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124 files changed, 937 insertions, 661 deletions
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diff --git a/additions/layout.css b/additions/layout.css
index caec0c2..c7527b5 100644
--- a/additions/layout.css
+++ b/additions/layout.css
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ div {
border: solid 1px transparent;
-#title, #tags, #alt-langs, #dates, #nav-tags, #nav-links, #amazon-wishlist, #footer, #twitter-widget-0 {
+#title, #tags, #alt-langs, #dates, #nav-tags, #nav-links, #amazon-wishlist, #footer {
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
-#nav-tags, #nav-links, #amazon-wishlist, #twitter-widget-0 {
+#nav-tags, #nav-links, #amazon-wishlist {
margin-top: 1em;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ html, body {
/* sidebar */
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+#nav-links, #nav-tags, #amazon-wishlist {
position: relative;
background: #2b687c;
color: #eeeeee;
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ html, body {
font-style: italic;
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+ width: 2em;
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@@ -188,4 +192,4 @@ span.title {
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font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/additions/twitter.svg b/additions/twitter.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ viewBox="0 0 248 204" style="enable-background:new 0 0 248 204;" xml:space="preserve">
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+ c-21.61-0.41-40.56-14.5-47.18-35.07c7.57,1.46,15.37,1.16,22.8-0.87C27.8,117.2,10.85,96.5,10.85,72.46c0-0.22,0-0.43,0-0.64
+ c7.02,3.91,14.88,6.08,22.92,6.32C11.58,63.31,4.74,33.79,18.14,10.71c25.64,31.55,63.47,50.73,104.08,52.76
+ c-4.07-17.54,1.49-35.92,14.61-48.25c20.34-19.12,52.33-18.14,71.45,2.19c11.31-2.23,22.15-6.38,32.07-12.26
+ c-3.77,11.69-11.66,21.62-22.2,27.93c10.01-1.18,19.79-3.86,29-7.95C240.37,35.29,231.83,44.14,221.95,51.29z"/>
diff --git a/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/ b/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
index cec42f7..010b919 100644
--- a/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
+++ b/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ Maybe you know better the name "slide rules". Or maybe not even that
one… Short version: ``log(x*y) = log(x)+log(y)``, so if you have a
pair of rulers with a logarithmic scale, you can use them to perform
multiplications and divisions. More details on dedicated sites, like
-`Ron Manley's one <>`_ o `Eric Marcotte's one
+`Ron Manley's one <>`_ o `Eric Marcotte's one
All right, let's pretend we've understood that…
I have here a classic slide rule, and a cylindrical slide "rule" (of
-the `Otis King <>`_ variety). I
+the `Otis King <>`_ variety). I
want to show how to perform a couple of simple operations.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Linear rule:
.. image:: s24d4-1.jpg
:alt: 4 on C scale matching with 24 on D scale
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
2) look with what, on the D scale, matches 1 on the C scale
diff --git a/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/ b/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
index 9c43b19..3ac2297 100644
--- a/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
+++ b/src/HW/logscale-calc-tools/
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ neppure questo… Versione breve: ``log(x*y) = log(x)+log(y)``,
per cui se avete un paio di righelli in scala logaritmica, potete
usarli per fare moltiplicazioni e divisioni. Maggiori dettagli presso
siti specializzati, quali `quello di Ron Manley
-<>`_ o `quello di Eric Marcotte
+<>`_ o `quello di Eric Marcotte
Va be', facciamo finta di aver capito…
Ho sotto mano un regolo "classico", e un regolo cilindrico (tipo `Otis
-King <>`_). Voglio mostrare un
+King <>`_). Voglio mostrare un
paio di semplici operazioni.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Regolo lineare:
.. image:: s24d4-1.jpg
:alt: 4 della scala C corrispondente a 24 della scala D
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
2) guardiamo a cosa, sulla scala D, corrisponde 1 della scala C
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
index f5ced2f..dcd0437 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ on the CupCake_, and it worked perfectly.
.. _CupCake:
.. _`MakerBot instructions`:
-.. _crossdev:
-.. _`hint found in a mailing list post`:
-.. _Arduino:
-.. _`Arduino instructions`:
+.. _crossdev:
+.. _`hint found in a mailing list post`:
+.. _Arduino:
+.. _`Arduino instructions`:
.. _Sanguino:
.. _`Sanguino instructions`:
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
index 6a2c51f..a149716 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ le board della CupCake_, e ha funzionato perfettamente.
.. _CupCake:
.. _`istruzioni di MakerBot`:
-.. _crossdev:
-.. _`consiglio trovato su una mailing list`:
-.. _Arduino:
-.. _`istruzioni Arduino`:
+.. _crossdev:
+.. _`consiglio trovato su una mailing list`:
+.. _Arduino:
+.. _`istruzioni Arduino`:
.. _Sanguino:
.. _`istruzioni Sanguino`:
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/ b/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
index 757c913..6d8bdf6 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Having all the pieces, and the instructions, we start building.
The ``USBtinyISP`` programmer
-(`link to the instructions <>`_)
+(`link to the instructions <>`_)
It would not have been strictly necessary, since the batch #5 CupCakes
come with pre-programmed microcontrollers, but it was in the package,
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ motor, on the other it was precisely centered.
<>`_, by gluing
together the two wheels included in the kit. In my case,
and `apparently also for someone else
- <>`_,
+ <>`_,
the resulting wheel is too thick to fit between the flanges of the
pinch wheel, so it's impossible to use.
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/ b/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
index 183a7c5..18f9123 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/cupcake-build/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ montare i pezzi.
Il programmatore ``USBtinyISP``
-(`link alle istruzioni <>`_)
+(`link alle istruzioni <>`_)
Non sarebbe stato proprio necessario, visto che le CupCake batch #5
vengono spedite con i microcontroller già programmati, ma visto che
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ centrata.
<>`_, ottenuta
incollando assieme le due ruote contenute nel kit. Nel mio caso,
e `sembra anche per qualcun altro
- <>`_,
+ <>`_,
tale ruota doppia è troppo spessa per entrare tra le pareti della
ruota dentata, per cui non è possibile usarla.
