package Data::MultiValued::Tags; { $Data::MultiValued::Tags::VERSION = '0.0.1_5'; } { $Data::MultiValued::Tags::DIST = 'Data-MultiValued'; } use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use MooseX::Params::Validate; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Num Str Undef Any); use Data::MultiValued::Exceptions; use Data::MultiValued::TagContainer; # ABSTRACT: Handle values with tags has _storage => ( is => 'rw', isa => class_type('Data::MultiValued::TagContainer'), init_arg => undef, lazy_build => 1, ); sub _build__storage { Data::MultiValued::TagContainer->new(); } sub set { my ($self,%args) = validated_hash( \@_, tag => { isa => Str, optional => 1, }, value => { isa => Any, }, ); $self->_storage->get_or_create(\%args) ->{value} = $args{value}; } sub get { my ($self,%args) = validated_hash( \@_, tag => { isa => Str, optional => 1, }, ); $self->_storage->get(\%args) ->{value}; } sub clear { my ($self,%args) = validated_hash( \@_, tag => { isa => Str, optional => 1, }, ); $self->_storage->clear(\%args); } sub _rebless_storage { my ($self) = @_; bless $self->{_storage},'Data::MultiValued::TagContainer'; } sub _as_hash { my ($self) = @_; my %ret = %{$self->_storage}; return {_storage=>\%ret}; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(); 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Data::MultiValued::Tags - Handle values with tags =head1 VERSION version 0.0.1_5 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Data::MultiValued::Tags; my $obj = Data::MultiValued::Tags->new(); $obj->set({ tag => 'tag1', value => 'a string', }); say $obj->get({tag=>'tag1'}); # prints 'a string' say $obj->get({tag=>'tag2'}); # dies =head1 METHODS =head2 C $obj->set({ tag => $the_tag, value => $the_value }); Stores the given value for the given tag. Replaces existing values. Does not throw exceptions. Not passing in a C is equivalent to passing in C<< tag => undef >>. No cloning is done: if you pass in a reference, the reference is just stored. =head2 C my $value = $obj->get({ tag => $the_tag }); Retrieves the value for the given tag. Throws a L exception if the tag does not exists in this object. Not passing in a C is equivalent to passing in C<< tag => undef >>. No cloning is done: if a reference was stored, you get it back untouched. =head2 C $obj->clear({ tag => $the_tag }); Deletes the given tag and all data associated with it. Does not throw exceptions: if the tag does not exist, nothing happens. Not passing in a C clears everything. Yes, this means that there is no way to just clear the value for the C tag. =head1 Serialisation helpers These are used through L. =head2 C<_rebless_storage> Blesses the storage into L. =head2 C<_as_hash> Returns the internal representation with no blessed hashes, with as few copies as possible. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Gianni Ceccarelli =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut