verbose = %f:%l:%c:%p:%m\n
color = 1
program-extensions = .PL .pl .t
only = 1
severity = 2
# Use `List::MoreUtils::any' instead of `grep' in boolean context.
# Map blocks should have a single statement.
# Use 4-argument `substr' instead of writing `substr($foo, 2, 6) = $bar'.
# Forbid $b before $a in sort blocks.
# Use Time::HiRes instead of something like `select(undef, undef, undef, .05)'.
# Write `eval { my $foo; bar($foo) }' instead of `eval "my $foo; bar($foo);"'.
# Write `split /-/, $string' instead of `split '-', $string'.
# Write `eval { $foo->can($name) }' instead of `UNIVERSAL::can($foo, $name)'.
# Write `eval { $foo->isa($pkg) }' instead of `UNIVERSAL::isa($foo, $pkg)'.
# this normally disables this policy! run with --severity 1 to get it
severity = 1
# I'd really like to enable this, but it confuses Test::Deep::isa with
# Don't pass $_ to built-in functions that assume it, or to most filetest operators.
# Don't use `grep' in void contexts.
# Don't use `map' in void contexts.
# disabled because it gets confused with a map inside a hash constructor
# Write `grep { /$pattern/ } @list' instead of `grep /$pattern/, @list'.
# Write `map { /$pattern/ } @list' instead of `map /$pattern/, @list'.
# Use `glob q{*}' instead of <*>.
# Sort blocks should have a single statement.
# AUTOLOAD methods should be avoided.
# Employ `use base' instead of `@ISA'.
# Write `bless {}, $class;' instead of just `bless {};'.
# Use spaces instead of tabs.
allow_leading_tabs = 0
# Write `open $handle, $path' instead of `open($handle, $path)'.
# Write `qw(foo bar baz)' instead of `('foo', 'bar', 'baz')'.
# Don't use whitespace at the end of lines.
# Use the same newline through the source.
# Must run code through perltidy.
# Put a comma at the end of every multi-line list declaration, including the last one.
# Write `for(0..20)' instead of `for($i=0; $i<=20; $i++)'.
# Don't write long "if-elsif-elsif-elsif-elsif...else" chains.
# Don't write deeply nested loops and conditionals.
max_nests = 5
# Don't use labels that are the same as the special block names.
# Don't modify `$_' in list functions.
# Don't use operators like `not', `!~', and `le' within `until' and `unless'.
# Write `if($condition){ do_something() }' instead of `do_something() if $condition'.
# Write `if(! $condition)' instead of `unless($condition)'.
# Don't write code after an unconditional `die, exit, or next'.
# Write `while(! $condition)' instead of `until($condition)'.
# Check your spelling.
# The `=head1 NAME' section should match the package.
# All POD should be after `__END__'.
# Provide text to display with your pod links.
# Organize your POD into the customary sections.
# Use functions from Carp instead of `warn' or `die'.
# You can't depend upon the value of `$@'/`$EVAL_ERROR' to tell whether an `eval' failed.
# Discourage stuff like `@files = `ls $directory`'.
# Write `open my $fh, q{<}, $filename;' instead of `open FH, q{<}, $filename;'.
severity = 2
# Use "<>" or "<ARGV>" or a prompting module instead of "<STDIN>".
# Use prompt() instead of -t.
# Use `local $/ = undef' or File::Slurp instead of joined readline.
# Never write `select($fh)'.
# Write `while( $line = <> ){...}' instead of `for(<>){...}'.
# Write `open $fh, q{<}, $filename;' instead of `open $fh, "<$filename";'.
severity = 2
# Write `print {$FH} $foo, $bar;' instead of `print $FH $foo, $bar;'.
# Close filehandles as soon as possible after opening them.
# Write `my $error = close $fh;' instead of `close $fh;'.
# Write `my $error = open $fh, $mode, $filename;' instead of `open $fh, $mode, $filename;'.
# Return value of flagged function ignored.
# Write `open $fh, q{<:encoding(UTF-8)}, $filename;' instead of `open $fh, q{{<:utf8}, $filename;'.
# Do not use `format'.
# Do not use `tie'.
# Forbid a bare `## no critic'
# Remove ineffective "## no critic" annotations.
# Export symbols via `@EXPORT_OK' or `%EXPORT_TAGS' instead of `@EXPORT'.
# Avoid putting conditional logic around compile-time includes.
# Minimize complexity in code that is outside of subroutines.
max_mccabe = 20
# Put packages (especially subclasses) in separate files.
severity = 2
# Write `require Module' instead of `require '''.
# End each module with an explicitly `1;' instead of some funky expression.
# Always make the `package' explicit.
# Don't require programs to contain a package statement.
exempt_scripts = 1
allow_import_of = utf8 strict warnings