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Prima stampa
Finalmente, posso stampare! L'oggetto di prova è una `linguetta a clip
-per i fine-corsa Z <>`_, visto che
+per i fine-corsa Z <>`_, visto che
nel mio kit il piano Z non ha le fessure per fermare le linguette.
[% WRAPPER '' pic='img_0973' alt='CupCake che stampa il primo
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/ b/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
index c4f862f..2f07d2f 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ The benchmark piece
Just to try it out, I printed `the RepRap benchmark piece
First problem: the raft wasn't sticking to the build base; solved by
keeping the extruder nearer to the base.
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ The whistle
Using the new build base, I printed `the whistle
-<>`_ (I actually used `the
-cleaned version <>`_ ).
+<>`_ (I actually used `the
+cleaned version <>`_ ).
It came out pretty well, but it does not actually whistle…
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ The "printruder"
Since the whistle came out well enough, I tried a "hard piece": the
-"`printruder <>`_", which is the
+"`printruder <>`_", which is the
support part of the extruder, in a printable version.
I have to say that it feels like magic, seeing a printer producing its
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/ b/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
index fe11ab9..dffb2c5 100644
--- a/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/printed-objects/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Il pezzo di riferimento
Per prova, ho stampato `il pezzo di prova per RepRap
Primo problema: la raft non si voleva attaccare alla base; risolto
tenendo l'estrusore più vicino alla base.
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ Il fischietto
Armato della nuova base di stampa, ho stampato `il fischietto
-<>`_ (in effetti ho usato `la
-versione ripulita <>`_ ).
+<>`_ (in effetti ho usato `la
+versione ripulita <>`_ ).
È venuto piuttosto bene, ma non fischia…
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Il "printruder"
Visto che il fischietto è venuto abbastanza bene, ho provato a
stampare un pezzo difficile: il "`printruder
-<>`_", ovvero il supporto
+<>`_", ovvero il supporto
dell'estrusore, in versione stampabile.
Bisogna dire che ha del magico, vedere una stampante che produce i
diff --git a/src/HW/mindflex/ b/src/HW/mindflex/
index b79320d..57898fd 100644
--- a/src/HW/mindflex/
+++ b/src/HW/mindflex/
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Of course it, too, sat unused for years.
I've finally started putting the three together.
-.. _`Mind Flex`:
-.. _`Keepon`:
+.. _`Mind Flex`:
+.. _`Keepon`:
.. _`MicroView`:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ getting a signal, probably because of noise on the power line.
I then connected (currently via a small breadboard) the MicroView to
the wires: ground to ground, power to VIN, signal to pin Rx.
-.. _`Frontier Nerds`:
+.. _`Frontier Nerds`:
For the Keepon, I connected four wires as explained by BeatBots:
ground to ground, power to A0 (to read when the Keepon is turned on),
diff --git a/src/HW/mindflex/ b/src/HW/mindflex/
index ad73aee..7ba3b61 100644
--- a/src/HW/mindflex/
+++ b/src/HW/mindflex/
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Ovviamente, pure quello è rimasto su uno scaffale per anni.
Di recente ho finalmente cominciato a mettere assieme le tre cose.
-.. _`Mind Flex`:
-.. _`Keepon`:
+.. _`Mind Flex`:
+.. _`Keepon`:
.. _`MicroView`:
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Ho poi connesso (tramite una piccola breadboard, per il momento) il
MicroView ai fili: massa a massa, alimentazione a VIN, segnale al
piedino di ingresso seriale.
-.. _`Frontier Nerds`:
+.. _`Frontier Nerds`:
Per il Keepon, ho connesso i quattro fili come spiega BeatBots: massa
a massa, alimentazione a A0 (così possiamo notare quando il Keepon
diff --git a/src/HW/thermostat/ b/src/HW/thermostat/
index 9ea1bcf..6a6c0a3 100644
--- a/src/HW/thermostat/
+++ b/src/HW/thermostat/
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ to the boiler recognises the signals and turns on and off.
.. _`Dave Hope`:
.. _`Ross Harper`:
.. _Audacity:
.. _`code to send the correct pulse train`:
diff --git a/src/SW/Sietima/ b/src/SW/Sietima/
index 846c504..38eff53 100644
--- a/src/SW/Sietima/
+++ b/src/SW/Sietima/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ History
Once upon a time, there was a mailing list manager called Siesta,
-written by Richard Clamp, Greg McCarrol and Simon Winstow. You can
+written by Richard Clamp, Greg McCarrol and Simon Wistow. You can
still look at the `Subversion repository`_, `development mailing list
archives`_, `the slides of the talk Richard gave`_ at `YAPC::EU
2003`_, and `the full history as written by Simon`_.
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ Check out `the source code`_, push your branch somewhere, then `email
me about it`_. Or `ask me to give you write access to the repository`_.
.. _`Subversion repository`:
-.. _`development mailing list archives`:
-.. _`the slides of the talk Richard gave`:
-.. _`YAPC::EU 2003`:
+.. _`development mailing list archives`:
+.. _`the slides of the talk Richard gave`:
+.. _`YAPC::EU 2003`:
.. _`the full history as written by Simon`:
.. _`example application`: /cgit/Sietima/tree/example/sietima
diff --git a/src/SW/Sietima/ b/src/SW/Sietima/
index 7df77e0..2574826 100644
--- a/src/SW/Sietima/
+++ b/src/SW/Sietima/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Storia
Tanto tempo fa, c'era un gestore di mailing list chiamato Siesta,
-scritto da Richard Clamp, Greg McCarrol e Simon Winstow. Potete ancora
+scritto da Richard Clamp, Greg McCarrol e Simon Wistow. Potete ancora
accedere al `repository Subversion`_, `gli archivi della mailing list
di sviluppo`_, `le slides dell'intervento di Richard`_ alla
`YAPC::EU 2003`_, e `la storia completa scritta da Simon`_.
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ parte, e `fatemelo sapere per email`_. Oppure `chiedetemi di darvi
accesso in scrittura al repository`_.
