// This is raw asciidoc file. The HTML rendered page is at http://volnitsky.com/project/git-prompt = GIT Prompt :v-p: http://volnitsky.com/project :compact-option: compact == Basic Usage image:screenshot-prompt-basic.png[basic usage] Digit [red]*1* on 3rd line is `false(1)` exit code. Also on non-zero exit code terminal bell is sounded. Bell is turnned off by default because most people don't know how to set softer bell (`setterm` is your friend). == GIT Branch and files are colored according to state. "M" stands for master. image:screenshot-prompt-git.png[git module screenshot] .Branch and Files Colors [cols="^3,^3,12",frame="topbot",options="header"] |================================================================ | *Branch* | *File* | *Meaning* | [darkblue]#dark blue# | | Clean repo | [green]#green# | [green]#green# | Modified or new file. Modifications are in index but not in repo yet. | [#cc0000]#dark red# | [#cc0000]#dark red# | Modified and tracked by repo, but modifications not added to index yet. | [blue]#light blue# | [blue]#light blue# | Untracked file. | [red]#light red# | | Detached Head | [magenta]#magenta# | | In middle of doing something |================================================================ == Subversion/SVN image:screenshot-svn.png[svn module screenshot] SVN module disabled by default because even on moderate sized working directories there is noticeable delay for prompt display. SVN is slower than GIT. Enable if needed in <> == Mercurial/HG Was recently added thanks to Lee Nussbaum . == Labels Labels are visual cues to help figure out what terminal is running what command. It is generalization of xterm-title but differ from xterm-title that it can be displayed in other places (on Screen(1) windows titles for example). Also label can display currently executed command (when bash prompt obviously is not displayed). Because labels have less space then prompt, instead of path only last dir in path is shown. On screenshot below labels are in red ovals. image:screenshot-labels.png["labels screenshot", width="300", link="screenshot-labels.png"] The `screen(1)` status line at bottom of smaller gnome-terminal is displayed with following line in `~/.screenrc`: --------- caption always "%{= kw}%-w%{= bw}%n %t%{-}%+w %-= @%H - %LD %d %LM - %c" --------- == Install Download link:git-prompt.sh[] or get it with GIT: ------------------ git clone git://github.com/lvv/git-prompt.git --------------- Put following command in your profile (`~/.bash_profile` or `~/.profile`) in interactive section: --------------------- . /path/to/git-prompt.sh --------------------- If there are no interactivity test in your profile or you don't know what it is, then above command should be: -------------------- [[ $- == *i* ]] && . /path/to/git-prompt.sh --------------------- There might be your old prompt defined too. You need to comment it out. Some distros also have `/etc/bashrc` or `/etc/bash/bashrc` with distro default prompt. == Config [[config]] Is optional. If config file is not found then git-prompt uses defaults. Defaults are listed in example `git-prompt.conf`. Git-prompt looks (in listed order) for config file in following locations: * `/etc/git-prompt.conf` * `~/.git-prompt.conf` Copy example config `git-prompt.conf` to any of above locations and customize as needed. == Limitations * cd-ing into something like linux kernel git working directory for the 1st time (with cold cache) might take up to 10 seconds (that is how long `git status` executes). * Because you will be always reminded about dirty repo (not checked-in files), you will better maintain `.gitignore` and commit more often. * This prompt is most useful if your screen have enough width. If this is not the case, you might want to disable file list display (`max_file_list_length=0`). * When prompt is longer then screen-width it wraps to second line. This is always undesirable. Because of bug in `gnome-terminal` (or `readline` ?) some color escape codes can be visible on second line. I've reported gnome-terminal bug. Again, you can disable file list display or limit length (`max_file_list_length`). * By default some terminals display ascii color with maximum color saturation which makes colored text of different perceptual brightness. This makes it hard to read. If your terminal colors are configurable, try change it to softer (pastel) colors. == Dependencies Most of not optional dependencies are probably already installed on your computer. * bash (tested with v3.2.33) * sed * tput (terminfo) * tty (core utils) * grep * locale (glibc) * id (core utils) * git (optional) * svn (optional) * hg (optional) == Todo * VCS exclude dir list * option for hash/pound marker when `$USER=="root"` * new mail (howto at: httpx://kikhome.net/?p=11[] ) * Subshells number indicator. Don't know how to do this. There is bash `"\j"`, but let say I want `">>"` after path instead of `">"` when I have 2 jobs (including current) running. Running `+++`jobs | ... `+++` is extra bash fork, hate to do this. * VIM module needs to be moved out of GIT module * How detect current merge? (current method through .git/MERGE_HEAD not always works) * git lock-ed state include::../volnitsky.com/project/howto-submit-patch.txt[] People will hate any prompt if there will be delay in prompt display. Try to avoid use of external commands and subshells (backticks) in prompt_command_function. It is ok to use timeconsuming ops in postconfig which is executed only once. == Authors - Leonid Volnitsky (original author) , http://volnitsky.com - Niklas Hofer (CWD truncation) , http://github.com/niklas/ - Lee Nussbaum (HG support) lee.nussbaum@gmail.com, http://github.com/wln - Albert Vernon http://xenoclub.wordpress.com[] [bibliography] .References - [[[1]]] 'Bash Prompt HOWTO', http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/index.html