDOM is an element as seen by XPath
+=item *
+The name of the element is the class name of the node, minus the
+initial C<PPI::>, with C<::> replaced by C<->. That is:
+ ($xpath_name = substr($pdom_node->class,5)) =~ s/::/-/g;
+=item *
+Only "significant" nodes are seen by XPath
+=item *
+all scalar-valued accessors of PDOM nodes are visible as attributes
+=item *
+"here-docs" contents are I<not> mapped
+=over 4
+=item *
+"here-docs" contents are I<not> mapped
+=item *
+node ordering is slow, because I could not find a way in PPI to
+compare two nodes for document order; suggestions are most welcome
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<> (the XPath specification)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Dan Brook <> original author
+Gianni Ceccarelli <> Tree::XPathEngine-based re-implementation