diff options
42 files changed, 3408 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.proverc b/.proverc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad83f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.proverc
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3520a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* bugs!
+ * messy permissions, we should set some umask (we'd like
+ group-writable mailstore)
+ * `umask 0007;` and a `chmod -R g+s store` seem to work well
+ enough for my installation
+ * maybe auto-mkpath for `::MailStore::FS`?
+* list footer
+ * append to plain text single part
+ * or add a plain text (or HTML?) part if multi-part
+ * how do we deal with signed messages?
+ * seems to be a hard problem:
+ http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf-smtp/current/msg01078.html
+ * there's this script
+ https://stuff.mit.edu/~jik/software/mailman_mimedefang/
+ https://stuff.mit.edu/~jik/software/mailman_mimedefang/mailman_mimedefang_fix_footer.pl.txt
+ * I'll probably go the stupid / simple way: just append text to the
+ whole body, and MIME be damned
+* qmail-compatible wrapper (to map exit codes)
+ - requires exceptions to be thrown by the various pieces
diff --git a/cpanfile b/cpanfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f869156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpanfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env cpanm --installdeps
+# -*- mode: perl -*-
+requires 'perl','>= 5.024';
+requires 'App::Spec';
+requires 'Digest::SHA';
+requires 'Email::Address';
+requires 'Email::MIME';
+requires 'Email::Sender';
+requires 'Email::Sender::Simple';
+requires 'Email::Stuffer';
+requires 'experimental';
+requires 'List::AllUtils';
+requires 'Moo';
+requires 'Moo::Role';
+requires 'MooX::Traits';
+requires 'namespace::clean';
+requires 'Try::Tiny';
+requires 'Path::Tiny';
+requires 'Type::Library';
+requires 'Type::Params';
+requires 'Types::Path::Tiny';
+requires 'Types::Standard';
+requires 'Type::Utils';
+on 'test' => sub {
+ requires 'Data::Printer';
+ requires 'Email::Sender::Transport::Test';
+ requires 'Import::Into';
+ requires 'Test2::API';
+ requires 'Test2::Bundle::Extended';
diff --git a/dist.ini b/dist.ini
index 6081f49..7597e4f 100644
--- a/dist.ini
+++ b/dist.ini
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+name = Sietima
author = Gianni Ceccarelli <dakkar@thenautilus.net>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Gianni Ceccarelli <dakkar@thenautilus.net>
-copyright_year = 2015
+copyright_year = 2017
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ filename = weaver.ini
allow_dirty = dist.ini
-first_version = 0.0.1
+first_version = 1.0.0
@@ -78,5 +79,4 @@ tag_format = v%v%t-dzilla
branch = release/master
tag_format = v%v%t
diff --git a/example/sietima b/example/sietima
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e9e294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/sietima
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use FindBin::libs;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::CmdLine;
+ traits => [qw(
+ NoMail
+ ReplyTo
+ Headers
+ WithOwner
+ Debounce
+ SubjectTag
+ SubscriberOnly::Moderate
+ WithMailStore
+ )],
+ args => {
+ owner => 'dakkar@thenautilus.net',
+ mail_store => {
+ class => 'Sietima::MailStore::FS',
+ root => '/tmp/sietima-store',
+ },
+ return_path => 'dakkar-sietima@thenautilus.net',
+ subject_tag => 'Test',
+ subscribers => [
+ 'dakkar-a@thenautilus.net',
+ { primary => 'dakkar-b@thenautilus.net', aliases => [ 'dakkar-bis@thenautilus.net' ] },
+ { primary => 'dakkar-c@thenautilus.net', prefs => { wants_mail => 0 } },
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/lib/Sietima.pm b/lib/Sietima.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cdf404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+package Sietima;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef Object FileHandle Maybe);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr
+ EmailMIME Message
+ Subscriber SubscriberFromAddress SubscriberFromStr SubscriberFromHashRef
+ Transport);
+use Sietima::Message;
+use Sietima::Subscriber;
+use Email::Sender::Simple qw();
+use Email::Sender;
+use Email::Address;
+use namespace::clean;
+with 'MooX::Traits';
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima - minimal mailing list manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Sietima;
+ Sietima->new({
+ return_path => 'the-list@the-domain.tld',
+ subscribers => [ 'person@some.were', @etc ],
+ })->handle_mail_from_stdin;
+Sietima is a minimal mailing list manager written in modern Perl. It
+aims to be the spiritual successor of L<Siesta>.
+The base C<Sietima> class does very little: it just puts the email
+message from C<STDIN> into a new envelope using L<< /C<return_path> >>
+as sender and all the L<< /C<subscribers> >> addresses as recipients,
+and sends it.
+Additional behaviour is provided via traits / roles. This class
+consumes L<< C<MooX::Traits> >> to simplify composing roles:
+ Sietima->with_traits(qw(AvoidDups NoMail))->new(\%args);
+These are the traits provided with the default distribution:
+=item L<< C<AvoidDups>|Sietima::Role::AvoidDups >>
+prevents the sender from receiving copies of their own messages
+=item L<< C<Debounce>|Sietima::Role::Debounce >>
+avoids mail-loops using a C<X-Been-There> header
+=item L<< C<Headers>|Sietima::Role::Headers >>
+adds C<List-*> headers to all outgoing messages
+=item L<< C<NoMail>|Sietima::Role::NoMail >>
+avoids sending messages to subscribers who don't want them
+=item L<< C<ReplyTo>|Sietima::Role::ReplyTo >>
+optionally sets the C<Reply-To> header to the mailing list address
+=item L<< C<SubjectTag>|Sietima::Role::SubjectTag >>
+prepends a C<[tag]> to the subject header of outgoing messages that
+aren't already tagged
+=item L<< C<SubscriberOnly::Drop>|Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Drop >>
+silently drops all messages coming from addresses not subscribed to
+the list
+=item L<< C<SubscriberOnly::Moderate>|Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Moderate >>
+holds messages coming from addresses not subscribed to the list for
+moderation, and provides commands to manage the moderation queue
+The only "configuration mechanism" currently supported is to
+initialise a C<Sietima> object in your driver script, passing all the
+needed values to the constructor. L<< C<Sietima::CmdLine> >> is the
+recommended way of doing that: it adds command-line parsing capability
+to Sietima.
+=head2 C<return_path>
+A L<< C<Email::Address> >> instance, coerced from string if
+necessary. This is the address that Sietima will send messages
+has return_path => (
+ isa => Address,
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => AddressFromStr,
+=head2 C<subscribers>
+An array-ref of L<< C<Sietima::Subscriber> >> objects, defaults to the
+empty array.
+Each item can be coerced from a string or a L<< C<Email::Address> >>
+instance, or a hashref of the form
+ { address => $string, %other_attributes }
+The base Sietima class only uses the address of subscribers, but some
+roles use the other attributes (L<< C<NoMail>|Sietima::Role::NoMail
+>>, for example, uses the C<prefs> attribute, and L<<
+C<SubscriberOnly> >> uses C<aliases> via L<<
+C<match>|Sietima::Subscriber/match >>)
+my $subscribers_array = ArrayRef[
+ Subscriber->plus_coercions(
+ SubscriberFromAddress,
+ SubscriberFromStr,
+ SubscriberFromHashRef,
+ )
+has subscribers => (
+ isa => $subscribers_array,
+ is => 'lazy',
+ coerce => $subscribers_array->coercion,
+sub _build_subscribers { +[] }
+=head2 C<transport>
+A L<< C<Email::Sender::Transport> >> instance, which will be used to
+send messages. If not passed in, Sietima uses L<<
+C<Email::Sender::Simple> >>'s L<<
+C<default_transport>|Email::Sender::Simple/default_transport >>.
+has transport => (
+ isa => Transport,
+ is => 'lazy',
+sub _build_transport { Email::Sender::Simple->default_transport }
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<handle_mail_from_stdin>
+ $sietima->handle_mail_from_stdin();
+This is the main entry-point when Sietima is invoked from a MTA. It
+will parse a L<< C<Email::MIME> >> object out of the standard input,
+then pass it to L<< /C<handle_mail> >> for processing.
+sub handle_mail_from_stdin($self,@) {
+ my $mail_text = do { local $/; <> };
+ # we're hoping that, since we probably got called from an MTA/MDA,
+ # STDIN contains a well-formed email message, addressed to us
+ my $incoming_mail = Email::MIME->new(\$mail_text);
+ return $self->handle_mail($incoming_mail);
+=head2 C<handle_mail>
+ $sietima->handle_mail($email_mime);
+Main driver method: converts the given email message into a list of
+L<< C<Sietima::Message> >> objects by calling L<< /C<munge_mail> >>,
+then sends each of them by calling L<< /C<send_message> >>.
+sub handle_mail($self,$incoming_mail) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,EmailMIME); $check->(@_);
+ my (@outgoing_messages) = $self->munge_mail($incoming_mail);
+ for my $outgoing_message (@outgoing_messages) {
+ $self->send_message($outgoing_message);
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 C<subscribers_to_send_to>
+ my $subscribers_aref = $sietima->subscribers_to_send_to($email_mime);
+Returns an array-ref of L<< C<Sietima::Subscriber> >> objects that
+should receive copies of the given email message.
+In this base class, it just returns the value of the L<<
+/C<subscribers> >> attribute. Roles such as L<<
+C<AvoidDups>|Sietima::Role::AvoidDups >> modify this method to exclude
+some subscribers.
+sub subscribers_to_send_to($self,$incoming_mail) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,EmailMIME); $check->(@_);
+ return $self->subscribers;
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+ my @messages = $sietima->munge_mail($email_mime);
+Returns a list of L<< C<Sietima::Message> >> objects representing the
+messages to send to subscribers, based on the given email message.