.. _`repository Subversion`:
-.. _`gli archivi della mailing list di sviluppo`:
-.. _`le slides dell'intervento di Richard`:
-.. _`YAPC::EU 2003`:
+.. _`gli archivi della mailing list di sviluppo`:
+.. _`le slides dell'intervento di Richard`:
+.. _`YAPC::EU 2003`:
.. _`la storia completa scritta da Simon`:
.. _`applicazione di esempio`: /cgit/Sietima/tree/example/sietima
diff --git a/src/SW/WebCoso/ b/src/SW/WebCoso/
index b39cc5d..353fe6e 100644
--- a/src/SW/WebCoso/
+++ b/src/SW/WebCoso/
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ The functions I wanted were:
After a few years of sporadic development, the result is WebCoso_
.. _reST:
-.. _reStructuredText:
-.. _`content negotiation`:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _WebCoso:
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _`content negotiation`:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _WebCoso:
How does it work
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ already transformed documents.
There are, surely, functions that are not exported to the templates,
and that one day I'll need: they're not hard to add.
-.. _`heart of the thing`:
-.. _`Slay::Maker`:
-.. _`Template Toolkit`:
-.. _`Text::Restructured`:
-.. _`XML::LibXSLT`:
-.. _rsync:
+.. _`heart of the thing`:
+.. _`Slay::Maker`:
+.. _`Template Toolkit`:
+.. _`Text::Restructured`:
+.. _`XML::LibXSLT`:
+.. _rsync:
diff --git a/src/SW/WebCoso/ b/src/SW/WebCoso/
index 8f4d0ad..6a45e7f 100644
--- a/src/SW/WebCoso/
+++ b/src/SW/WebCoso/
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ Le funzioni necessarie erano:
Dopo qualche anno di lavoro molto sporadico, il risultato è WebCoso_
.. _reST:
-.. _reStructuredText:
-.. _`content negotiation`:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _WebCoso:
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _`content negotiation`:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _WebCoso:
Come funziona
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ già trasformati.
Sicuramente ci sono delle funzioni che non sono esposte ai template,
ma che prima o poi serviranno: non è difficile aggiungerle.
-.. _`centro di tutto`:
-.. _`Slay::Maker`:
-.. _`Template Toolkit`:
-.. _`Text::Restructured`:
-.. _`XML::LibXSLT`:
-.. _rsync:
+.. _`centro di tutto`:
+.. _`Slay::Maker`:
+.. _`Template Toolkit`:
+.. _`Text::Restructured`:
+.. _`XML::LibXSLT`:
+.. _rsync:
diff --git a/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/ b/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
index 152b8a2..7164f13 100644
--- a/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
+++ b/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ That code is full of magic numbers, and the multiple nested loops
don't really help legibility much. What's going on in there?
To understand where those numbers came from, I studied `a QR code
-tutorial <>`_. The most useful
+tutorial <>`_. The most useful
page for our purposes is `the one that explains "function patterns"
Everything in that function assumes a 3-pixel QR module, so:
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ So, another way to get the same result would be:
Of course, it's not trivial to know whether a module is part of the
data or of a function pattern, but we're in luck: the |libqrencode|_ C
library `provides us with that information
It generates the QR code as a matrix of bytes, and each byte is a
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Once we've installed |alien-qrencode|_, |data-qrcode|_, and
.. parsed_literal::
- perl ``_ '' `kawaii-beholder.png`_ `kawaii-beholder-qr.png`_
+ perl ``_ '' `kawaii-beholder.png`_ `kawaii-beholder-qr.png`_
and get this:
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ maintained.
.. _myqrpy:
.. |myqrpy| replace:: ````
-.. _libqrencode:
+.. _libqrencode:
.. |libqrencode| replace:: ``libqrencode``
.. _`text-qrcode`:
diff --git a/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/ b/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
index ab8b6e7..43539b9 100644
--- a/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
+++ b/src/SW/fancy-qr-codes/
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ aiutano la leggibilità. Cosa fa tutta quella roba?
Per capire da dove venissero quei numeri, mi sono studiato `un
tutorial sui codici QR
-<>`_. Per i nostri scopi, la
+<>`_. Per i nostri scopi, la
pagina più utile è `quella che spiega i "function patterns"
In quella funzione, tutto suppone che i moduli siano 3×3 pixel, per
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ In altre parole, per ottenere lo stesso risultato potremmo:
Ovviamente, non è proprio banale sapere se un modulo è parte dei dati
o di un pattern, ma siamo fortunati: la libreria C |libqrencode|_ `ci
fornisce proprio questa informazione
Genera il codice QR come matrice di byte, e ogni byte è in bit-field::
MSB 76543210 LSB
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Una volta installati |alien-qrencode|_, |data-qrcode|_, e
.. parsed_literal::
- perl ``_ '' `kawaii-beholder.png`_ `kawaii-beholder-qr.png`_
+ perl ``_ '' `kawaii-beholder.png`_ `kawaii-beholder-qr.png`_
e ottenere questo:
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ trasparenza è rispettata.
