Richard Dawkins Bruce Schneier Lois McMaster Bujold Kage Baker David Weber Robert Heinlein Douglas Adams Neal Stephenson Lewis Carrol Terry Pratchett Jorge Luis Borges Olaf Stapledon Frank Herbert Alessandro Bergonzoni Stefano Benni Jules Verne Neil Gaiman H.G. Wells Isaac Asimov Arthur C. Clarke Philip K. Dick JRR Tolkien Ed Wood Tim Burton Monty Python Terry Gilliam Orson Welles Luc Besson Peter Greenaway David Cronenberg Stanley Kubrick Joss Whedon Quentin Tarantino Pedro Almodóvar Mel Brooks 宮崎駿 MIYAZAKI Hayao 押井守 OSHII Mamoru 庵野 秀明 ANNO Hideaki Alan Moore 鬼頭 莫宏 KITOH Mohiro 手塚 治虫 TEZUKA Osamu ゆうきまさみ YUKI Masami 浦沢 直樹 URASAWA Naoki 星野 之宣 YUKINOBU Hoshino 安倍 吉俊 yoshitoshi ABe 士郎 正宗 SHIROW Masamune Amanda Palmer Marian Call Jonathan Coulton The Flaming Lips The Pillows Nightwish Stefano Nosei Jethro Tull 菅野 よう子 KANNO Yoko Franco Battiato Enya Helloween Mike Oldfield Alan Parsons Project Emerson, Lake & Palmer Fabrizio De André 川井 憲次 KAWAI Kenji David Bowie Girl Genius Gunnerkrigg Court Cyrano de Bergerac Watership Down RHPS Thunderbirds Doctor Who The Twilight Zone Blade Runner Forbidden Planet Cowboy Bebop フリクリ FLCL Gundam Macross ふしぎの海のナディア The Secret of Blue Water 涼みやはるひの消失 SUZUMIYA Haruhi Cutey Honey 電脳コイル Dennou Coil 灰羽連盟 Haibane Renmei Star Trek D&D Go Shogi Perl Firefly トップをねらえ! Gunbuster Sandman Honor Harrington 日本語 Tiffany Aching Dune Snow Crash HHGTTG Dirk Gently Halo Jones Top 10 Promethea Blade Runner The Princess Bride The Blues Brothers Groucho Marx 平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ Pon Poko となりのトトロ Totoro 風の谷のナウシカ Nausicaä 攻殻機動隊 Ghost in the Shell 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン Evangelion Powerpuff Girls Dresden Codak