
Maki Yamazaki's "Terran" font

Idea by Maki Yamazaki; original reference picture ⓒ 2020 Maki Yamazaki

This is a very rough font for the Terran abugida; the idea is to show the correct glyphs for text written in the standard romanisation. The font uses ligatures to draw the various syllables.

How to add glyphs

Get FontForge

Open the terran.sfd directory

Glyphs that are romanised as single latin letters go in the slots for the lowercase letters.

Glyphs that are romanised as multiple latin letters:

  • "Encoding" → "Add encoding slots…" (create at least 1)
  • new slots appear at the end of the main window
  • for each new slot:
    • right-click, "Glyph info…", a dialog will open
    • for "Glyph name", type the romanisation (this is not really part of the font, but it makes things easier to understand)
    • click "Ligatures" on the left-hand side of the dialog
    • click under "Subtable", on "<New Ligature>", and select "ligs-1"
    • on that same row, click on the other column ("Source glyph names") and type the letters of the romanisation, separated by space (the glyphs for those letters must have been created already)

Save (ctrl-S, or from the menu), then "File" → "Generate fonts…", keep all the defaults. If it complains of some validation problem, click "review", then for each red sentence, double-click on it, and keep clicking on "fix" until they're all gone. Then save and generate the font again.