package Config::ClawsMail::Account; use v5.26; use Moo; # VERSION use Types::Standard qw(Str InstanceOf); use Config::ClawsMail::Server; use namespace::clean; # ABSTRACT: Claws-Mail account has [qw(account_name name address)] => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Str, ); has [qw(imap smtp)] => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['Config::ClawsMail::Server'], ); my @ssl_string=qw(no ssl starttls); # these are from src/imap.h my %imap_auth_method = ( 1 => 'plaintext', 2 => 'CRAM_MD5', 4 => 'ANONYMOUS', 8 => 'GSSAPI', 16 => 'DIGEST_MD5', 32 => 'SCRAM_SHA1', 64 => 'PLAIN', 128 => 'LOGIN', 256 => 'XOAUTH2', 512 => 'SCRAM_SHA224', 1024 => 'SCRAM_SHA256', 2048 => 'SCRAM_SHA384', 4096 => 'SCRAM_SHA512', ); # these are from src/common/smtp.h my %smtp_auth_method = ( 1 => 'LOGIN', 2 => 'CRAM_MD5', 4 => 'DIGEST_MD5', 8 => 'tls_available', # ?? what does this mean? 16 => 'PLAIN', 32 => 'XOAUTH2', ); sub _expand_bitfield { my ($bits, $map) = @_; my @result; for my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$map) { if ($bits & $key) { push @result, $map->{$key}; } } return \@result; } sub new_from_config { my ($class,$args) = @_; my $config = $args->{account_config}; return unless $config->{protocol} eq '1'; my $section = $args->{account_section}; (my $password_section = $section)=~ s{Account: }{account:}; my $password_store = $args->{password_store}; my $imap_server = Config::ClawsMail::Server->new({ host => $config->{receive_server}, port => ( $config->{set_imapport} ? $config->{imap_port} : $config->{ssl_imap} == 1 ? scalar getservbyname('imaps','tcp') : scalar getservbyname('imap','tcp') ), ssl => $ssl_string[$config->{ssl_imap}], %{$config}{qw(user_id)}, password => $password_store->password_for($password_section,'recv'), auth_methods => _expand_bitfield($config->{imap_auth_method},\%imap_auth_method), }); my $smtp_server = Config::ClawsMail::Server->new({ host => $config->{smtp_server}||$config->{receive_server}, port => ( $config->{set_smtpport} ? $config->{smtp_port} : $config->{ssl_smtp} == 1 ? scalar getservbyname('smtps','tcp') : scalar getservbyname('smtp','tcp') ), ssl => $ssl_string[$config->{ssl_smtp}], ( $config->{use_smtp_auth} ? ( user_id => $config->{smtp_user_id} || $config->{user_id}, password => $password_store->password_for($password_section,'send') || $password_store->password_for($password_section,'recv'), auth_methods => _expand_bitfield($config->{smtp_auth_method},\%smtp_auth_method), ) : () ), }); return $class->new({ %{$config}{qw(account_name name address)}, imap => $imap_server, smtp => $smtp_server, }); } sub email_transport { my ($self) = @_; # once gets merged, # we can use `$smtp->auth_methods` to build a `Authen::SASL` and # pass it as `sasl_authenticator`, to restrict which mechanism(s) # should be used; at the same time, we should remove the `sub # _order` from `Authen::SASL::Perl::XOAUTH2` require Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP; my $smtp = $self->smtp; return Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new( host => $smtp->host, port => $smtp->port, ssl => $smtp->ssl, ( $smtp->user_id ? ( sasl_username => $smtp->user_id, sasl_password => $smtp->password, ) : () ) ); } 1;