+In this base class, this method returns a single instance to send to
+all L<< /C<subscribers_to_send_to> >>, containing exactly the given
+email message.
+Roles such as L<< C<SubjectTag>|Sietima::Role::SubjectTag >> modify
+this method to alter the message.
+sub munge_mail($self,$incoming_mail) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,EmailMIME); $check->(@_);
+ return Sietima::Message->new({
+ mail => $incoming_mail,
+ from => $self->return_path,
+ to => $self->subscribers_to_send_to($incoming_mail),
+ });
+=head2 C<send_message>
+ $sietima->send_message($sietima_message);
+Sends the given L<< C<Sietima::Message> >> object via the L<<
+/C<transport> >>, but only if the message's
+L<envelope|Sietima::Message/envelope> specifies some recipients.
+sub send_message($self,$outgoing_message) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,Message); $check->(@_);
+ my $envelope = $outgoing_message->envelope;
+ if ($envelope->{to} && $envelope->{to}->@*) {
+ $self->transport->send(
+ $outgoing_message->mail,
+ $envelope,
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+sub _trait_namespace { 'Sietima::Role' }
+=head2 C<list_addresses>
+ my $addresses_href = $sietima->list_addresses;
+Returns a hashref of L<< C<Email::Address> >> instances or strings,
+that declare various addresses related to this list.
+This base class declares only the L<< /C<return_path> >>, and does not
+use this method at all.
+The L<< C<Headers>|Sietima::Role::Headers >> role uses this to
+populate the various C<List-*> headers.
+sub list_addresses($self) {
+ return +{
+ return_path => $self->return_path,
+ };
+=head2 C<command_line_spec>
+ my $app_spec_data = $sietima->command_line_spec;
+Returns a hashref describing the command line processing for L<<
+C<App::Spec> >>. L<< C<Sietima::CmdLine> >> uses this to build the
+command line parser.
+This base class declares a single sub-command:
+=item C<send>
+Invokes the L<< /C<handle_mail_from_stdin> >> method.
+For example, in a C<.qmail> file:
+ |/path/to/sietima send
+Roles can extend this to provide additional sub-commands and options.
+sub command_line_spec($self) {
+ return {
+ name => 'sietima',
+ title => 'a simple mailing list manager',
+ subcommands => {
+ send => {
+ op => 'handle_mail_from_stdin',
+ summary => 'send email from STDIN',
+ },
+ },
+ };
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/CmdLine.pm b/lib/Sietima/CmdLine.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee054d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/CmdLine.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+package Sietima::CmdLine;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::Types qw(SietimaObj);
+use Types::Standard qw(HashRef);
+use Sietima;
+use App::Spec;
+use Sietima::Runner;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::CmdLine - run Sietima as a command-line application
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Sietima::CmdLine;
+ Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ traits => [qw(SubjectTag)],
+ args => {
+ return_path => 'list@example.net',
+ subject_tag => 'Test',
+ subscribers => \@addresses,
+ })->run;
+This class simplifies the creation of a L<< C<Sietima> >> object, and
+uses L<< C<App::Spec> >> to provide a command-line interface to it.
+=head2 C<sietima>
+Required, an instance of L<< C<Sietima> >>. You can either construct
+it yourself, or use the L<simplified building provided by the
+has sietima => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => SietimaObj,
+=head2 C<extra_spec>
+Optional hashref. Used inside L<< /C<app_spec> >>. If you're not
+familiar with L<< C<App::Spec> >>, you probably don't want to touch
+has extra_spec => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => HashRef,
+ default => sub { +{} },
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<new>
+ my $cmdline = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ sietima => Sietima->with_traits(qw(SubjectTag))->new({
+ return_path => 'list@example.net',
+ subject_tag => 'Test',
+ subscribers => \@addresses,
+ }),
+ });
+ my $cmdline = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ traits => [qw(SubjectTag)],
+ args => {
+ return_path => 'list@example.net',
+ subject_tag => 'Test',
+ subscribers => \@addresses,
+ });
+The constructor. In alternative to passing a L<< C<Sietima> >>
+instance, you can pass C<traits> and C<args>, and the instance will be
+built for you. The two calls above are equivalent.
+sub BUILDARGS($class,@args) {
+ my $args = $class->next::method(@args);
+ $args->{sietima} //= do {
+ my $traits = delete $args->{traits} // [];
+ my $constructor_args = delete $args->{args} // {};
+ Sietima->with_traits($traits->@*)->new($constructor_args);
+ };
+ return $args;
+=head2 C<app_spec>
+Returns an instance of L<< C<App::Spec> >>, built from the
+specification returned by calling L<<
+C<command_line_spec>|Sietima/command_line_spec >> on the L<<
+/C<sietima> >> object, modified by the L<< /C<extra_spec> >>. This
+method, and the C<extra_spec> attribute, are probably only interesting
+to people who are doing weird extensions.
+has app_spec => (
+ is => 'lazy',
+ init_arg => undef,
+sub _build_app_spec($self) {
+ my $spec_data = $self->sietima->command_line_spec();
+ return App::Spec->read({
+ $spec_data->%*,
+ $self->extra_spec->%*,
+ });
+=head2 C<runner>
+Returns an instance of L<< C<Sietima::Runner> >>, built from the L<<
+/C<app_spec> >>.
+=head2 C<run>
+Delegates to the L<< /C<runner> >>'s L<< C<run>|App::Spec::Run/run >> method.
+Parser the command line arguments from C<@ARGV> and executes the
+appropriate action.
+has runner => (
+ is => 'lazy',
+ init_arg => undef,
+ handles => [qw(run)],
+sub _build_runner($self) {
+ return Sietima::Runner->new({
+ spec => $self->app_spec,
+ cmd => $self->sietima,
+ });
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/MailStore.pm b/lib/Sietima/MailStore.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9aa82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/MailStore.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package Sietima::MailStore;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::MailStore - interface for mail stores
+This role defines the interface that all mail stores must adhere
+to. It does not provide any implementation.
+=head2 C<store>
+ my $id = $ms->store($email_mime_object,@tags);
+Must persistently store the given email message (as an L<<
+C<Email::Simple>> object or similar), associating it with the gives
+tags (which must be strings). Must returns a unique identifier for the
+stored message. It is acceptable if identical messages are
+indistinguishable by the storage.
+=head2 C<retrieve_by_id>
+ my $email_mime_object = $ms->retrieve_by_id($id);
+Given an identifier returned by L<< /C<store> >>, this method must
+return the email message (as an L<< C<Email::Simple> >> or L<<
+C<Email::MIME> >> object).
+If the message has been deleted, or the identifier is not recognised,
+this method must return C<undef> in scalar context.
+=head2 C<retrieve_ids_by_tags>
+ my @ids = $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags(@tags)->@*;
+Given a list of tags (which must be strings), this method must return
+an arrayref containing the identifiers of all (and only) the messages
+that were stored associated with (at least) all those tags. The order
+of the returned identifiers is not important.
+If there are no messages associated with the given tags, this method
+must return an empty arrayref.
+For example:
+ my $id1 = $ms->store($msg1,'t1');
+ my $id2 = $ms->store($msg2,'t2');
+ my $id3 = $ms->store($msg3,'t1','t2');
+ $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1') ==> [ $id3, $id1 ]
+ $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t2') ==> [ $id2, $id3 ]
+ $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1','t2') ==> [ $id3 ]
+ $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t3') ==> [ ]
+=head2 C<retrieve_by_tags>
+ my @email_mime_objects = $ms->retrieve_by_tags(@tags)->@*;
+This method is similar to L<< /C<retrieve_ids_by_tags> >>, but it must
+return an arrayref of hashrefs. For example:
+ my $id1 = $ms->store($msg1,'t1');
+ my $id2 = $ms->store($msg2,'t2');
+ my $id3 = $ms->store($msg3,'t1','t2');
+ $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1') ==> [
+ { id => $id3, mail => $msg3 },
+ { id => $id1, mail => $msg1 },
+ ]
+=head2 C<remove>
+ $ms->remove($id);
+This method must remove the message corresponding to the given
+identifier from the persistent storage. Removing a non-existent
+message must succeed, and do nothing.
+=head2 C<clear>
+ $ms->clear();
+This method must remove all messages from the persistent
+storage. Clearing a empty store must succeed, and do nothing.