# Package declaration must match filename.
# `use English' must be passed a `-no_match_vars' argument.
# Give every module a `$VERSION' number.
# Distinguish different program components by case.
# Don't use vague variable or subroutine names like 'last' or 'record'.
# Prohibit indirect object call syntax.
# Indirect method syntax is forbidden for these methods.
# Values that are always included: new.
# forbid =
# Write `@{ $array_ref }' instead of `@$array_ref'.
# Capture variable used outside conditional.
# Names of ways to generate exceptions.
# Values that are always included: confess, croak, die.
# exception_source =
# Split long regexps into smaller `qr//' chunks.
# Use named character classes instead of explicit character lists.
# Use character classes for literal meta-characters instead of escapes.
# Use `eq' or hash instead of fixed-pattern regexps.
# Use `[abc]' instead of `a|b|c'.
# Only use a capturing group if you plan to use the captured value.
# Use only `//' or `{}' to delimit regexps.
# In addition to allowing '{}', allow '()', '[]', and '{}'.
#allow_all_brackets = 1
# Don't use $_ to match against regexes.
# Use `{' and `}' to delimit multi-line regexps.
# In addition to allowing '{}', allow '()', '[]', and '{}'.
#allow_all_brackets = 1
# Always use the `/s' modifier with regular expressions.
# Always use the `/x' modifier with regular expressions.
# Always use the `/m' modifier with regular expressions.
# Don't call functions with a leading ampersand sigil.
# Don't declare your own `open' function.
# Minimize complexity by factoring code into smaller subroutines.
# Return failure with bare `return' instead of `return undef'.
# Too many arguments.
# `sub never { sub correct {} }'.
# Behavior of `sort' is not defined if called in scalar context.
# Don't write `sub my_function (@@) {}'.
severity = 2
# Prevent unused private subroutines.
# Prevent access to private subs in other packages.
# Always unpack `@_' first.
# End every path through a subroutine with an explicit `return' statement.
# this normally disables this policy! run with --severity 1 to get it
severity = 1
# I'd really like to enable this, but we very often have
# single-expression subs, and this policy would warn on every one of
# them... maybe one day I'll patch the policy
# Prohibit various flavors of `no strict'.
# Prohibit various flavors of `no warnings'.
allow = uninitialized numeric redefine
# Don't turn off strict for large blocks of code.
# The maximum number of statements in a no strict block.
statements = 10
# Tests should all have labels.
# Always `use strict'.
# Always `use warnings'.
# Don't use the comma operator as a statement separator.
# this normally disables this policy! run with --severity 1 to get it
severity = 1
# I'd like to enable this, but it complains about arglists built with
# ternary operators
# Prohibit version values from outside the module.
# Don't `use constant FOO => 15'.
# Write `q{}' instead of `'''.
# Write `"\N{DELETE}"' instead of `"\x7F"', etc.
# Use concatenation or HEREDOCs instead of literal line breaks in strings.
# Always use single quotes for literal strings.
# Write `oct(755)' instead of `0755'.
# Long chains of method calls indicate tightly coupled code.
# Don't use values that don't explain themselves.
# Don't mix numeric operators with string operands, or vice-versa.
# Write ` !$foo && $bar || $baz ' instead of ` not $foo && $bar or $baz'.
# Use `q{}' or `qq{}' instead of quotes for awkward-looking strings.
# Don't use quotes (`'', `"', ``') as delimiters for the quote-like operators.
# Don't write ` print <<'__END__' '.
# Don't use strings like `v1.4' or `1.4.5' when including other modules.
# Require $VERSION to be a constant rather than a computed value.
# Warns that you might have used single quotes when you really wanted double-quotes.
# Write ` 141_234_397.0145 ' instead of ` 141234397.0145 '.
# Write ` print <<'THE_END' ' or ` print <<"THE_END" '.
# Write ` <<'THE_END'; ' instead of ` <<'theEnd'; '.
# Do not write ` my $foo .= 'bar'; '.
# Do not write ` my $foo = $bar if $baz; '.
# Use `my' instead of `local', except when you have to.
# Avoid `$`', `$&', `$'' and their English equivalents.
# Eliminate globals declared with `our' or `use vars'.
# Use double colon (::) to separate package name components instead of single quotes (').
# Write `$EVAL_ERROR' instead of `$@'.
# Do not reuse a variable name in a lexical scope
# Don't ask for storage you don't need.
# Prevent access to private vars in other packages.
# Write `local $foo = $bar;' instead of just `local $foo;'.
# Write `for my $element (@list) {...}' instead of `for $element (@list) {...}'.
# Magic variables should be assigned as "local".
allow = %ENV
# Negative array index should be used.