= GIT Prompt - there is a lot more than branch-name :compact-option: compact == Basic Usage image:screenshot-prompt-basic.png[basic usage] Digit [red]*1* on 3rd line is `false(1)` exit code. Hosts are colored as configured in `git-prompt.sh` file. == GIT Branch and files are colored according to state. "M" stands for master. image:screenshot-prompt-git.png[git module] [cols="3,3,12",frame="topbot",options="header"] |================================================================ | *Branch* | *File* | Meaning | [darkblue]#dark blue# | | Clean repo | [green]#green# | [green]#green# | Modified or new file. Modifications are in index but not in repo yet. | [red]#red# | [red]#red# | Modified and tracked by repo, but modifications not added to index yet. | [blue]#light blue# | [blue]#light blue# | Untracked file. | [red]#red# | | Detached Head | [magenta]#magenta# | | In middle of doing something |================================================================ == Subversion ... == Labels ... == Install Download link:git-prompt.sh[] or get with GIT: ------------------ git clone git://github.com/lvv/git-prompt.git --------------- Put following command in our profile in interactive section: --------------------- . /path/to/git-prompt.sh --------------------- If there are no interactivity test in your profile, then above command should be: -------------------- [[ $- == *i* ]] && . /etc/git-prompt.sh --------------------- == DEPENDENCY Most of dependencies (except git and svn) are probably already installed on your host. - bash (tested with v3.2.33) - git (optional) - svn (optional) - sed - tput (terminfo) - tty (core utils) - grep - locale (glibc) - id (core utils) == TODO - different host color even if they are not in config - external config at `/etc/git-prompt.conf` and `~/.git-prompt.conf` - new mail (howto at: `http://kikhome.net/?p=11` ) - ctrl-Z subshell indicator - screenshots for labels and svn module - VIM module needs to be moved out of GIT module - make module (to show generated, stale files) - How detect current merge? (current method through .git/MERGE_HEAD not always works) == DONE - TO FIX: when file list is too long, git-prompt truncates it. Sometimes this truncation can be on color escape sequence.