+requires 'store',
+ 'retrieve_ids_by_tags','retrieve_by_tags','retrieve_by_id',
+ 'remove','clear';
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/MailStore/FS.pm b/lib/Sietima/MailStore/FS.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4dfc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/MailStore/FS.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package Sietima::MailStore::FS;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Path::Tiny qw(Dir);
+use Types::Standard qw(Object ArrayRef Str slurpy);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use Sietima::Types qw(EmailMIME TagName);
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
+use namespace::clean;
+with 'Sietima::MailStore';
+has root => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => Dir,
+ coerce => 1,
+has [qw(_tagdir _msgdir)] => ( is => 'lazy' );
+sub _build__tagdir($self) { $self->root->child('tags') }
+sub _build__msgdir($self) { $self->root->child('msgs') }
+sub BUILD($self,@) {
+ $self->$_->mkpath for qw(_tagdir _msgdir);
+ return;
+sub clear($self) {
+ do { $self->$_->remove_tree;$self->$_->mkpath } for qw(_tagdir _msgdir);
+ return;
+sub store($self,$mail,@tags) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,EmailMIME,slurpy ArrayRef[TagName]);$check->(@_);
+ my $str = $mail->as_string;
+ my $id = sha1_hex($str);
+ $self->_msgdir->child($id)->spew_raw($str);
+ $self->_tagdir->child($_)->append("$id\n") for @tags;
+ return $id;
+sub retrieve_by_id($self,$id) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,Str);$check->(@_);
+ my $msg_path = $self->_msgdir->child($id);
+ return unless -e $msg_path;
+ return Email::MIME->new($msg_path->slurp_raw);
+sub _tagged_by($self,$tag) {
+ my $tag_file = $self->_tagdir->child($tag);
+ return unless -e $tag_file;
+ return $tag_file->lines({chomp=>1});
+sub retrieve_ids_by_tags($self,@tags) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,slurpy ArrayRef[TagName]);$check->(@_);
+ my %msgs;
+ if (@tags) {
+ for my $tag (@tags) {
+ $_++ for @msgs{$self->_tagged_by($tag)};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msgs{$_->basename}=0 for $self->_msgdir->children;
+ }
+ my @ret;
+ for my $id (keys %msgs) {
+ next unless $msgs{$id} == @tags;
+ push @ret, $id;
+ }
+ return \@ret;
+sub retrieve_by_tags($self,@tags) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,slurpy ArrayRef[TagName]);$check->(@_);
+ my @ret;
+ for my $id ($self->retrieve_ids_by_tags(@tags)->@*) {
+ push @ret, {
+ id => $id,
+ mail => $self->retrieve_by_id($id),
+ };
+ }
+ return \@ret;
+sub remove($self,$id) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,Str);$check->(@_);
+ for my $tag_file ($self->_tagdir->children) {
+ $tag_file->edit_lines( sub { $_='' if /\A\Q$id\E\n?\z/ } );
+ }
+ $self->_msgdir->child($id)->remove;
+ return;
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Message.pm b/lib/Sietima/Message.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..181575f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Message.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package Sietima::Message;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef Object);
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr
+ Subscriber SubscriberFromAddress SubscriberFromStr
+ EmailMIME);
+use Email::Address;
+use Sietima::Subscriber;
+use Email::MIME;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Message - an email message with an envelope
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Sietima::Message;
+ my $msg = Sietima::Message->new({
+ mail => $email_mime_object,
+ from => 'sender@example.com',
+ to => [ 'recipient@example.com', 'also@example.com' ],
+ });
+This class pairs a L<< C<Email::MIME> >> object with its
+envelope. Objects of this class are usually generated by L<<
+C<Sietima::munge_mail>|Sietima/munge_mail >>, and consumed by L<<
+C<Sietima::send_message>|Sietima/send_message >>.
+All attributes are read-only and required.
+=head2 C<mail>
+An L<< C<Email::MIME> >> object, representing the message.
+has mail => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => EmailMIME,
+ required => 1,
+=head2 C<from>
+An L<< C<Email::Address> >> object, coercible from a string,
+representing the sender.
+has from => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Address,
+ coerce => AddressFromStr,
+ required => 1,
+=head2 C<to>
+An arrayref of L<< C<Sietima::Subscriber> >> objects, each coercible
+from a string or an L<< C<Email::Address> >> object, representing the
+my $subscriber_array = ArrayRef[
+ Subscriber->plus_coercions(
+ SubscriberFromStr,
+ SubscriberFromAddress,
+ )
+has to => (
+ isa => $subscriber_array,
+ is => 'ro',
+ coerce => $subscriber_array->coercion,
+ required => 1,
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<envelope>
+ my %envelope = $message->envelope->%*;
+Returns a hashref with envelope data, suitable for use with L<<
+C<Email::Sender::Transport::send>|Email::Sender::Transport/send >>.
+sub envelope ($self) {
+ return {
+ from => $self->from,
+ to => [ map { $_->address } $self->to->@* ],
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Policy.pm b/lib/Sietima/Policy.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686a4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Policy.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package Sietima::Policy;
+use 5.024;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature ':5.24';
+use experimental 'signatures';
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Policy - pragma for Sietima modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use 5.024;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use feature ':5.24';
+ use experimental 'signatures';
+or just:
+ use Sietima::Policy;
+This module imports the pragmas shown in the L</synopsis>. All Sietima
+modules use it.
+sub import {
+ # These affect the currently compiling scope,
+ # so no need for import::into
+ strict->import;
+ warnings->import;
+ experimental->import('signatures');
+ feature->import(':5.24');
+ return;
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/AvoidDups.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/AvoidDups.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac633c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/AvoidDups.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Sietima::Role::AvoidDups;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Email::Address;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::AvoidDups - prevent people from receiving the same message multiple times
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('AvoidDups')->new(\%args);
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will not send a
+message to a subscriber, if that subscriber is already mentioned in
+the C<To:> or C<Cc:> header fields, because they can be assumed to be
+already receiving the message directly from the sender.
+=head2 C<subscribers_to_send_to>
+Filters out subscribers that L<match|Sietima::Subscriber/match> the
+addresses in the C<To:> or C<Cc:> headers of the incoming email.
+around subscribers_to_send_to => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ my @already_receiving = map {
+ Email::Address->parse($_)
+ } $mail->header_str('to'),$mail->header_str('cc');
+ my %already_receiving = map {
+ $_->address => 1
+ } @already_receiving;
+ return [
+ grep {
+ not $already_receiving{$_->address}
+ }
+ $self->$orig($mail)->@*,
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/Debounce.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/Debounce.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ef936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/Debounce.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Sietima::Role::Debounce;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::Debounce - avoid mail loops
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('Debounce')->new(\%args);
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will mark each message
+with a C<X-Been-There:> header, and will not handle any messages that
+have that same header. This prevents messages bounced by other
+services from being looped between the mailing list and those other
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+If the incoming email contains our C<X-Been-There:> header, this
+method will return an empty list (essentially dropping the message).
+Otherwise, the header is added, and the email is processed normally.
+my $been_there = 'X-Been-There';
+around munge_mail => sub ($orig,$self,$incoming_mail) {
+ my $return_path = $self->return_path->address;
+ if (my $there = $incoming_mail->header_str($been_there)) {
+ return if $there =~ m{\b\Q$return_path\E\b};
+ }
+ $incoming_mail->header_str_set(
+ $been_there => $return_path,
+ );
+ return $self->$orig($incoming_mail);
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/Headers.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/Headers.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..166b355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/Headers.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package Sietima::Role::Headers;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(Str);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::Headers - adds standard list-related headers to messages
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('Headers')->new({
+ %args,
+ name => $name_of_the_list,
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will add, to each
+outgoing message, the set of headers defined in RFC 2919 and RFC 2369.
+This role uses the L<< C<list_addresses>|Sietima/list_addresses >>
+method to determine what headers to add.
+If the C<name> attribute is set, a C<List-Id:> header will be added,
+with a value built out of the name and the C<<
+$self->list_addresses->{return_path} >> value (which is normally the
+same as the L<< C<return_path>|Sietima/return_path >> attribute).
+Other C<List-*:> headers are built from the other values in the
+C<list_addresses> hashref. Those values can either be L<<
+C<Email::Address> >> objects (in which case the header will have a
+C<mailto:> URI as value) or strings (which will be used literally for
+the value of the header).
+=head2 C<name>
+Optional string, the name of the mailing list. If this attribute is
+set, a C<List-Id:> header will be added, with a value built out of the
+name and the C<< $self->list_addresses->{return_path} >> value (which
+is normally the same as the L<< C<return_path>|Sietima/return_path >>
+has name => (
+ isa => Str,
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 0,
+sub _add_headers_to($self,$message) {
+ my $addresses = $self->list_addresses;
+ my $mail = $message->mail;
+ # see RFC 2919 "List-Id: A Structured Field and Namespace for the
+ # Identification of Mailing Lists"
+ my $return_path = delete $addresses->{return_path};
+ if (my $name = $self->name) {
+ $mail->header_str_set(
+ 'List-Id',
+ sprintf '%s <%s>', $name,$return_path->address =~ s{\@}{.}r,
+ );
+ }
+ # if nobody declared a "post" address, let's guess it's the same
+ # as the address we send from
+ $addresses->{post} //= $return_path;
+ for my $name (sort keys $addresses->%*) {
+ my $header_name = 'List-' . ucfirst($name =~ s{[^[:alnum:]]+}{-}gr);
+ my $address = $addresses->{$name};
+ # if it's not an Email::Address obect, we'll just take it as a
+ # string: it could be a non-mailto URI, see RFC 2369 "The Use
+ # of URLs as Meta-Syntax for Core Mail List Commands and their
+ # Transport through Message Header Fields"
+ $mail->header_str_set(
+ $header_name => try {
+ sprintf '<mailto:%s>',$address->address
+ } catch { "$address" },
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+This method adds list-management headers to each message returned by
+the original method.
+around munge_mail => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ my @messages = $self->$orig($mail);
+ $self->_add_headers_to($_) for @messages;
+ return @messages;
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/NoMail.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/NoMail.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db58da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/NoMail.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package Sietima::Role::NoMail;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::NoMail - don't send mail to those who don't want it
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('NoMail')->new({
+ %args,
+ subscribers => [
+ { primary => 'write-only@example.com', prefs => { wants_mail => 0 } },
+ @other_subscribers,
+ ],
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will not send messages
+to subscribers that have the C<wants_mail> preference set to a false
+=head2 C<subscribers_to_send_to>
+Filters out subscribers that have the C<wants_mail> preference set to
+a false value.
+around subscribers_to_send_to => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ return [
+ grep { $_->prefs->{wants_mail} // 1 }
+ $self->$orig($mail)->@*,
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/ReplyTo.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/ReplyTo.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9de1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/ReplyTo.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+package Sietima::Role::ReplyTo;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(Bool);
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr);
+use List::AllUtils qw(part);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::ReplyTo - munge the C<Reply-To> header
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('ReplyTo')->new({
+ %args,
+ return_path => 'list-bounce@example.com',
+ munge_reply_to => 1,
+ post_address => 'list@example.com',
+ subscribers => [
+ { primary => 'special@example.com', prefs => { munge_reply_to => 0 } },
+ @other_subscribers,
+ ],
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will, on request, set
+the C<Reply-To:> header to the value of the L<<
+C<post_address>|Sietima::Role::WithPostAddress >> attribute.