.. _myqrpy:
.. |myqrpy| replace:: ````
-.. _libqrencode:
+.. _libqrencode:
.. |libqrencode| replace:: ``libqrencode``
.. _`text-qrcode`:
diff --git a/src/SW/gentoo-luks-secureboot/ b/src/SW/gentoo-luks-secureboot/
index 3756ad5..5c526b4 100644
--- a/src/SW/gentoo-luks-secureboot/
+++ b/src/SW/gentoo-luks-secureboot/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Install new machine
* disable secureboot
* boot on `system rescue cd usb stick
- <>`_
+ <>`_
* ``startx``
* connect to WiFi
* terminal
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ Install new machine
* one partition for the rest, ``ext4``, label ``root`` name ``root``
* set root password
+* disable the firewall::
+ iptables -F
+ iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
* ssh in from a better machine
* ``cryptsetup benchmark`` to check crypto speed
* create encrypted volume::
@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ Install new machine
* make filesystem, mount it::
cryptsetup open /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root root
- mkfs.ext4 -L root -E discard /dev/mapper/root
+ mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/mapper/root
mkdir /mnt/gentoo
mount /dev/disk/by-label/root /mnt/gentoo
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ Install new machine
is small)::
cd /mnt/gentoo
- wget
+ wget
tar xvpf /mnt/gentoo/stage3*.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner
* copy some configuration over, while you're at it
@@ -128,9 +133,10 @@ Install new machine
built-in kernel command line::
- root_trim=yes crypt_roots=UUID=??? rootfstype=ext4
+ crypt_root=UUID=??? rootfstype=ext4
- for ``crypt_roots``: take UUID from ``blkid -t PARTLABEL=root -o export``
+ for ``crypt_root``: take ``UUID`` (*not* ``PARTUUID``) from
+ ``blkid -t PARTLABEL=root -o export``
will probably fail, no pre-existing initramfs during kernel
compilation (use correct version for initramfs filename)::
@@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ Install new machine
* final checks: ``/etc/fstab``::
LABEL=BOOT /boot vfat noauto,noatime,utf8=1 0 2
- LABEL=root / ext4 relatime,discard 0 1
+ LABEL=root / ext4 relatime 0 1
none /var/tmp/portage tmpfs size=75%,defaults 0 0
``/etc/hostname``, ``/etc/conf.d/net``, ``/etc/wpa_supplicant/*``
@@ -201,8 +207,24 @@ Install new machine
passwd dakkar
emerge -av1 sudo
-* reboot, tell UEFI to use our kernel (or use ``efibootmgr`` before
- rebooting!), go
+* set EFI booting options::
+ # remove existing boot options, one at a time
+ efibootmgr -b 0 -B
+ # create new options
+ efibootmgr -c -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L gentoo -l EFI\\gentoo.efi
+ efibootmgr -c -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L gentoo-old -l EFI\\gentoo-old.efi
+ # set boot order
+ efibootmgr -o 0,1
+* unmount (from outside the chroot)::
+ umount -R /mnt/gentoo
+* reboot, tell UEFI to use our kernel (if you didn't use
+ ``efibootmgr``), go
* log in as ``dakkar`` via ssh, copy ``world`` from old machine,
install everything::
@@ -251,7 +273,7 @@ reboot, then from the UEFI setup:
Info from:
Signed modules
diff --git a/src/SW/is-android-free/ b/src/SW/is-android-free/
index b6812cb..c8a5156 100644
--- a/src/SW/is-android-free/
+++ b/src/SW/is-android-free/
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ with my modifications, and use it), and I don't have any assurance as
to when they will arrive on my phone (assuming they are accepted in
the Android platform), why should I even attempt to make them?
-.. _Android:
-.. _`source code of the Android system`:
-.. _GPLv3:
-.. _FSF:
-.. _`Apache license version 2.0`:
-.. _`free software license, compatible with version 3 of the GPL`:
-.. _`free software definition`:
-.. _OpenVPN:
-.. _nexus:;a=tree;f=nexus;h=5ac2cb9f0cee2394fa2d070d3df309090e222828;hb=refs/heads/donut
+.. _Android:
+.. _`source code of the Android system`:
+.. _GPLv3:
+.. _FSF:
+.. _`Apache license version 2.0`:
+.. _`free software license, compatible with version 3 of the GPL`:
+.. _`free software definition`:
+.. _OpenVPN:
+.. _nexus:;a=tree;f=nexus;h=5ac2cb9f0cee2394fa2d070d3df309090e222828;hb=refs/heads/donut
diff --git a/src/SW/is-android-free/ b/src/SW/is-android-free/
index bfdc409..dcbef8a 100644
--- a/src/SW/is-android-free/
+++ b/src/SW/is-android-free/
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ usarla), e non ho nessuna garanzia di quando potrebbero arrivare sul
mio telefono (anche assumendo che venissero accettate in Android),
perché mai dovrei mettermi a farle?
-.. _Android:
-.. _`codice sorgente del sistema Android`:
-.. _GPLv3:
-.. _FSF:
-.. _`licenza Apache versione 2.0`:
-.. _`una licenza libera, compatibile con la GPL versione 3`:
-.. _`definizione di software libero`:
-.. _OpenVPN:
-.. _nexus:;a=tree;f=nexus;h=5ac2cb9f0cee2394fa2d070d3df309090e222828;hb=refs/heads/donut
+.. _Android:
+.. _`codice sorgente del sistema Android`:
+.. _GPLv3:
+.. _FSF:
+.. _`licenza Apache versione 2.0`:
+.. _`una licenza libera, compatibile con la GPL versione 3`:
+.. _`definizione di software libero`:
+.. _OpenVPN:
+.. _nexus:;a=tree;f=nexus;h=5ac2cb9f0cee2394fa2d070d3df309090e222828;hb=refs/heads/donut
diff --git a/src/SW/kanatrain/ b/src/SW/kanatrain/
index 312c8cc..c23eca9 100644
--- a/src/SW/kanatrain/
+++ b/src/SW/kanatrain/
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ To end each exercise just give an empty answer.
The source_ is a single file.
-.. _source:
+.. _source: httpss://
diff --git a/src/SW/kanatrain/ b/src/SW/kanatrain/
index 1c3a060..e1c62cc 100644
--- a/src/SW/kanatrain/
+++ b/src/SW/kanatrain/
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ Per terminare ciascun esercizio basta dare una risposta vuota.
Il sorgente_ è un singolo file.
-.. _sorgente:
+.. _sorgente:
diff --git a/src/SW/kblayout/ b/src/SW/kblayout/
index 5acae49..342605b 100644
--- a/src/SW/kblayout/
+++ b/src/SW/kblayout/
@@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ To have an idea of the optimization, the value relative to the QWERTY
layout is 10.190.280, for the one above is 6.797.370, meaning a 34%
reduction in the space travelled by the fingers during writing.
-.. _``:
-.. _``:
-.. _``:
+.. _``:
+.. _``:
+.. _``:
diff --git a/src/SW/kblayout/ b/src/SW/kblayout/
index dcc6c4f..38e39d4 100644
--- a/src/SW/kblayout/
+++ b/src/SW/kblayout/
@@ -60,6 +60,6 @@ Per dare un'idea del miglioramento, il valore calcolato per la QWERTY
in una riduzione del 34% del chilometraggio delle dita durante la
-.. _``:
-.. _``:
-.. _``:
+.. _``:
+.. _``:
+.. _``:
diff --git a/src/SW/my-layout/ b/src/SW/my-layout/
index 48c404c..be12df2 100644
--- a/src/SW/my-layout/
+++ b/src/SW/my-layout/
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
- configs
I use a `Dvorak layout
-<>`_, on an
+<>`_, on an
`Apple Aluminum Keyboard (A1243)
-<>`_, on a
+<>`_, on a
Gentoo Linux PC.
