""" Generate ``gitweb`` project list based on ``gitosis.conf``. To plug this into ``gitweb``, you have two choices. - The global way, edit ``/etc/gitweb.conf`` to say:: $projects_list = "/path/to/your/projects.list"; Note that there can be only one such use of gitweb. - The local way, create a new config file:: do "/etc/gitweb.conf" if -e "/etc/gitweb.conf"; $projects_list = "/path/to/your/projects.list"; # see ``repositories`` in the ``gitosis`` section # of ``~/.gitosis.conf``; usually ``~/repositories`` # but you need to expand the tilde here $projectroot = "/path/to/your/repositories"; Then in your web server, set environment variable ``GITWEB_CONFIG`` to point to this file. This way allows you have multiple separate uses of ``gitweb``, and isolates the changes a bit more nicely. Recommended. """ import os, urllib, logging from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError from gitosis import util def _escape_filename(s): s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\') s = s.replace('$', '\\$') s = s.replace('"', '\\"') return s def generate_project_list_fp(config, fp): """ Generate projects list for ``gitweb``. :param config: configuration to read projects from :type config: RawConfigParser :param fp: writable for ``projects.list`` :type fp: (file-like, anything with ``.write(data)``) """ log = logging.getLogger('gitosis.gitweb') repositories = util.getRepositoryDir(config) try: global_enable = config.getboolean('gitosis', 'gitweb') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): global_enable = False for section in config.sections(): l = section.split(None, 1) type_ = l.pop(0) if type_ != 'repo': continue if not l: continue try: enable = config.getboolean(section, 'gitweb') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): enable = global_enable if not enable: continue name, = l if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repositories, name)): namedotgit = '%s.git' % name if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repositories, namedotgit)): name = namedotgit else: log.warning( 'Cannot find %(name)r in %(repositories)r' % dict(name=name, repositories=repositories)) response = [name] try: owner = config.get(section, 'owner') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): pass else: response.append(owner) line = ' '.join([urllib.quote_plus(s) for s in response]) print >>fp, line def generate_project_list(config, path): """ Generate projects list for ``gitweb``. :param config: configuration to read projects from :type config: RawConfigParser :param path: path to write projects list to :type path: str """ tmp = '%s.%d.tmp' % (path, os.getpid()) f = file(tmp, 'w') try: generate_project_list_fp(config=config, fp=f) finally: f.close() os.rename(tmp, path)