+This behaviour can be selected both at the list level (with the L<<
+/C<munge_reply_to> >> attribute) and at the subscriber level (with the
+C<munge_reply_to> preference). By default, the C<Reply-To:> header is
+not touched.
+This is a "sub-role" of L<<
+C<WithPostAddress>|Sietima::Role::WithPostAddress >>.
+with 'Sietima::Role::WithPostAddress';
+=head2 C<munge_reply_to>
+Optional boolean, defaults to false. If set to a true value, all
+messages will have their C<Reply-To:> header set to the value of the
+L<< /C<post_address> >> attribute. This setting can be overridden by
+individual subscribers with the C<munge_reply_to> preference.
+has munge_reply_to => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Bool,
+ default => 0,
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+For each message returned by the original method, this method
+partitions the subscribers, who are recipients of the message,
+according to their C<munge_reply_to> preference (or the L<<
+/C<munge_reply_to> >> attribute, if a subscriber does not have the
+preference set).
+If no recipients want the C<Reply-To:> header modified, this method
+will just pass the message through.
+If all recipients want the C<Reply-To:> header modified, this method
+will set the header, and pass the modified message.
+If some recipients want the C<Reply-To:> header modified, and some
+don't, this method will clone the message, modify the header in one
+copy, set the appropriate part of the recipients to each copy, and
+pass both through.
+around munge_mail => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ my @messages = $self->$orig($mail);
+ my @ret;
+ for my $m (@messages) {
+ my ($leave,$munge) = part {
+ my $m = $_->prefs->{munge_reply_to};
+ defined $m ? (
+ $m ? 1 : 0
+ ) : ( $self->munge_reply_to ? 1 : 0 )
+ } $m->to->@*;
+ if (not ($munge and $munge->@*)) {
+ # nothing to do
+ push @ret,$m;
+ }
+ elsif (not ($leave and $leave->@*)) {
+ # all these recipients want munging
+ $m->mail->header_str_set('Reply-To',$self->post_address->address);
+ push @ret,$m;
+ }
+ else {
+ # some want it, some don't: create two different messages
+ my $leave_message = Sietima::Message->new({
+ mail => $m->mail,
+ from => $m->from,
+ to => $leave,
+ });
+ my $munged_mail = Email::MIME->new($m->mail->as_string);
+ $munged_mail->header_str_set('Reply-To',$self->post_address->address);
+ my $munged_message = Sietima::Message->new({
+ mail => $munged_mail,
+ from => $m->from,
+ to => $munge,
+ });
+ push @ret,$leave_message,$munged_message;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/SubjectTag.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubjectTag.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75170d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubjectTag.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package Sietima::Role::SubjectTag;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(Str);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::SubjectTag - add a tag to messages' subjects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('SubjectTag')->new({
+ %args,
+ subject_tag => 'foo',
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will prepend the given
+tag to every outgoing message's C<Subject:> header.
+=head2 C<subject_tag>
+Required string. This string, enclosed by square brackets, will be
+prepended to the C<Subject:> header of outgoing messages. For example,
+the code in the L</synopsis> would cause an incoming message with
+subject "new stuff" to be sent out with subject "[foo] new stuff".
+If the incoming message's C<Subject:> header already contains the tag,
+the header will not be modified. This prevents getting subjects like
+"[foo] Re: [foo] Re: [foo] new stuff".
+has subject_tag => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Str,
+ required => 1,
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+The subject of the incoming email is modified to add the tag (unless
+it's already there). The email is then processed normally.
+around munge_mail => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ my $tag = '['.$self->subject_tag.']';
+ my $subject = $mail->header_str('Subject');
+ unless ($subject =~ m{\Q$tag\E}) {
+ $mail->header_str_set(
+ Subject => "$tag $subject",
+ );
+ }
+ return $self->$orig($mail);
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff93076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+package Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Email::Address;
+use List::AllUtils qw(any);
+use Types::Standard qw(Object CodeRef);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly - base role for "closed" lists
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::MyPolicy;
+ use Moo::Role;
+ use Sietima::Policy;
+ sub munge_mail_from_non_subscriber($self,$mail) { ... }
+This is a base role; in other words, it's not useable directly.
+This role should be used when defining policies for "closed" lists:
+lists that accept messages from subscribers, but do something special
+with messages from non-subscribers.
+See L<< C<Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Drop> >> and L<<
+C<Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Moderate> >> for useable roles.
+=head2 C<munge_mail_from_non_subscriber>
+ sub munge_mail_from_non_subscriber($self,$mail) { ... }
+This method will be invoked from L<< C<munge_mail>|Sietima/munge_mail
+>> whenever an email is processed that does not come from one of the
+list's subscribers. This method should return a (possibly empty) list
+of L<< C<Sietima::Message> >> objects, just like C<munge_mail>. It can
+also have side-effects, like forwarding the email to the owner of the
+requires 'munge_mail_from_non_subscriber';
+our $let_it_pass=0;
+=head2 C<munge_mail>
+If the incoming email's C<From:> header contains an address that
+L<matches|Sietima::Subscriber/match> any of the subscribers, the email
+is processed normally. Otherwise, L<<
+/C<munge_mail_from_non_subscriber> >> is invoked.
+around munge_mail => sub ($orig,$self,$mail) {
+ my ($from) = Email::Address->parse( $mail->header_str('from') );
+ if ( $let_it_pass or
+ any { $_->match($from) } $self->subscribers->@* ) {
+ $self->$orig($mail);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->munge_mail_from_non_subscriber($mail);
+ }
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<ignoring_subscriberonly>
+ $sietima->ignoring_subscriberonly(sub($s) {
+ $s->handle_mail($mail);
+ });
+This method provides a way to run Sietima ignoring the "subscriber
+only" beaviour. Your coderef will be passed a Sietima object that will
+behave exactly as the invocant of this method, minus this role's
+sub ignoring_subscriberonly($self,$code) {
+ state $check = compile(Object,CodeRef); $check->(@_);
+ local $let_it_pass = 1;
+ return $code->($self);
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Drop.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Drop.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..029889f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Drop.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Drop;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Drop - drop messages from non-subscribers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('SubscribersOnly::Drop')->new({
+ %args,
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will silently discard
+every incoming email that does not come from one of the list's
+This is a "sub-role" of L<<
+C<SubscribersOnly>|Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly >>.
+with 'Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly';
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<munge_mail_from_non_subscriber>
+Does nothing, returns an empty list.
+sub munge_mail_from_non_subscriber { }
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Moderate.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Moderate.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..750e4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/SubscriberOnly/Moderate.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+package Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Moderate;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Email::Stuffer;
+use Email::MIME;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly::Moderate - moderate messages from non-subscribers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('SubscribersOnly::Moderate')->new({
+ %args,
+ owner => 'listmaster@example.com',
+ mail_store => {
+ class => 'Sietima::MailStore::FS',
+ root => '/tmp',
+ },
+ });
+A L<< C<Sietima> >> list with this role applied will accept incoming
+emails coming from non-subscribers, and store it for moderation. Each
+such email will be forwarded (as an attachment) to the list's owner.
+The owner will the be able to delete the message, or allow it.
+This is a "sub-role" of L<<
+C<SubscribersOnly>|Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly >>, L<<
+C<WithMailStore>|Sietima::Role::WithMailStore >>, and L<<
+C<WithOwner>|Sietima::Role::WithOwner >>.
+with 'Sietima::Role::SubscriberOnly',
+ 'Sietima::Role::WithMailStore',
+ 'Sietima::Role::WithOwner';
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<munge_mail_from_non_subscriber>
+L<Stores|Sietima::MailStore/store> the email with the C<moderation>
+tag, and forwards it to the L<list
+sub munge_mail_from_non_subscriber ($self,$mail) {
+ my $id = $self->mail_store->store($mail,'moderation');
+ my $notice = Email::Stuffer
+ ->from($self->return_path->address)
+ ->to($self->owner->address)
+ ->subject("Message held for moderation - ".$mail->header_str('subject'))
+ ->text_body("Use id $id to refer to it")
+ ->attach(
+ $mail->as_string,
+ content_type => 'message/rfc822',
+ # some clients, most notably Claws-Mail, seem to have
+ # problems with encodings other than this
+ encoding => '7bit',
+ );
+ $self->transport->send($notice->email,{
+ from => $self->return_path,
+ to => [ $self->owner ],
+ });
+ return;
+=head2 C<resume>
+ $sietima->resume($mail_id);
+Given an identifier returned when L<storing|Sietima::MailStore/store>
+an email, this method retrieves the email and re-processes it via L<<
+>>. This will make sure that the email is not caught again by the
+subscriber-only filter.
+sub resume ($self,$mail_id) {
+ my $mail = $self->mail_store->retrieve_by_id($mail_id);
+ $self->ignoring_subscriberonly(
+ sub($s) { $s->handle_mail($mail) },
+ );
+ $self->mail_store->remove($mail_id);
+=head2 C<drop>
+ $sietima->drop($mail_id);
+Given an identifier returned when L<storing|Sietima::MailStore/store>
+an email, this method deletes the email from the store.
+sub drop ($self,$mail_id) {
+ $self->mail_store->remove($mail_id);
+=head2 C<list_mails_in_moderation_queue>
+ $sietima->list_mails_in_moderation_queue($sietima_runner);
+This method L<retrieves all the
+identifiers|Sietima::MailStore/retrieve_by_tags> of messages tagged
+C<moderation>, and L<prints them out|App::Spec::Runner/out> via the
+L<< C<Sietima::Runner> >> object.
