package Data::MultiValued::TagContainer; { $Data::MultiValued::TagContainer::VERSION = '0.0.2'; } { $Data::MultiValued::TagContainer::DIST = 'Data-MultiValued'; } use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef); use Data::MultiValued::Exceptions; # ABSTRACT: container for tagged values has _storage => ( is => 'rw', isa => HashRef, init_arg => undef, default => sub { { } }, traits => ['Hash'], handles => { _has_tag => 'exists', _get_tag => 'get', _create_tag => 'set', _delete_tag => 'delete', all_tags => 'keys', }, ); has _default_tag => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, predicate => '_has_default_tag', clearer => '_clear_default_tag', ); sub get { my ($self,$args) = @_; my $tag = $args->{tag}; if (!defined($tag)) { if ($self->_has_default_tag) { return $self->_default_tag; } Data::MultiValued::Exceptions::TagNotFound->throw({ value => $tag, }); } if (!$self->_has_tag($tag)) { Data::MultiValued::Exceptions::TagNotFound->throw({ value => $tag, }); } return $self->_get_tag($tag); } sub get_or_create { my ($self,$args) = @_; my $tag = $args->{tag}; if (!defined($tag)) { if ($self->_has_default_tag) { return $self->_default_tag; } else { return $self->_default_tag( $self->_create_new_inferior ); } } if (!$self->_has_tag($tag)) { $self->_create_tag($tag,$self->_create_new_inferior); } return $self->_get_tag($tag); } sub _clear_storage { my ($self) = @_; $self->_storage({}); } sub clear { my ($self,$args) = @_; my $tag = $args->{tag}; if (!defined($tag)) { $self->_clear_default_tag; $self->_clear_storage; } elsif ($self->_has_tag($tag)) { $self->_delete_tag($tag); } return; } sub _create_new_inferior { my ($self) = @_; return {}; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(); 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Data::MultiValued::TagContainer - container for tagged values =head1 VERSION version 0.0.2 =head1 DESCRIPTION Please don't use this module directly, use L. This module implements the storage for tagged data. It's almost exactly a hash, the main difference being that C is a valid key and it's distinct from the empty string. Another difference is that you get an exception if you try to access a tag that's not there. Data is kept in "storage cells", as created by L (by default, a hashref). =head1 METHODS =head2 C my $value = $obj->get({ tag => $the_tag }); Retrieves the "storage cell" for the given tag. Throws a L exception if the tag does not exists in this object. Not passing in a C is equivalent to passing in C<< tag => undef >>. =head2 C $obj->get_or_create({ tag => $the_tag }); Retrieves the "storage cell" for the given tag. If the tag does not exist, creates a new cell (see L), sets it for the tag, and returns it. Not passing in a C is equivalent to passing in C<< tag => undef >>. =head2 C $obj->clear({ tag => $the_tag }); Deletes the given tag and all data associated with it. Does not throw exceptions: if the tag does not exist, nothing happens. Not passing in a C, or passing C<< tag => undef >>, clears everything. If you want to only clear the C tag, you may call C<_clear_default_tag> (which is considered a "protected" method). =head2 C my @tags = $obj->all_tags; Returns all the tags defined in this object. Does not return the C tag. =head2 C<_create_new_inferior> Returns a new "storage cell", by default an empty hashref. See L for an example of use. =head1 AUTHOR Gianni Ceccarelli =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut