package Sietima::MailStore; use Moo::Role; use Sietima::Policy; use namespace::clean; # VERSION # ABSTRACT: interface for mail stores =head1 DESCRIPTION This role defines the interface that all mail stores must adhere to. It does not provide any implementation. =require C my $id = $ms->store($email_mime_object,@tags); Must persistently store the given email message (as an L<< C >> object or similar), associating it with the gives tags (which must be strings). Must return a unique identifier for the stored message. It is acceptable if identical messages are indistinguishable by the storage. =require C my $email_mime_object = $ms->retrieve_by_id($id); Given an identifier returned by L<< /C >>, this method must return the email message (as an L<< C >> or L<< C >> object). If the message has been deleted, or the identifier is not recognised, this method must return C in scalar context. =require C my @ids = $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags(@tags)->@*; Given a list of tags (which must be strings), this method must return an arrayref containing the identifiers of all (and only) the messages that were stored associated with (at least) all those tags. The order of the returned identifiers is not important. If there are no messages associated with the given tags, this method must return an empty arrayref. For example: my $id1 = $ms->store($msg1,'t1'); my $id2 = $ms->store($msg2,'t2'); my $id3 = $ms->store($msg3,'t1','t2'); $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1') ==> [ $id3, $id1 ] $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t2') ==> [ $id2, $id3 ] $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1','t2') ==> [ $id3 ] $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t3') ==> [ ] =require C my @email_mime_objects = $ms->retrieve_by_tags(@tags)->@*; This method is similar to L<< /C >>, but it must return an arrayref of hashrefs. For example: my $id1 = $ms->store($msg1,'t1'); my $id2 = $ms->store($msg2,'t2'); my $id3 = $ms->store($msg3,'t1','t2'); $ms->retrieve_ids_by_tags('t1') ==> [ { id => $id3, mail => $msg3 }, { id => $id1, mail => $msg1 }, ] =require C $ms->remove($id); This method must remove the message corresponding to the given identifier from the persistent storage. Removing a non-existent message must succeed, and do nothing. =require C $ms->clear(); This method must remove all messages from the persistent storage. Clearing an empty store must succeed, and do nothing. =cut requires 'store', 'retrieve_ids_by_tags','retrieve_by_tags','retrieve_by_id', 'remove','clear'; 1;