+This method is usually invoked from the command line, see L<<
+/C<command_line_spec> >>.
+sub list_mails_in_moderation_queue ($self,$runner,@) {
+ my $mails = $self->mail_store->retrieve_by_tags('moderation');
+ $runner->out(sprintf 'There are %d messages held for moderation:',scalar($mails->@*));
+ for my $mail ($mails->@*) {
+ $runner->out(sprintf '* %s %s "%s" (%s)',
+ $mail->{id},
+ $mail->{mail}->header_str('From')//'<no from>',
+ $mail->{mail}->header_str('Subject')//'<no subject>',
+ $mail->{mail}->header_str('Date')//'<no date>',
+ );
+ }
+=head2 C<show_mail_from_moderation_queue>
+ $sietima->show_mail_from_moderation_queue($sietima_runner);
+This method L<retrieves the email|Sietima::MailStore/retrieve_by_id>
+of the message requested from the command line, and L<prints it
+out|App::Spec::Runner/out> via the L<< C<Sietima::Runner> >> object.
+This method is usually invoked from the command line, see L<<
+/C<command_line_spec> >>.
+sub show_mail_from_moderation_queue ($self,$runner,@) {
+ my $id = $runner->parameters->{'mail-id'};
+ my $mail = $self->mail_store->retrieve_by_id($id);
+ $runner->out("Message $id:");
+ $runner->out($mail->as_string =~ s{\r\n}{\n}gr);
+=head2 C<command_line_spec>
+This method adds the following sub-commands for the command line:
+=item C<list-held>
+ $ sietima list-held
+Invokes the L<< /C<list_mails_in_moderation_queue> >> method, printing
+the identifiers of all messages held for moderation.
+=item C<show-held>
+ $ sietima show-held 32946p6eu7867
+Invokes the L<< /C<show_mail_from_moderation_queue> >> method,
+printing one message held for moderation; the identifier is expected
+as a positional parameter.
+=item C<resume-held>
+ $ sietima resume-held 32946p6eu7867
+Invokes the L<< /C<resume> >> method, causing the held message to be
+processed normally; the identifier is expected as a positional
+=item C<drop-held>
+ $ sietima drop-held 32946p6eu7867
+Invokes the L<< /C<drop> >> method, removing the held message; the
+identifier is expected as a positional parameter.
+around command_line_spec => sub ($orig,$self) {
+ my $spec = $self->$orig();
+ # this allows us to tab-complete identifiers from the shell!
+ my $list_mail_ids = sub ($self,$runner,$args) {
+ $self->mail_store->retrieve_ids_by_tags('moderation');
+ };
+ # a little factoring: $etc->($command_name) generates the spec for
+ # sub-commands that require a mail id
+ my $etc = sub($cmd) {
+ return (
+ summary => "$cmd the given mail, currently held for moderation",
+ parameters => [
+ {
+ name => 'mail-id',
+ required => 1,
+ summary => "id of the mail to $cmd",
+ completion => { op => $list_mail_ids },
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+ };
+ $spec->{subcommands}{'list-held'} = {
+ op => 'list_mails_in_moderation_queue',
+ summary => 'list all mails currently held for moderation',
+ };
+ $spec->{subcommands}{'show-held'} = {
+ op => 'show_mail_from_moderation_queue',
+ $etc->('show'),
+ };
+ $spec->{subcommands}{'resume-held'} = {
+ op => sub ($self,$runner,$args) {
+ $self->resume($runner->parameters->{'mail-id'});
+ },
+ $etc->('resume'),
+ };
+ $spec->{subcommands}{'drop-held'} = {
+ op => sub ($self,$runner,$args) {
+ $self->drop($runner->parameters->{'mail-id'});
+ },
+ $etc->('drop'),
+ };
+ return $spec;
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/WithMailStore.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithMailStore.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ae07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithMailStore.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Sietima::Role::WithMailStore;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::Types qw(MailStore MailStoreFromHashRef);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::WithMailStore - role for lists with a store for messages
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('WithMailStore')->new({
+ %args,
+ mail_store => {
+ class => 'Sietima::MailStore::FS',
+ root => '/tmp',
+ },
+ });
+This role adds a L<< /C<mail_store> >> attribute.
+On its own, this role is not very useful, but other roles (like L<<
+>>) can have uses for an object that can persistently store messages.
+=head2 C<mail_store>
+Required instance of an object that consumes the L<<
+C<Sietima::MailStore> >> role. Instead of passing an instance, you can
+pass a hashref (like in the L</synopsis>): the C<class> key provides
+the class name, and the rest of the hash will be passed to its
+has mail_store => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => MailStore,
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => MailStoreFromHashRef,
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/WithOwner.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithOwner.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dccb904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithOwner.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package Sietima::Role::WithOwner;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::WithOwner - role for lists with an owner
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('WithOwner')->new({
+ %args,
+ owner => 'listmaster@example.com',
+ });
+This role adds an L<< /C<owner> >> attribute, and exposes it via the
+L<< C<list_addresses>|Sietima/list_addresses >> method.
+On its own, this role is not very useful, but other roles (like L<<
+>>) can have uses for an owner address.
+=head2 C<owner>
+Required instance of L<< C<Email::Address> >>, coercible from a
+string. This is the address of the owner of the list.
+has owner => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Address,
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => AddressFromStr,
+around list_addresses => sub($orig,$self) {
+ return +{
+ $self->$orig->%*,
+ owner => $self->owner,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Role/WithPostAddress.pm b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithPostAddress.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79507ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Role/WithPostAddress.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package Sietima::Role::WithPostAddress;
+use Moo::Role;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Role::WithPostAddress - role for lists with a posting address
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $sietima = Sietima->with_traits('WithPostAddress')->new({
+ %args,
+ return_path => 'list-bounce@example.com',
+ post_address => 'list@example.com',
+ });
+This role adds an L<< /C<post_address> >> attribute, and exposes it
+via the L<< C<list_addresses>|Sietima/list_addresses >> method.
+On its own, this role is not very useful, but other roles (like L<<
+C<ReplyTo>|Sietima::Role::ReplyTo >>) can have uses for a post
+=head2 C<post_address>
+An L<< C<Email::Address> >> object, defaults to the value of the L<<
+C<return_path>|Sietima/return_path >> attribute. This is the address
+that the mailing list receives messages at.
+has post_address => (
+ is => 'lazy',
+ isa => Address,
+ coerce => AddressFromStr,
+sub _build_post_address($self) { $self->return_path }
+around list_addresses => sub($orig,$self) {
+ return +{
+ $self->$orig->%*,
+ post => $self->post_address,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Runner.pm b/lib/Sietima/Runner.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64e23eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Runner.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package Sietima::Runner;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+You should never need to care about this class, it's used internally
+by L<< C<Sietima::CmdLine> >>.
+This is a subclass of L<< C<App::Spec::Run> >> that uses directly
+itself to execute the built-in commands, instead of delegating to the
+C<cmd> object (in our case, a C<Sietima> instance) which would
+delegate back via L<< C<App::Spec::Run::Cmd> >>.
+extends 'App::Spec::Run';
+sub run_op($self,$op,$args=[]) {
+ if ($op =~ /^cmd_/) {
+ $self->$op($args);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->cmd->$op($self,$args);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Subscriber.pm b/lib/Sietima/Subscriber.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c7d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Subscriber.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+package Sietima::Subscriber;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef HashRef Object);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr);
+use Email::Address;
+use List::AllUtils qw(any);
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Subscriber - a subscriber to a mailing list
+This class holds the primary email address for a mailing list
+subscriber, together with possible aliases and preferences.
+All attributes are read-only.
+=head2 C<primary>
+Required L<< C<Email::Address> >> object, coercible from a string.
+This is the primary address for the subscriber, the one where they
+will receive messages from the mailing list.
+has primary => (
+ isa => Address,
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => AddressFromStr,
+ handles => [qw(address name original)],
+=head2 C<aliases>
+Arrayref of L<< C<Email::Address> >> objects, each coercible from a
+string. Defaults to an empty arrayref.
+These are secondary addresses that the subscriber may write
+from. Subscriber-only mailing lists should accept messages from any of
+these addresses as if they were from the primary. The L<< /C<match> >>
+simplifies that task.
+my $address_array = ArrayRef[
+ Address->plus_coercions(
+ AddressFromStr
+ )
+has aliases => (
+ isa => $address_array,
+ is => 'lazy',
+ coerce => $address_array->coercion,
+sub _build_aliases { +[] }
+=head2 C<prefs>
+A hashref. Various preferences that may be interpreted by Sietima
+roles. Defaults to an empty hashref.
+has prefs => (
+ isa => HashRef,
+ is => 'ro',
+ default => sub { +{} },
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<match>
+ if ($subscriber->match($address)) { ... }
+Given a L<< C<Email::Address> >> object (or a string), this method
+returns true if the address is equivalent to the
+L</primary> or any of the L</aliases>.
+This method should be used to determine whether an address belongs to
+a subscriber.
+sub match {
+ # we can't use the sub signature here, because we need the
+ # coercion
+ state $check = compile(Object,Address->plus_coercions(AddressFromStr));
+ my ($self,$addr) = $check->(@_);
+ return any { $addr->address eq $_->address }
+ $self->primary, $self->aliases->@*;
+=head2 C<address>
+=head2 C<name>
+=head2 C<original>
+These methods delegate to L<< C<Email::Address> >>'s methods of the
+same name, invoked on the L<primary address|/primary>.
