# # Example of a user's .screenrc file # # This is how one can set a reattach password: # password ODSJQf.4IJN7E # "1234" # no annoying audible bell, please vbell on # detach on hangup autodetach on # don't display the copyright page startup_message off # emulate .logout message pow_detach_msg "Screen session of \$LOGNAME \$:cr:\$:nl:ended." # advertise hardstatus support to $TERMCAP # termcapinfo * '' 'hs:ts=\E_:fs=\E\\:ds=\E_\E\\' # make the shell in every window a login shell #shell -$SHELL # autoaka testing # shellaka '> |tcsh' # shellaka '$ |sh' # set every new windows hardstatus line to somenthing descriptive # defhstatus "screen: ^En (^Et)" defscrollback 1000 # don't kill window after the process died # zombie "^[" nethack on ################ # # keybindings # defescape ^Pp escape ^Pp bind ^a bind ^q other #remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings bind k bind ^k bind . bind ^\ bind \\ bind ^h bind h #make them better bind 'K' kill bind 'I' login on bind 'O' login off bind '}' history ################ # # default windows # # screen -t local 0 # screen -t mail 1 elm # screen -t 40 2 rlogin faui40 # caption always "%3n %t%? @%u%?%? [%h]%?" # hardstatus alwaysignore # hardstatus alwayslastline "%w" truecolor on