I could *mostly* do with the `xorg`-provided dvorak layout, by putting
diff --git a/src/SW/my-layout/ b/src/SW/my-layout/
index 5315bb1..095004a 100644
--- a/src/SW/my-layout/
+++ b/src/SW/my-layout/
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
- configs
Io uso un `layout Dvorak
-<>`_, su una
+<>`_, su una
`tastiera Apple Alluminio (A1243)
-<>`_, su un PC con Gentoo
+<>`_, su un PC con Gentoo
Avrei potuto *quasi* usare il layout dvorak di serie di `xorg`,
diff --git a/src/SW/oyster/ b/src/SW/oyster/
index 99698ec..e7390ee 100644
--- a/src/SW/oyster/
+++ b/src/SW/oyster/
@@ -103,5 +103,5 @@ make, the annual travelcard is about 15% more expensive than the "pay
as you go" option. Either that, or I got my calculations wrong…
.. |oyster| replace:: ``oyster``
-.. _`source for the |oyster| program`:
-.. _`another program`:
+.. _`source for the |oyster| program`:
+.. _`another program`:
diff --git a/src/SW/perl-on-android/ b/src/SW/perl-on-android/
index 33c63d4..c8d4fbb 100644
--- a/src/SW/perl-on-android/
+++ b/src/SW/perl-on-android/
@@ -192,6 +192,6 @@ getting better results: the master branch of perl now can be compiled
-.. _`YAPC::EU 2012`:
-.. _`Android Scripting Environment`:
+.. _`YAPC::EU 2012`:
+.. _`Android Scripting Environment`:
diff --git a/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/ b/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
index a7d59cc..716b6dd 100644
--- a/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
+++ b/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ I re-run ``pmset``, and finally the configuration is set.
Sadly it still does not work ``:-(``
-.. _rsnapshot:
+.. _rsnapshot:
.. _pbbuttonsd:
diff --git a/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/ b/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
index 5c63640..8dbbe8a 100644
--- a/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
+++ b/src/SW/pmset-linux-workaround/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ rilancio ``pmset`` e finalmente la configurazione entra.
Peccato che non funzioni ``:-(``
-.. _rsnapshot:
+.. _rsnapshot:
.. _pbbuttonsd:
diff --git a/src/SW/sitemake/ b/src/SW/sitemake/
index 8ed4566..3ff2722 100644
--- a/src/SW/sitemake/
+++ b/src/SW/sitemake/
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ navigational information.
You can `consult the software's sources`__.
-.. _XML:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _XWeb:
-.. _`Gnome XSLT library`:
-.. __:
+.. _XML:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _XWeb:
+.. _`Gnome XSLT library`:
+.. __:
diff --git a/src/SW/sitemake/ b/src/SW/sitemake/
index 8f7fdb4..e47dff3 100644
--- a/src/SW/sitemake/
+++ b/src/SW/sitemake/
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ le informazioni di navigazione utili.
Potete `consultare i sorgenti`__ del software.
-.. _XML:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _XWeb:
-.. _`libreria Gnome XSLT`:
-.. __:
+.. _XML:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _XWeb:
+.. _`libreria Gnome XSLT`:
+.. __:
diff --git a/src/SW/tf101/ b/src/SW/tf101/
index 1fc1a82..33c8a02 100644
--- a/src/SW/tf101/
+++ b/src/SW/tf101/
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ wires is used to carry the higher voltage needed to charge the
.. _`Asus TF101`:
-.. _`PRIME`:
+.. _`PRIME`:
.. _`Dvorak keyboard`: /SW/my-layout/
-.. _`My changes`:
-.. _`LaTeX file to print key labels`:
-.. _`ConnectBot`:
+.. _`My changes`:
+.. _`LaTeX file to print key labels`:
+.. _`ConnectBot`:
.. _`"my own" version`:
.. _`get it from GitHub`:
-.. _`tear-down`:
+.. _`tear-down`:
diff --git a/src/SW/tf101/ b/src/SW/tf101/
index d5cfeb8..1bffd81 100644
--- a/src/SW/tf101/
+++ b/src/SW/tf101/
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ aggiuntivi è usato per mandare la tensione più alta necessaria a
caricare la batteria.
.. _`Asus TF101`:
-.. _`PRIME`:
+.. _`PRIME`:
.. _`una tastiera Dvorak`: /SW/my-layout/
-.. _`Le mie modifiche`:
-.. _`un file LaTeX per etichettare i tasti`:
-.. _`ConnectBot`:
+.. _`Le mie modifiche`:
+.. _`un file LaTeX per etichettare i tasti`:
+.. _`ConnectBot`:
.. _`una versione "mia"`:
.. _`scaricarla da GitHub`:
-.. _`smontaggio`:
+.. _`smontaggio`:
diff --git a/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/ b/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
index 37ce224..9c9afe7 100644
--- a/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
+++ b/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ horrible in-accessible website). Of course I want to control my PC
with it!
To do that, I needed a IR receiver and `LIRC
-<>`_. Since I sometimes like being overly generic,
+<>`_. Since I sometimes like being overly generic,
I bought `Dangerous Prototypes <>`_
`USB Infrared Toy
<>`_, which allows
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ Patching LIRC
LIRC can use the IR Toy in ``irman`` compatibility mode, but I needed
full send capability, to program the sonic screwdriver. I found `a
patch to add full support
thanks to Peter Kooiman. If you're running Gentoo, you can add `my
-overlay <>`_ and
+overlay <>`_ and
install `my patched LIRC
Configuring LIRC
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ This may well be written down somewhere, but I had problems finding a
useful guide, so I'll just show what I did:
1) get a full Philips RC-5 code list from `the LIRC remotes repository
- <>`_
+ <>`_
2) assign, arbitrarily, the first 39 codes to the 13 gestures on 3
memory banks of the screwdriver::
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ sensible names for the 39 gestures.