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/Types.pm b/lib/Sietima/Types.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c75b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/Types.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+package Sietima::Types;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Type::Utils -all;
+use Types::Standard qw(Str HashRef);
+use namespace::clean;
+use Type::Library
+ -base,
+ -declare => qw(SietimaObj
+ Address AddressFromStr
+ TagName
+ EmailMIME Message
+ Subscriber SubscriberFromAddress SubscriberFromStr SubscriberFromHashRef
+ Transport MailStore MailStoreFromHashRef);
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::Types - type library for Sietima
+This module is a L<< C<Type::Library> >>. It declares a few type
+constraints nad coercions.
+=head1 TYPES
+=head2 C<SietimaObj>
+An instance of L<< C<Sietima> >>.
+class_type SietimaObj, { class => 'Sietima' };
+=head2 C<EmailMIME>
+An instance of L<< C<Email::MIME> >>.
+class_type EmailMIME, { class => 'Email::MIME' };
+=head2 C<Transport>
+An object that consumes the role L<< C<Email::Sender::Transport> >>.
+role_type Transport, { role => 'Email::Sender::Transport' };
+=head2 C<MailStore>
+An object that consumes the role L<< C<Sietima::MailStore> >>.
+=item C<MailStoreFromHashRef>
+ has store => ( isa => MailStore->plus_coercions(MailStoreFromHashRef) );
+Using this coercion, a hashref of the form:
+ {
+ class => 'Some::Store::Class',
+ %constructor_args,
+ }
+will be converted into an instance of C<Some::Store::Class> built with
+the C<%constructor_args>.
+role_type MailStore, { role => 'Sietima::MailStore' };
+declare_coercion MailStoreFromHashRef,
+ to_type MailStore, from HashRef,
+ q{ require Module::Runtime;
+ Module::Runtime::use_module(delete $_->{class})->new($_);
+ };
+=head2 C<Address>
+An instance of L<< C<Email::Address> >>.
+=item C<AddressFromStr>
+ has address => ( isa => Address->plus_coercions(AddressFromStr) );
+Using this coercion, a string will be parsed into an L<<
+C<Email::Address> >>. If the string contains more than one address,
+only the first one will be used.
+class_type Address, { class => 'Email::Address' };
+declare_coercion AddressFromStr,
+ to_type Address, from Str,
+ q{ (Email::Address->parse($_))[0] };
+=head2 C<TagName>
+A string composed exclusively of "word" (C</\w/>) characters. Used by
+L<mail stores|Sietima::MailStore> to tag messages.
+declare TagName, as Str,
+ where { /\A\w+\z/ },
+ inline_as sub($constraint,$varname,@){
+ $constraint->parent->inline_check($varname)
+ .qq{ && ($varname =~/\\A\\w+\\z/) };
+ };
+=head2 C<Message>
+An instance of L<< C<Sietima::Message> >>.
+class_type Message, { class => 'Sietima::Message' };
+=head2 C<Subscriber>
+An instance of L<< C<Sietima::Subscriber> >>.
+=item C<SubscriberFromAddress>
+ has sub => ( isa => Subscriber->plus_coercions(SubscriberFromAddress) );
+Using this coercion, an L<< C<Email::Address> >> will be converted
+into a subscriber that has that address as its primary.
+=item C<SubscriberFromStr>
+ has sub => ( isa => Subscriber->plus_coercions(SubscriberFromStr) );
+Using this coercion, a string will be converted into a subscriber that
+has the first address parsed from that string as its primary.
+=item C<SubscriberFromHashRef>
+ has sub => ( isa => Subscriber->plus_coercions(SubscriberFromHashRef) );
+Using this coercion, a hashref will be converted into a subscriber by
+passing it to the constructor.
+class_type Subscriber, { class => 'Sietima::Subscriber' };
+declare_coercion SubscriberFromAddress,
+ to_type Subscriber, from Address,
+ q{ Sietima::Subscriber->new(primary=>$_) };
+declare_coercion SubscriberFromStr,
+ to_type Subscriber, from Str,
+ q{ Sietima::Subscriber->new(primary=>(Email::Address->parse($_))[0]) };
+declare_coercion SubscriberFromHashRef,
+ to_type Subscriber, from HashRef,
+ q{ Sietima::Subscriber->new($_) };
diff --git a/t/lib/Test/Sietima.pm b/t/lib/Test/Sietima.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a97fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/Test/Sietima.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+package Test::Sietima;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Import::Into;
+use Email::Stuffer;
+use Email::Sender::Transport::Test;
+use Data::Printer;
+use Sietima;
+use Test2::Bundle::Extended;
+use Test2::API qw(context);
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use namespace::clean;
+sub import {
+ my $target = caller;
+ Test2::Bundle::Extended->import::into($target);
+ Test2::Plugin::DieOnFail->import::into($target);
+ Data::Printer->import::into($target);
+ Sietima::Policy->import::into($target);
+ for my $function (qw(transport make_sietima make_mail
+ deliveries_are test_sending
+ run_cmdline_sub)) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ "${target}::${function}"->** = __PACKAGE__->can($function);
+ }
+ return;
+my $return_path = 'sietima-test@list.example.com';
+sub transport {
+ state $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::Test->new;
+ return $transport;
+sub make_sietima (%args) {
+ my $class = 'Sietima';
+ if (my $traits = delete $args{with_traits}) {
+ $class = $class->with_traits($traits->@*);
+ }
+ $class->new({
+ return_path => $return_path,
+ %args,
+ transport => transport(),
+ });
+my $maybe = sub ($obj,$method,$arg) {
+ return $obj unless $arg;
+ return $obj->$method($arg);
+my $mapit = sub ($obj,$method,$arg) {
+ return $obj unless $arg;
+ for my $k (keys $arg->%*) {
+ $obj = $obj->$method($k, $arg->{$k});
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub make_mail (%args) {
+ Email::Stuffer
+ ->from($args{from}||'someone@users.example.com')
+ ->to($args{to}||$return_path)
+ ->$maybe(cc => $args{cc})
+ ->$mapit(header => $args{headers})
+ ->subject($args{subject}||'Test Message')
+ ->text_body($args{body}||'some simple message')
+ ->email;
+sub deliveries_are (%args) {
+ my $ctx = context();
+ my $checker;
+ if (my @mails = ($args{mails}||[])->@*) {
+ $checker = bag {
+ for my $m (@mails) {
+ item hash {
+ if (ref($m) eq 'HASH') {
+ field email => object {
+ call [cast=>'Email::MIME'] => $m->{o};
+ };
+ field envelope => hash {
+ field to => bag {
+ item $_ for $m->{to}->@*;
+ } if $m->{to};
+ field from => $m->{from} if $m->{from};
+ etc();
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ field email => object {
+ call [cast=>'Email::MIME'] => $m;
+ };
+ }
+ etc();
+ };
+ }
+ end();
+ };
+ }
+ elsif (my @recipients = do {my $to = $args{to}; ref($to) ? $to->@* : $to // () }) {
+ $checker = array {
+ item hash {
+ field envelope => hash {
+ field from => $args{from}||$return_path;
+ field to => bag {
+ for (@recipients) {
+ item $_;
+ }
+ end();
+ };
+ etc();
+ };
+ etc();
+ };
+ end();
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ $checker = [];
+ }
+ my @deliveries = transport->deliveries;
+ is(
+ \@deliveries,
+ $checker,
+ $args{test_message}//'the deliveries should be as expected',
+ np @deliveries,
+ );
+ $ctx->release;
+sub test_sending (%args) {
+ my $ctx = context();
+ my $sietima = delete $args{sietima};
+ if (!$sietima or ref($sietima) eq 'HASH') {
+ $sietima = make_sietima(%{$sietima||{}});
+ }
+ my $mail = delete $args{mail};
+ if (!$mail or ref($mail) eq 'HASH') {
+ $mail = make_mail(
+ to => $sietima->return_path,
+ %{$mail||{}},
+ );
+ }
+ transport->clear_deliveries;
+ ok(
+ lives { $sietima->handle_mail($mail) },
+ 'should handle the mail',
+ $@,
+ );
+ $args{from} ||= $sietima->return_path;
+ $args{to} ||= [ map { $_->address} $sietima->subscribers->@* ];
+ deliveries_are(%args);
+ $ctx->release;
+sub run_cmdline_sub($sietima,$method,$options={},$parameters={}) {
+ require Sietima::Runner;
+ my $r = Sietima::Runner->new({
+ options => $options,
+ parameters => $parameters,
+ cmd => $sietima,
+ op => $method,
+ });
+ $r->response(App::Spec::Run::Response->new);
+ ok(
+ lives { $sietima->$method($r) },
+ "calling $method should live",
+ );
+ my %ret;
+ for my $output ($r->response->outputs->@*) {
+ $ret{
+ $output->error ? 'error' : 'output'
+ } .= $output->content;
+ }
+ $ret{exit} = $r->response->exit();
+ return \%ret;
diff --git a/t/lib/Test/Sietima/MailStore.pm b/t/lib/Test/Sietima/MailStore.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4fb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/Test/Sietima/MailStore.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package Test::Sietima::MailStore;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use List::AllUtils qw(all first_index);
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
+use namespace::clean;
+with 'Sietima::MailStore';
+has _mails => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { +{} },
+sub clear { shift->_mails({}) }
+sub store ($self,$mail,@tags) {
+ my $str = $mail->as_string;
+ my $id = sha1_hex($str);
+ $self->_mails->{$id} = {
+ id => $id,
+ mail => $str,
+ tags => { map {$_ => 1;} @tags, },
+ };
+ return $id;
+sub retrieve_ids_by_tags ($self,@tags){
+ my @ret;
+ for my $m (values $self->_mails->%*) {
+ next unless all { $m->{tags}{$_} } @tags;
+ push @ret, $m->{id};
+ }
+ return \@ret;
+sub retrieve_by_tags ($self,@tags){
+ my @ret;
+ for my $m (values $self->_mails->%*) {
+ next unless all { $m->{tags}{$_} } @tags;
+ push @ret, {
+ $m->%{id},
+ mail => Email::MIME->new($m->{mail})
+ };
+ }
+ return \@ret;
+sub retrieve_by_id ($self,$id) {
+ if (my $m = $self->_mails->{$id}) {
+ return Email::MIME->new($m->{mail});
+ }
+ return;
+sub remove($self,$id) {
+ delete $self->_mails->{$id};
+ return;
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima.t b/t/tests/sietima.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987cbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima.t
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+ok(make_sietima(),'should instantiate') or bail_out;
+subtest 'no subscribers' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ to => [],
+ );
+subtest 'with subscribers' => sub {
+ my @subscriber_addresses = (
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => { subscribers => \@subscriber_addresses },
+ to => \@subscriber_addresses,
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/cmdline.t b/t/tests/sietima/cmdline.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd24c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/cmdline.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Sietima;
+use Sietima::CmdLine;
+subtest 'given instance' => sub {
+ my $s = Sietima->new({
+ return_path => 'list@example.com',
+ });
+ my $c = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ sietima => $s,
+ });
+ is(
+ $c,
+ object {
+ call app_spec => object {
+ call name => 'sietima';
+ call subcommands => hash {
+ field send => object {
+ call name => 'send';
+ };
+ etc;
+ };
+ };
+ call runner => object {
+ call cmd => $s;
+ };
+ },
+ 'spec & runner should be built',
+ );
+subtest 'built via args' => sub {
+ my $c = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ args => {
+ return_path => 'list@example.com',
+ },
+ });
+ is(
+ $c,
+ object {
+ call sietima => object {
+ call return_path => 'list@example.com';
+ };
+ },
+ 'sietima should be built',
+ );
+subtest 'built via args & traits' => sub {
+ my $c = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ traits => [ qw(ReplyTo) ],
+ args => {
+ return_path => 'list@example.com',
+ },
+ });
+ DOES_ok(
+ $c->sietima,
+ ['Sietima::Role::ReplyTo'],
+ 'sietima should be built with the given trait',
+ );
+subtest 'extra spec' => sub {
+ my $c = Sietima::CmdLine->new({
+ extra_spec => { name => 'different' },
+ args => {
+ return_path => 'list@example.com',
+ },
+ });
+ is(
+ $c->app_spec,
+ object {
+ call name => 'different';
+ },
+ 'spec fields should be overridden',
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/mailstore.t b/t/tests/sietima/mailstore.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2aa08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/mailstore.t
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Email::Stuffer;
+use Path::Tiny;
+package TestClassWithMS {
+ use Moo;
+ use Sietima::Policy;
+ with 'Sietima::Role::WithMailStore';
+subtest 'Role::WithMailStore' => sub {
+ subtest 'plain instance' => sub {
+ require Test::Sietima::MailStore;
+ ok(
+ lives {
+ TestClassWithMS->new({
+ mail_store => Test::Sietima::MailStore->new,
+ })
+ },
+ 'passing a test instance should work',
+ );
+ };
+ subtest 'type coercion' => sub {
+ my $tc;
+ my $root = Path::Tiny->tempdir;
+ ok(
+ lives {
+ $tc = TestClassWithMS->new({
+ mail_store => {
+ class => 'Sietima::MailStore::FS',
+ root => $root,
+ },
+ })
+ },
+ 'passing a hashref should work (and load the class)',
+ );
+ is(
+ $tc->mail_store,
+ object {
+ prop blessed => 'Sietima::MailStore::FS';
+ call root => $root;
+ },
+ 'the mailstore should be built correctly',
+ );
+ };
+sub mkmail($id) {
+ Email::Stuffer
+ ->from("from-${id}\@example.com")
+ ->to("to-${id}\@example.com")
+ ->subject("subject $id")
+ ->text_body("body $id \nbody body\n")
+ ->email;
+sub chkmail($id) {
+ object {
+ call [header=>'from'] => "from-${id}\@example.com";
+ call [header=>'to'] => "to-${id}\@example.com";
+ call [header=>'subject'] => "subject $id";
+ call body => match qr{\bbody \Q$id\E\b};
+ };
+sub chk_multimail(@ids) {
+ return bag {
+ for my $id (@ids) {
+ item hash {
+ field id => D();
+ field mail => chkmail($id);
+ end;
+ };
+ }
+ end;
+ };
+sub test_store($store) {
+ my %stored_id;
+ subtest 'storing' => sub {
+ ok($stored_id{1}=$store->store(mkmail(1),'tag1','tag2'));
+ ok($stored_id{2}=$store->store(mkmail(2),'tag2'));
+ ok($stored_id{3}=$store->store(mkmail(3),'tag1'));
+ };
+ subtest 'retrieving by id' => sub {
+ is(
+ $store->retrieve_by_id($stored_id{$_}),
+ chkmail($_),
+ ) for 1..3;
+ };
+ subtest 'retrieving by tag' => sub {
+ my $tag1 = $store->retrieve_by_tags('tag1');
+ is(
+ $tag1,
+ chk_multimail(1,3),
+ 'tag1 should have mails 1 & 3',
+ );
+ my $tag2 = $store->retrieve_by_tags('tag2');
+ is(
+ $tag2,
+ chk_multimail(1,2),
+ 'tag1 should have mails 1 & 2',
+ );
+ my $tag12 = $store->retrieve_by_tags('tag2','tag1');
+ is(
+ $tag12,
+ chk_multimail(1),
+ 'tag1+tag2 should have mail 1',
+ );
+ my $tag_all = $store->retrieve_by_tags();
+ is(
+ $tag_all,
+ chk_multimail(1,2,3),
+ 'no tags should retrieve all mails',
+ );
+ };
+ subtest 'retrieving ids by tag' => sub {
+ my $tag1 = $store->retrieve_ids_by_tags('tag1');
+ is(
+ $tag1,
+ bag { item $stored_id{1}; item $stored_id{3}; end },
+ 'tag1 should have ids 1 & 3',
+ );
+ my $tag2 = $store->retrieve_ids_by_tags('tag2');
+ is(
+ $tag2,
+ bag { item $stored_id{1}; item $stored_id{2}; end },
+ 'tag1 should have ids 1 & 2',
+ );
+ my $tag12 = $store->retrieve_ids_by_tags('tag2','tag1');
+ is(
+ $tag12,
+ bag { item $stored_id{1}; end },
+ 'tag1+tag2 should have id 1',
+ );
+ my $tag_all = $store->retrieve_ids_by_tags();
+ is(
+ $tag_all,
+ bag { item $stored_id{1}; item $stored_id{2}; item $stored_id{3}; end },
+ 'no tags should retrieve all ids',
+ );
+ };
+ subtest 'removing' => sub {
+ $store->remove($stored_id{2});
+ is(
+ $store->retrieve_by_tags('tag2'),
+ chk_multimail(1),
+ 'remove should remove',
+ );
+ };
+ subtest 'clearing' => sub {
+ $store->clear;
+ is(
+ $store->retrieve_by_tags(),
+ [],
+ 'clear should clear',
+ );
+ };
+subtest 'test store' => sub {
+ test_store(Test::Sietima::MailStore->new);
+subtest 'file store' => sub {
+ my $root = Path::Tiny->tempdir;
+ test_store(Sietima::MailStore::FS->new({root => $root}));
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/message.t b/t/tests/sietima/message.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c548a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/message.t
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Email::Stuffer;
+use Sietima::Message;
+my $mail = Email::Stuffer
+ ->from('one@example.com')
+ ->to('two@example, three@example.com')
+ ->text_body('test message')->email;
+my $message = Sietima::Message->new({
+ mail => $mail,
+ from => 'one@envelope.example.com',
+ to => [
+ 'two@envelope.example.com',
+ 'three@envelope.example.com',
+ ],
+ $message->envelope,
+ {
+ from => 'one@envelope.example.com',
+ to => bag {
+ item 'two@envelope.example.com';
+ item 'three@envelope.example.com';
+ },
+ },
+ 'the envelope should be built from the attributes',
+# I'm not sure I'll need 'clone', so I won't test it for the moment
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/multi-role/debounce-moderate.t b/t/tests/sietima/multi-role/debounce-moderate.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61c551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/multi-role/debounce-moderate.t
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Test::Sietima::MailStore;
+sub test_one($traits,$should_send=1) {
+ my @subscriber_addresses = (
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ );
+ my $owner = 'owner@lists.example.com';
+ my $ms = Test::Sietima::MailStore->new();
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => $traits,
+ subscribers => \@subscriber_addresses,
+ owner => $owner,
+ mail_store => $ms,
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'someone@users.example.com' },
+ mails => [{
+ o => object {
+ call [header_str => 'subject'] => match qr{\bheld for moderation\b};
+ },
+ }],
+ );
+ transport->clear_deliveries;
+ my $to_moderate = $ms->retrieve_by_tags('moderation');
+ my $msg_id = $to_moderate->[0]->{id};
+ $s->resume($msg_id);
+ if ($should_send) {
+ deliveries_are(
+ to => \@subscriber_addresses,
+ test_message => 'the resumed message should be sent',
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ deliveries_are(
+ mails => [],
+ test_message => 'the resumed message should be dropped',
+ );
+ }
+# there's an ordering dependency between Debounce and Moderate: if we
+# moderate a message that already has the X-Been-There header, it will
+# be dropped when resumed; the simplest solution is to apply Debounce
+# *before* Moderate, so messages are moderated *before* getting the
+# anti-loop header
+subtest 'debounce first' => sub {
+ test_one(['Debounce','SubscriberOnly::Moderate'],1);
+subtest 'moderate first' => sub {
+ test_one(['SubscriberOnly::Moderate','Debounce'],0);
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/avoid-dups.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/avoid-dups.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..671d898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/avoid-dups.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['AvoidDups'],
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+subtest 'in cc' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { cc => 'one@users.example.com' },
+ to => ['two@users.example.com'],
+ );
+subtest 'in to' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { to => $s->return_path . ' one@users.example.com' },
+ to => ['two@users.example.com'],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/debounce.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/debounce.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7566c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/debounce.t
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['Debounce'],
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+my $return_path = $s->return_path->address;
+subtest 'header should be added' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'X-Been-There' ] =>
+ match qr{\b\Q$return_path\E\b};
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'header should inhibit sending' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => {
+ headers => { 'x-been-there' => $return_path },
+ },
+ to => [],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/headers.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/headers.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3052781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/headers.t
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+package Sietima::Role::ForTesting {
+ use Moo::Role;
+ use Sietima::Policy;
+ use Sietima::Types qw(AddressFromStr);
+ around list_addresses => sub($orig,$self) {
+ return {
+ $self->$orig->%*,
+ test1 => AddressFromStr->coerce('name <someone@example.com>'),
+ 'test+2' => 'http://test.example.com',
