#pragma once #include /* code inspired by https://gist.github.com/jenschr/dfc765cb9404beb6333a8ea30d2e78a1 */ class Battery { uint8_t pin; public: /* the schematics at https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-T5-Epaper-Series/tree/master/schematic show a voltage divider connected to pin 35 */ Battery(uint8_t _pin=35) : pin(_pin) {}; float voltage() { /* Comment from the gist: The ADC value is a 12-bit number, so the maximum value is 4095 (counting from 0). To convert the ADC integer value to a real voltage you’ll need to divide it by the maximum value of 4095, then double it (note above that Adafruit halves the voltage), then multiply that by the reference voltage of the ESP32 which is 3.3V and then finally, multiply that again by the ADC Reference Voltage of 1100mV. Comment from me: that assumes that ADC is linear, which is probably isn't Also, the battery voltage is not a decent indicator of charge level, but that's what I've got */ return (float)(analogRead(pin)) / 4095*2*3.3*1.1; } };