path: root/src/GattCharacteristic.cpp
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diff --git a/src/GattCharacteristic.cpp b/src/GattCharacteristic.cpp
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index 0000000..2c43c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GattCharacteristic.cpp
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+// Copyright 2017 Paul Nettle.
+// This file is part of Gobbledegook.
+// Gobbledegook is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Gobbledegook is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Gobbledegook. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// >>
+// >>
+// This is our representation of a GATT Characteristic which is intended to be used in our server description
+// >>
+// >>
+// A GATT characteristic is the component within the Bluetooth LE standard that holds and serves data over Bluetooth. This class
+// is intended to be used within the server description. For an explanation of how this class is used, see the detailed discussion
+// in Server.cpp.
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#include "GattCharacteristic.h"
+#include "GattDescriptor.h"
+#include "GattProperty.h"
+#include "GattUuid.h"
+#include "DBusObject.h"
+#include "GattService.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "Logger.h"
+// Standard constructor
+// Construct a GattCharacteristic
+// Genreally speaking, these objects should not be constructed directly. Rather, use the `gattCharacteristicBegin()` method
+// in `GattService`.
+GattCharacteristic::GattCharacteristic(DBusObject &owner, GattService &service, const std::string &name)
+: GattInterface(owner, name), service(service), pOnUpdatedValueFunc(nullptr)
+// Returning the owner pops us one level up the hierarchy
+// This method compliments `GattService::gattCharacteristicBegin()`
+GattService &GattCharacteristic::gattCharacteristicEnd()
+ return service;
+// Locates a D-Bus method within this D-Bus interface and invokes the method
+bool GattCharacteristic::callMethod(const std::string &methodName, GDBusConnection *pConnection, GVariant *pParameters, GDBusMethodInvocation *pInvocation, gpointer pUserData) const
+ for (const DBusMethod &method : methods)
+ {
+ if (methodName == method.getName())
+ {
+ method.call<GattCharacteristic>(pConnection, getPath(), getName(), methodName, pParameters, pInvocation, pUserData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Adds an event to the characteristic and returns a refereence to 'this` to enable method chaining in the server description
+// NOTE: We specifically overload this method in order to accept our custom EventCallback type and transform it into a
+// TickEvent::Callback type. We also return our own type. This simplifies the server description by allowing call to chain.
+GattCharacteristic &GattCharacteristic::onEvent(int tickFrequency, void *pUserData, EventCallback callback)
+ events.push_back(TickEvent(this, tickFrequency, reinterpret_cast<TickEvent::Callback>(callback), pUserData));
+ return *this;
+// Ticks events within this characteristic
+// Note: we specifically override this method in order to translate the generic TickEvent::Callback into our own EventCallback
+void GattCharacteristic::tickEvents(GDBusConnection *pConnection, void *pUserData) const
+ for (const TickEvent &event : events)
+ {
+ event.tick<GattCharacteristic>(getPath(), pConnection, pUserData);
+ }
+// Specialized support for ReadlValue method
+// Defined as: array{byte} ReadValue(dict options)
+// D-Bus breakdown:
+// Input args: options - "a{sv}"
+// Output args: value - "ay"
+GattCharacteristic &GattCharacteristic::onReadValue(MethodCallback callback)
+ // array{byte} ReadValue(dict options)
+ static const char *inArgs[] = {"a{sv}", nullptr};
+ addMethod("ReadValue", inArgs, "ay", reinterpret_cast<DBusMethod::Callback>(callback));
+ return *this;
+// Specialized support for WriteValue method
+// Defined as: void WriteValue(array{byte} value, dict options)
+// D-Bus breakdown:
+// Input args: value - "ay"
+// options - "a{sv}"
+// Output args: void
+GattCharacteristic &GattCharacteristic::onWriteValue(MethodCallback callback)
+ static const char *inArgs[] = {"ay", "a{sv}", nullptr};
+ addMethod("WriteValue", inArgs, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<DBusMethod::Callback>(callback));
+ return *this;
+// Custom support for handling updates to our characteristic's value
+// Defined as: (NOT defined by Bluetooth or BlueZ - this method is internal only)
+// This method is called by our framework whenever a characteristic's value is updated. If you need to perform any actions
+// when a value is updatd, this is a good place to do that work.
+// If you need to perform the same action(s) when a value is updated from the client (via `onWriteValue`) or from this server,
+// then it may be beneficial to call this method from within your onWriteValue callback to reduce duplicated code. See
+// `callOnUpdatedValue` for more information.
+GattCharacteristic &GattCharacteristic::onUpdatedValue(UpdatedValueCallback callback)
+ pOnUpdatedValueFunc = callback;
+ return *this;
+// Calls the onUpdatedValue method, if one was set.
+// Returns false if there was no method set, otherwise, returns the boolean result of the method call.
+// If you need to perform the same action(s) when a value is updated from the client (via onWriteValue) or from this server,
+// then it may be beneficial to place those actions in the `onUpdatedValue` method and call it from from within your
+// `onWriteValue` callback to reduce duplicated code. To call the `onUpdatedValue` method from within your `onWriteValue`, you
+// can use this pattern:
+// {
+// // Update your value
+// ...
+// // Call the onUpdateValue method that was set in the same Characteristic
+// self.callOnUpdatedValue(pConnection, pUserData);
+// })
+bool GattCharacteristic::callOnUpdatedValue(GDBusConnection *pConnection, void *pUserData) const
+ if (nullptr == pOnUpdatedValueFunc)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Logger::info(SSTR << "Calling OnUpdatedValue function for interface at path '" << getPath() << "'");
+ return pOnUpdatedValueFunc(*this, pConnection, pUserData);
+// Convenience functions to add a GATT descriptor to the hierarchy
+// We simply add a new child at the given path and add an interface configured as a GATT descriptor to it. The
+// new descriptor is declared with a UUID and a variable argument list of flags (in string form.) For a complete and
+// up-to-date list of flag values, see: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/plain/doc/gatt-api.txt
+// At the time of this writing, the list of flags is as follows:
+// "read"
+// "write"
+// "encrypt-read"
+// "encrypt-write"
+// "encrypt-authenticated-read"
+// "encrypt-authenticated-write"
+// "secure-read" (Server Only)
+// "secure-write" (Server Only)
+// To end a descriptor, call `GattDescriptor::gattDescriptorEnd()`
+GattDescriptor &GattCharacteristic::gattDescriptorBegin(const std::string &pathElement, const GattUuid &uuid, const std::vector<const char *> &flags)
+ DBusObject &child = owner.addChild(DBusObjectPath(pathElement));
+ GattDescriptor &descriptor = *child.addInterface(std::make_shared<GattDescriptor>(child, *this, "org.bluez.GattDescriptor1"));
+ descriptor.addProperty<GattDescriptor>("UUID", uuid);
+ descriptor.addProperty<GattDescriptor>("Characteristic", getPath());
+ descriptor.addProperty<GattDescriptor>("Flags", flags);
+ return descriptor;
+// Sends a change notification to subscribers to this characteristic
+// This is a generalized method that accepts a `GVariant *`. A templated version is available that supports common types called
+// `sendChangeNotificationValue()`.
+void GattCharacteristic::sendChangeNotificationVariant(GDBusConnection *pBusConnection, GVariant *pNewValue) const
+ g_auto(GVariantBuilder) builder;
+ g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY);
+ g_variant_builder_add(&builder, "{sv}", "Value", pNewValue);
+ GVariant *pSasv = g_variant_new("(sa{sv})", "org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1", &builder);
+ owner.emitSignal(pBusConnection, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", pSasv);