Using it
-Finally, I re-compiled `vlc <>`_ with LIRC
+Finally, I re-compiled `vlc <>`_ with LIRC
support, and wrote `a |lircrc| for vlc <lircrc>`_. With that, I can
control ``vlc`` with my sonic screwdriver!
diff --git a/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/ b/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
index 95cda2d..77230e8 100644
--- a/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
+++ b/src/SW/usb-ir-toy-lirc/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ sito è orrendo e difficile da navigare…). Chiaramente voglio poterci
controllare il mio PC!
Per farlo, mi serviva un ricevitore IR e `LIRC
-<>`_. Visto che mi piace complicarmi la vita, ho
+<>`_. Visto che mi piace complicarmi la vita, ho
comprato lo `USB Infrared Toy
<>`_ da `Dangerous
Prototypes <>`_, che permette di
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ Patch per LIRC
LIRC può usare lo IR Toy in modalità compatibile ``irman``, ma a me
serviva la funzione completa di invio segnali, per programmare il
cacciavite. Ho trovato `una patch per aggiungere il supporto completo
grazie a Peter Kooiman. Se usate Gentoo, potete aggiungere `la mia
-overlay <>`_ e
+overlay <>`_ e
installare `LIRC già modificato
Configurare LIRC
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ a trovare usa spiegazione usabile, per cui mostro quel che ho fatto:
1) mi son procurato un set completo di codici Philips RC-5 dal
`repository di telecomandi LIRC
- <>`_
+ <>`_
2) ho assegnato, arbitrariamente, i primi 39 codici ai 13 gesti su 3
banchi di memoria del cacciavite::
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ sensati per tutti e 39 i gesti.
-Finalmente, ho ri-compilato `vlc <>`_ col
+Finalmente, ho ri-compilato `vlc <>`_ col
supporto LIRC, e ho scritto `un |lircrc| per vlc <lircrc>`_. A questo
punto, posso controllare ``vlc`` col cacciavite sonico!
diff --git a/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/ b/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
index 4935fed..59a14ee 100644
--- a/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
+++ b/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ compact.
For example, the Apple Aluminum Keyboard (USB ID ``05ac:0221``)
produces at least one code above 255: the "fn" key is 464. People have
found other cases, and have `reported them as a bug
Since I needed my keyboard to work as I want it, I did the only
sensible thing: I `cloned the repository
-<>`_ and patched the
+<>`_ and patched the
My patch adds a configuration option, called ``event_key_remap``. Its
diff --git a/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/ b/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
index b6a931e..dc2f545 100644
--- a/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
+++ b/src/SW/xf86-input-evdev/
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ consecutivi.
Ad esempio, la tastiera Apple Alluminio (ID USB ``05ac:0221``) emette
qualche codice oltre 255: il tasto "fn" è 464. Altri hanno trovato
altri casi, e li hanno `segnalati come bug
Siccome la tastiera mi serve funzionante, e come dico io, ho fatto
l'unica cosa sensata: ho `clonato il repository
-<>`_ e ho modificato
+<>`_ e ho modificato
il codice.
La mia modifica aggiunge un'opzione di configurazione, chiamata
diff --git a/src/anime/anime-manga-list/ b/src/anime/anime-manga-list/
index 5e3bde9..3b5a313 100644
--- a/src/anime/anime-manga-list/
+++ b/src/anime/anime-manga-list/
@@ -190,27 +190,27 @@ Anime
-`Haibane Renmei <>`_
+`Haibane Renmei <>`_
maybe a metaphor for Purgatory, maybe for socialism, maybe just a
story to learn to forgive one's self, this series is beautiful
-`Top wo Nerae - Gunbuster <>`_
+`Top wo Nerae - Gunbuster <>`_
One of the first works by Gainax, with character design by `MIKIMOTO
Haruhiko <>`_ and
direction by `ANNO Hideaki
<>`_. Giant robots, teen
angst, special relativity. The sequel, `Daibuster
- <>`_, is also remarkable for keeping up with
+ <>`_, is also remarkable for keeping up with
the scale of the original.
-`Cowboy Bebop <>`_
+`Cowboy Bebop <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/cowboy-bebop/>`_.
-`FLCL <>`_
+`FLCL <>`_
The start of the "surreal" period of Gainax. A weaponised guitar, a
Vespa, double-entendres, unusual relationships.
-`The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya <>`_
+`The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya <>`_
“I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens,
beings from the future, or super-humans, come see me. That is all!”
Between zany and profound, this is one of the most intriguing series
@@ -218,63 +218,63 @@ Series
think it works better watched in that order than in the straight
internally chronological one.
-`Future Boy Conan <>`_
+`Future Boy Conan <>`_
Early work by, among others, `MIYAZAKI Hayao
- <>`_ and `TAKAHATA Isao
- <>`_. Many Ghibli films
+ <>`_ and `TAKAHATA Isao
+ <>`_. Many Ghibli films
will use themes and character details from this series.
-`Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
+`Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/panty-stocking/>`_.
-`Durarara!! <>`_
+`Durarara!! <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/durarara/>`_.
-`Madoka Magica <>`_
+`Madoka Magica <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/madoka-magica/>`_.
-`Gatchaman Crowds <>`_
+`Gatchaman Crowds <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/>`_.
-`Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine <>`_
+`Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/fujiko-mine/>`_.
-`Nadia - Secret of Blue Water <>`_
+`Nadia - Secret of Blue Water <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/nadia/>`_.
-`Kyousougiga <>`_
+`Kyousougiga <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/kyousougiga/>`_.
-`Sora no Woto <>`_
+`Sora no Woto <>`_
Young girls crew a military base in not-quite-Switzerland. War,
relationship between military and civilians, trumpets, old myths.
-`Dai Mahou Touge <>`_
+`Dai Mahou Touge <>`_
This is *not* a standard magical girl story. If Punie can't win with
magic, she'll win with uncontrolled brutality.
-`Dennou Coil <>`_
+`Dennou Coil <>`_
Intrusive virtual reality, hacking, friendship. Oh, and cute girls
with glasses.
