
Dakkar's Keyboardio Model 01 Firmware

This is mostly a stripped-down version of the official firmware, with custom keymaps and two custom plugins.


The keymaps are in keymaps.h, which should not be included directly. #include "keymap-wrapper.h" instead! The wrapper defines the (hacky) ColorKeymaps macro that transposes the array-of-pairs keymaps into pair-of-arrays (actual keymap, color map).

This allows me to define, next to each key, what "class" of key it is, and therefore which colour its LED should light up. The classes are defined in key-classes.h, and the corresponding colours in color-themes.h.


The only non-trivial macro is fvwmMacro: it selects the FVWM layer, and also acts as the LeftAlt key.

This is because all the functions of my window manager (fvwm2) are accessed with key combinations using the left "alt" key, for which I have a dedicated layout, plus I need alt-tab to switch to a different window, and that needs left-alt to stay pressed.



Source: DakkarColor.h

This plugin defines a LEDMode sub class, which uses a color map as built by keymap-wrapper.h (i.e. a DefaultColormap) to assign each key its color.

In addition to simple colors, it allows you to set a function pointer (look at the num-breathe() function in color-themes.h for a minimal example).


Source color-picker.h

This plugin defines a LEDMode subclass that, when selected, takes over all key presses, and turns half the keyboard into a control panel to paint the other half.

The Fn (palm) keys switch into editing mode, with that half housing the controls.

The controls are:

  • the keys of the 2 outermost columns show the value of the 8 colors in the palette; pressing one selects the color
  • 3 rows of 4 keys to change the selected color in the HSV space (one row for H, one for S, one for V; in each row the keys do -10 -1 +1 +10)

Pressing a key on the non-control half of the keyboard assigns the selected color to that key.

The plugin also defines a Focus (serial control protocol) command color-picker.dump which prints the current values of the 8 colors, and a compact color map for the keys.