module via() { cylinder(h=10,r=0.5,center=true,$fn=12); } // TTGO T7 module esp32() { for(x=[0, 1, 10, 11]) { for(y=[0 : 9]) { translate([2.54*x,2.54*y,0]) via(); } } } // module amp() { for(x=[0 : 8]) { translate([0,2.54*x,0]) via(); } } module wire_pack() { for(x=[0 : 4]) { translate([0,4*x,0]) via(); } } difference() { union() { cube([40,80,1.25]); translate([12.5,60,0.5]) cube([15,10,3.5]); } translate([6.25,8.5,0]) esp32(); translate([11.5,-1.5,-1]) cube([17,15,3]); // rows // row output pins wired here translate([5,36,0]) wire_pack(); // 220Ω between these translate([15,36,0]) wire_pack(); // these go to pins 3 of each qrd1114 // same output pins wired here translate([25,36,0]) wire_pack(); // 10k0Ω between these translate([35,36,0]) wire_pack(); // these go to pins 1 of each qrd1114 // columns: ouput pins directly to pins 2&4 of each qrd1114 translate([30,57.5,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) amp(); }