-`Eve no Jikan <>`_
+`Eve no Jikan <>`_
Exploration of a society with humanoid, Asimov-style robots. Also
- watch the `movie <>`_ and the related short
- `Mizu no Kotoba <>`_.
+ watch the `movie <>`_ and the related short
+ `Mizu no Kotoba <>`_.
-`Macross <>`_
+`Macross <>`_
If you've only seen Robotech, you owe it to yourself to see the
original version of one of the three works that were mashed together
for the US rewrite. The best summary of Macross is "humans win a war
against violent aliens by singing at them".
-`Hibike! Euphonium <>`_
+`Hibike! Euphonium <>`_
High school brass / marching band club, working hard to pass the
selections toward the national contest. Good music, good portrayal
of the amount of work involved in learning to play musical
instruments, and a very sweet romance.
-`Shin Seiki Evangelion <>`_
+`Shin Seiki Evangelion <>`_
The series that re-booted the "giant robots" genre. Gory, messy,
with an ending that still has people arguing after twenty years and
several animated reiterations.
@@ -295,10 +295,16 @@ Series
Rich girl runs away from home, meets poor girl, they become a
musical sensation. Also, fight fascism with songs.
+`ODDTAXI <>`_
+ A city populated by anthropomorphic animals, a taxi driver, the
+ surprisingly interwoven lives of his clients. It reminded me of
+ `Durarara!!`_ both for the semi-fantastical urban setting, and for
+ the writers' ability to tie many plot lines together.
-All movies by `Studio Ghibli <>`_
+All movies by `Studio Ghibli <>`_
From Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind (technically pre-dating the
founding of Ghibli) to When Marnie was There, via Totoro, Pon Poko,
Kiki, Porco Rosso, Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle,
@@ -306,40 +312,40 @@ All movies by `Studio Ghibli <>`_
</anime/review/princess-kaguya/>`_. Ghibli has been essentially the
benchmark of excellence in animation for thirty years.
-`Avalon <>`_
- Live action movie by `OSHII Mamoru <>`_, about
+`Avalon <>`_
+ Live action movie by `OSHII Mamoru <>`_, about
immersive games, subjective realities, and Arthurian myths.
-`Ghost in the Shell <>`_
+`Ghost in the Shell <>`_
Oshii's best known work, keeping close to the events narrated in the
original manga but injecting a very personal meaning.
-`Wolf Children <>`_
+`Wolf Children <>`_
Growing up, responsibilities, following one's true calling.
-`Garden of Words <>`_
+`Garden of Words <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/garden-of-words/>`_.
-`009 re:Cyborg <>`_
+`009 re:Cyborg <>`_
See `my review </anime/review/009-re-cyborg/>`_.
-`The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya <>`_
+`The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya <>`_
See `my review
</anime/review/disappearance-haruhi-suzumiya/>`_. This movie is set
after the second season of the series.
-`Pale Cocoon <>`_
+`Pale Cocoon <>`_
By the same author as Eve no Jikan. A story about re-interpreting
the present by re-discovering the past.
-`Hoshi no Koe <>`_
- `SHINKAI Makoto <>`_'s
+`Hoshi no Koe <>`_
+ `SHINKAI Makoto <>`_'s
big debut, about very-long-distance relationships.
-`Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer <>`_
+`Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer <>`_
Oshii's first movie, all his trademarks can bee seen already.
-`Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
+`Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
Over-the-top absurdist magical girl. If you thought that Excel Saga
was too long, and not surreal enough.
diff --git a/src/anime/ b/src/anime/
index ff4515b..f9064af 100644
--- a/src/anime/
+++ b/src/anime/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ If you are in London, I'm trying to set up a `similar gathering at my flat`_.
.. _`scuola normale superiore di pisa`:
.. _`write me`:
diff --git a/src/anime/ b/src/anime/
index 9b4cfd3..fdda5f6 100644
--- a/src/anime/
+++ b/src/anime/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Leggete il `resoconto`_.
.. _`normale`:
.. _`scrivetemi`:
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ Leggete il `resoconto`_.
.. _`future film festival`:
.. _`una cosa simile a casa mia`: /anime/london
diff --git a/src/anime/london/ b/src/anime/london/
index a7c146c..398bfec 100644
--- a/src/anime/london/
+++ b/src/anime/london/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
:tags: - anime
I have several weeks' worth of anime that I want to watch. But
-watching it alone is no fun. So I call on my Twitter followers, the
-readers of my website, and their trusted friends: let's meet at my
-house, and watch some.
+watching it alone is no fun. So I call on my Twitter & Fediverse
+followers, the readers of my website, and their trusted friends: let's
+meet at my house, and watch some.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ We usually meet on the third (or sometimes first) Saturday of each month.
Upcoming meetings
-December 14th.
+March 25th.
The mailing list
@@ -37,61 +37,61 @@ What we watched
April 2nd 2011
-* `Freedom <>`_
+* `Freedom <>`_
May 7th 2011
-* `Fractale <>`_ up to episode 5
-* `Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episode
+* `Fractale <>`_ up to episode 5
+* `Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episode
6 (`review </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
June 5th 2011
-* `Fractale <>`_ from episode 6 to the end
-* `Oruchuban Ebichu <>`_ episodes 1-2
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
+* `Fractale <>`_ from episode 6 to the end
+* `Oruchuban Ebichu <>`_ episodes 1-2
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
episodes 7-8 (`review </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
July 2nd 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
episode 3 (`review </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
-* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, first episode
-* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, first episode
-* `Robot Carnival <>`_
+* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, first episode
+* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, first episode
+* `Robot Carnival <>`_
August 20th 2011
We were only two, so we watched some random stuff that nobody would miss.
-* `K-On! <>`_, first 2 episodes (`review
+* `K-On! <>`_, first 2 episodes (`review
Four high-school girls forming a band. More or less. Klutzy main
character, plenty of moe. These first episodes are mostly showing
the setting and the characters.
-* `Super Gals <>`_, first 2 episodes
+* `Super Gals <>`_, first 2 episodes
Gals in Shibuya. Funny with slightly jarring serious moments. I seem
to remember the manga mixing them better.
