# /etc/skel/.bash_profile # This file is sourced by bash for login shells. The following line # runs your .bashrc and is recommended by the bash info pages. [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc EDITOR=vi export EDITOR source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}" export GPG_TTY="$(tty)" eval "$(keychain --eval --noask --inherit any-once --agents gpg,ssh id_rsa id_ed25519 75193F88 D7A5DBBE)" function e() { emacsclient "$@" } function se() { emacsclient "${@/#//sudo::}" } function pd() { cpandoc "$@" } function pm() { local fn local ex fn="$(pd -lm "$1")" ex=$? if [[ $ex != 0 ]]; then return $ex fi emacsclient -c -n "$fn" } export PERLDOC='-MPod::Text::Color::Delight' fortune