path: root/lib/Sietima/HeaderURI.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Sietima/HeaderURI.pm')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Sietima/HeaderURI.pm b/lib/Sietima/HeaderURI.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a94696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sietima/HeaderURI.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+package Sietima::HeaderURI;
+use Moo;
+use Sietima::Policy;
+use Sietima::Types qw(Address AddressFromStr is_Address);
+use Types::Standard qw(Str is_Str ClassName HashRef Optional);
+use Type::Params qw(compile);
+use Types::URI qw(Uri is_Uri);
+use Email::Address;
+use namespace::clean;
+our $VERSION = '1.0.1'; # VERSION
+# ABSTRACT: annotated URI for list headers
+has uri => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Uri,
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+has comment => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => Str,
+sub _args_from_address {
+ my ($address, $query) = @_;
+ $query ||= {};
+ my $uri = URI->new($address->address,'mailto');
+ $uri->query_form($query->%*);
+ my $comment = $address->comment;
+ # Email::Address::comment always returns a string in paretheses,
+ # but we don't want that, since we add them back in as_header_raw
+ $comment =~ s{\A\((.*)\)\z}{$1} if $comment;
+ return {
+ uri => $uri,
+ comment => $comment,
+ };
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ($orig, $class, @args) = @_;
+ if (@args != 1 or ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH' and $args[0]->{uri}) {
+ return $class->$orig(@args);
+ }
+ my $item = $args[0];
+ if (is_Address($item)) {
+ return _args_from_address($item);
+ }
+ elsif (is_Uri($item)) {
+ return { uri => $item };
+ }
+ elsif (is_Str($item) and my $address = AddressFromStr->coerce($item)) {
+ return _args_from_address($address);
+ }
+ else {
+ return { uri => $item };
+ };
+sub new_from_address {
+ state $check = compile(
+ ClassName,
+ Address->plus_coercions(AddressFromStr),
+ Optional[HashRef],
+ );
+ my ($class, $address, $query) = $check->(@_);
+ return $class->new(_args_from_address($address,$query));
+sub as_header_raw {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $str = sprintf '<%s>',$self->uri;
+ if (my $c = $self->comment) {
+ $str .= sprintf ' (%s)',$c;
+ }
+ return $str;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Sietima::HeaderURI - annotated URI for list headers
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.0.1
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ around list_addresses => sub($orig,$self) {
+ return +{
+ $self->$orig->%*,
+ one => Sietima::HeaderURI->new({
+ uri => 'http://foo/',
+ comment => 'a thing',
+ }),
+ two => Sietima::HeaderURI->new_from_address(
+ $self->owner,
+ { subject => 'Hello' },
+ ),
+ three => Sietima::HeaderURI->new('http://some/url'),
+ four => Sietima::HeaderURI->new('(comment) address@example.com'),
+ };
+ }
+This class pairs a L<< C<URI> >> with a comment, and knows how to
+render itself as a string that can be used in a list management header
+(see L<< C<Sietima::Role::Headers> >>).
+All attributes are read-only.
+=head2 C<uri>
+Required L<< C<URI> >> object, coercible from a string or a hashref
+(see L<< C<Types::Uri> >> for the details). This is the URI that users
+should follow to perform the action implied by the list management
+=head2 C<comment>
+Optional string, will be added to the list management header as a
+comment (in parentheses).
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<new>
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new({
+ uri => 'http://foo/', comment => 'a thing',
+ });
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new(
+ Email::Address->parse('(comment) address@example.com'),
+ );
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new( '(comment) address@example.com' );
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new(
+ URI->new('http://some/url'),
+ );
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new( 'http://some/url' );
+Objects of this class can be constructed in several ways.
+You can pass a hashref with URI (or something that L<< C<Types::Uri>
+>> can coerce into a URI) and a comment string, as in the first
+Or you can pass a single value that can be (or can be coerced into)
+either a L<< C<Email::Address> >> or a L<< C<URI> >>.
+Email addresse became C<mailto:> URIs, and the optional comment is
+=head2 C<new_from_address>
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new_from_address(
+ $email_address,
+ \%query,
+ );
+This constructor builds a complex C<mailto:> URI with the query hash
+you provide. It's a shortcut for:
+ my $uri = URI->new("mailto:$email_address");
+ $uri->query_form(\%query);
+Common query keys are C<subject> and C<body>. See RFC 6068 ("The
+'mailto' URI Scheme") for details.
+=head2 C<as_header_raw>
+ $mail->header_raw_set('List-Thing' => $headeruri->as_header_raw);
+This method returns a string representation of the L</URI> and
+L</comment> in the format specified by RFC 2369 ("The Use of URLs as
+Meta-Syntax for Core Mail List Commands and their Transport through
+Message Header Fields").
+For example:
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new({
+ uri => 'http://foo/', comment => 'a thing',
+ })->as_header_raw eq '<http://foo/> (a thing)';
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new( '(comment) address@example.com' )
+ ->as_header_raw eq '<mailto:address@example.com> (comment)';
+ Sietima::HeaderURI->new( 'http://some/url' )
+ ->as_header_raw eq '<http://some/url>';
+Notice that, since the list management headers are I<structured>, they
+should always be set with L<<
+C<header_raw_set>|Email::Simple::Header/header_raw_set >>.
+=for Pod::Coverage BUILDARGS
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gianni Ceccarelli <dakkar@thenautilus.net>
+This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gianni Ceccarelli <dakkar@thenautilus.net>.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.