+ };
+ };
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['Headers','WithOwner','ForTesting'],
+ name => 'test-list',
+ owner => 'owner@example.com',
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+subtest 'list headers should be added' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call sub { +{ shift->header_str_pairs } } => hash {
+ field 'List-Id' => 'test-list <sietima-test.list.example.com>';
+ field 'List-Owner' => '<mailto:owner@example.com>';
+ field 'List-Post' => '<mailto:sietima-test@list.example.com>';
+ field 'List-Test1' => '<mailto:someone@example.com>';
+ field 'List-Test-2' => 'http://test.example.com';
+ field 'Date' => D();
+ field 'MIME-Version' => D();
+ field 'Content-Type' => D();
+ field 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => D();
+ field 'From' => 'someone@users.example.com';
+ field 'To' => 'sietima-test@list.example.com';
+ field 'Subject' => 'Test Message';
+ end;
+ };
+ },
+ ],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/nomail.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/nomail.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2449f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/nomail.t
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+subtest 'disabled' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['NoMail'],
+ subscribers => [
+ {
+ primary => 'one@users.example.com',
+ prefs => { wants_mail => 0 },
+ },
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ to => ['two@users.example.com'],
+ );
+subtest 'enabled' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['NoMail'],
+ subscribers => [
+ {
+ primary => 'one@users.example.com',
+ prefs => { wants_mail => 1 },
+ },
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ to => ['one@users.example.com','two@users.example.com'],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/replyto.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/replyto.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e39f8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/replyto.t
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+subtest 'disabled' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['ReplyTo'],
+ munge_reply_to => 0,
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => undef;
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'enabled' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['ReplyTo'],
+ munge_reply_to => 1,
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => $s->return_path->address;
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'enabled, custom post address' => sub {
+ my $post_address = 'the-list@example.com';
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['ReplyTo'],
+ munge_reply_to => 1,
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ post_address => $post_address,
+ );
+ is(
+ $s->list_addresses,
+ hash {
+ field return_path => $s->return_path;
+ field post => object {
+ call address => $post_address;
+ };
+ },
+ 'the custom post address should be set for the headers',
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => $post_address;
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'enabled for some' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['ReplyTo'],
+ munge_reply_to => 0,
+ subscribers => [
+ {
+ primary => 'one@users.example.com',
+ prefs => { munge_reply_to => 1 },
+ },
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ {
+ o => object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => $s->return_path->address;
+ },
+ to => [ 'one@users.example.com' ],
+ },
+ {
+ o => object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => undef;
+ },
+ to => [ 'two@users.example.com' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'disabled for some' => sub {
+ my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['ReplyTo'],
+ munge_reply_to => 1,
+ subscribers => [
+ {
+ primary => 'one@users.example.com',
+ prefs => { munge_reply_to => 0 },
+ },
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ );
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ {
+ o => object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => $s->return_path->address;
+ },
+ to => [ 'two@users.example.com' ],
+ },
+ {
+ o => object {
+ call [ header_str => 'reply-to' ] => undef;
+ },
+ to => [ 'one@users.example.com' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/subject-tag.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/subject-tag.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a266b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/subject-tag.t
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['SubjectTag'],
+ subscribers => [
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+ ],
+ subject_tag => 'foo',
+subtest 'adding tag' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'Subject' ] =>
+ '[foo] Test Message';
+ },
+ ],
+ );
+subtest 'tag already there' => sub {
+ my $subject = "[foo] \N{HEAVY BLACK HEART} test";
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => {
+ subject => $subject,
+ },
+ mails => [
+ object {
+ call [ header_str => 'Subject' ] =>
+ $subject;
+ },
+ ],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/drop.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/drop.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac37346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/drop.t
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+my @subscriber_addresses = (
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ {
+ primary => 'two@users.example.com',
+ aliases => [ 'two-two@users.example.com' ],
+ },
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['SubscriberOnly::Drop'],
+ subscribers => \@subscriber_addresses,
+subtest 'from subscriber' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'one@users.example.com' },
+ );
+subtest 'from subscriber alias' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'two-two@users.example.com' },
+ );
+subtest 'from non-subscriber' => sub {
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'someone@users.example.com' },
+ to => [],
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/moderate.t b/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/moderate.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44999bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/role/subscriberonly/moderate.t
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Test::Sietima::MailStore;
+my @subscriber_addresses = (
+ 'one@users.example.com',
+ 'two@users.example.com',
+my $owner = 'owner@lists.example.com';
+my $ms = Test::Sietima::MailStore->new();
+my $s = make_sietima(
+ with_traits => ['SubscriberOnly::Moderate'],
+ subscribers => \@subscriber_addresses,
+ owner => $owner,
+ mail_store => $ms,
+subtest 'from subscriber' => sub {
+ $ms->clear;
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'one@users.example.com' },
+ );
+ is(
+ $ms->retrieve_by_tags('moderation'),
+ [],
+ 'no mails held for moderation',
+ );
+sub test_from_non_sub() {
+ my $from = $s->return_path->address;
+ test_sending(
+ sietima => $s,
+ mail => { from=>'someone@users.example.com' },
+ mails => [{
+ o => object {
+ call [header_str => 'subject'] => match qr{\bheld for moderation\b};
+ call [header_str => 'from'] => match qr{\b\Q$from\E\b};
+ call [header_str => 'to'] => match qr{\b\Q$owner\E\b};
+ call_list parts => [
+ object {
+ call body => match qr{Use id \S+ to refer to it};
+ },
+ object {
+ call sub {Email::MIME->new(shift->body)} => object {
+ call [header_str => 'subject'] => 'Test Message';
+ };
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ from => $from,
+ to => [$owner],
+ }],
+ );
+subtest 'from non-subscriber' => sub {
+ $ms->clear;
+ test_from_non_sub;
+ is(
+ my $to_moderate = $ms->retrieve_by_tags('moderation'),
+ [
+ {
+ id => T(),
+ mail => object {
+ call [header_str => 'from'] => 'someone@users.example.com';
+ call [header_str => 'to'] => $s->return_path->address,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ 'mails was held for moderation',
+ );
+ like(
+ run_cmdline_sub($s, 'list_mails_in_moderation_queue'),
+ hash {
+ field exit => 0;
+ field error => DNE;
+ field output => qr{\A
+ ^\N+\b1 \s+ message\N+$ \n
+ ^\* \s+ \w+ \s+ someone\@users\.example\.com
+ \s+ "Test[ ]Message"
+ \s+ \(\N+?\)$
+ }smx;
+ },
+ 'mails in queue should be listed from command line',
+ );
+ my $msg_id = $to_moderate->[0]->{id};
+ like(
+ run_cmdline_sub(
+ $s, 'show_mail_from_moderation_queue',
+ {}, { 'mail-id' => $msg_id },
+ ),
+ hash {
+ field exit => 0;
+ field error => DNE;
+ field output => qr{\A
+ ^Message \s+ \w+:$
+ .*?
+ ^From: \s+ someone\@users\.example\.com \s*$
+ }smx;
+ },
+ 'mail in queue should be shown from command line',
+ );
+ transport->clear_deliveries;
+ $s->resume($msg_id);
+ deliveries_are(
+ to => \@subscriber_addresses,
+ );
+subtest 'from non-subscriber, drop' => sub {
+ $ms->clear;
+ test_from_non_sub;
+ my $msg_id = $ms->retrieve_by_tags('moderation')->[0]{id};
+ $s->drop($msg_id);
+ is(
+ $ms->retrieve_by_tags('moderation'),
+ [],
+ 'message should be dropped',
+ );
diff --git a/t/tests/sietima/subscriber.t b/t/tests/sietima/subscriber.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6761410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tests/sietima/subscriber.t
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Sietima;
+use Sietima::Subscriber;
+subtest 'simple' => sub {
+ my $s = Sietima::Subscriber->new(
+ primary => 'Gino (pino) <gino@pino.example.com>',
+ );
+ is(
+ $s,
+ object {
+ call address => 'gino@pino.example.com';
+ call name => 'Gino';
+ call original => 'Gino (pino) <gino@pino.example.com>';
+ call prefs => {};
+ },
+ 'construction and delegation should work',
+ );
+subtest 'aliases' => sub {
+ my $s = Sietima::Subscriber->new(
+ primary => 'Gino (pino) <gino@pino.example.com>',
+ aliases => [qw(also-gino@pino.example.com maybe-gino@rino.example.com)],
+ );
+ is(
+ $s,
+ object {
+ for my $a (qw(gino@pino also-gino@pino maybe-gino@rino)) {
+ call [match => "${a}.example.com"] => T();
+ }
+ },
+ 'all addresses should ->match()',
+ );