* `Charming Figures of the Magical Girl Trio
- <>`_ (OVA)
+ <>`_ (OVA)
20 minutes total, of which about 5 are actual new animation, and the
rest are collages from three mahou shoujo series. If you have never
- seen `Creamy Mami <>`_, `Persia
- <>`_, and `Magical Emi
- <>`_, this will make no sense at all. If you
+ seen `Creamy Mami <>`_, `Persia
+ <>`_, and `Magical Emi
+ <>`_, this will make no sense at all. If you
have seen them, it will just be a bit boring :)
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
episodes 9-10 (`review </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
This one keeps getting more and more surreal.
@@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ We were only two, so we watched some random stuff that nobody would miss.
September 17th 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
episode 5 (`review </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
The main character is still not a Magical Girl, people keep getting
hurt, and I trust Kyuubee less and less.
-* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, up to episode 3
+* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, up to episode 3
Against all odds, Itoshiki & Fuura manage to do some good
deeds. People still behave in incomprehensible ways.
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
episodes 11-13 (`review </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
Episodes 11 and 12 are the usual randomness. Episode 13 would be a
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@ September 17th 2011
October 15th 2011
-* `Space Battleship Yamato <>`_
+* `Space Battleship Yamato <>`_
This is a live-action movie, not an animation. It tells more-or-less
the same story as the first season of `the anime series of the same
- name <>`_. The acting is rather average and the
+ name <>`_. The acting is rather average and the
pacing is horribly slow. The visuals are quite well done, though,
and the aliens look alien enough.
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, up to
episode 8 (`review </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
I'm not going to put plot spoilers here, but I have to say that we
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ October 15th 2011
by assuming that Kyuubee is way more evil than we thought he could
be. Right on the money…
-* `Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu <>`_ episode 1
+* `Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu <>`_ episode 1
10 years old slapstick-comedy series, I had forgotten the sheer
craziness of it.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ October 15th 2011
November 13th 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, to the end
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, to the end
(`review </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
Oh my. They won. Kyuubee was even more of a bastard that we could
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ November 13th 2011
this series!
* `Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
- <>`_
+ <>`_
Yes, really. Not anime, not even old enough (it's from 1995!) to
excuse the ugly props and the confusing story line. Also, the
@@ -162,22 +162,22 @@ November 13th 2011
December 17th 2011
-* `Eve no Jikan <>`_
+* `Eve no Jikan <>`_
Very nice mini-series, from the same author as Pale Cocoon (see
below), on the possible social consequences of the introduction of
Asimov-style humanoid robots.
The episodes of this series were watched thanks to `crunchyroll
- <>`_, an ad-supported streaming
+ <>`_, an ad-supported streaming
service for recent anime titles, with English subtitles.
-* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodes 1 to 4.
+* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodes 1 to 4.
Shy, melodic-songs loving boy becomes the frontman for a death metal
band. Bad things happen. Hilarity ensues.
-* `Pale Cocoon <>`_
+* `Pale Cocoon <>`_
Short OVA, about the reconstruction of history through restoration
of ancient archives. A few centuries in the future. Not a totally
@@ -186,18 +186,18 @@ December 17th 2011
January 21st 2012
-* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodes from 5 to
+* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodes from 5 to
the end.
More bad things, more hilarity. Worthy of been watched. Once.
-* `Eve no Jikan Gekijouban <>`_
+* `Eve no Jikan Gekijouban <>`_
Summary of the series, with some added details, and an
almost-explanation of some unclear points, *during the ending
-* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, episode 10
+* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, episode 10
Yes, a random episode. And we chanced upon the one from which most
of the scenes in the opening titles are taken.
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ forgettable. Nothing interesting happened.
March 3rd 2012
-* `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo <>`_ and
- `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Ha <>`_
+* `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo <>`_ and
+ `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Ha <>`_
We watched the first two movies of the new Evangelion. The story
matches quite closely the anime series from 1996, especially at the
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ March 3rd 2012
March 31st 2012
-* `Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho <>`_
+* `Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho <>`_
Movie written and directed by `Makoto Shinkai
- <>`_.
+ <>`_.
Alternate history SF, with dreams and quantum mumbo-jumbo. As in
other works of his, the main focus in on the characters' growth and
interactions. Slow and short on explanations, but worth the time.
-* `Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space <>`_
+* `Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space <>`_
first episode
A salaryman with an exceedingly sad life get accosted by strange
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ March 31st 2012
April 21st 2012
-* `Dai Mahou Touge <>`_, all of it.
+* `Dai Mahou Touge <>`_, all of it.
Another "magical girl". Heavy violence: if the main character can't
win by magic, she wins by beating her opponents into a pulp. Not
recommended for the faint of heart; others will laugh.
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ first 8
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ first 8
An isolated village, mysterious murders and disappearances. The
@@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ April 21st 2012
May 20th 2012
-* `The Sky Crawlers <>`_
+* `The Sky Crawlers <>`_
Movie clearly directed by Mamoru Oshii, about life and war. *Very*
slow, but with interesting insights.
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodes 9-13
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodes 9-13
One more run through the events, with even more differences. Is the
main character completely crazy?
@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ May 20th 2012
September 22nd 2012
-* `Karigurashi no Arrietty <>`_
+* `Karigurashi no Arrietty <>`_
-* `Re:Cutie Honey <>`_
+* `Re:Cutie Honey <>`_
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodes 14-15
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodes 14-15
Some back-story. I still can't understand where the whole thing is
@@ -286,18 +286,18 @@ September 22nd 2012
October 20th 2012
-* `From Up On Poppy Hill <>`_
+* `From Up On Poppy Hill <>`_
The latest Ghibli movie, see also `my review
-* `Hells <>`_
+* `Hells <>`_
Shinichi Hiromoto wrote this complicated and meandering story of a
schoolgirl in Hell. It's got some attempt at ideas about consensual
realities, but it's confusing and it feels way too long.
-* `Dragon Half <>`_
+* `Dragon Half <>`_
Very funny adaptation of Ryuusuke Mita's manga, too bad they ony
made two episodes.
@@ -305,18 +305,18 @@ October 20th 2012
March 31st 2013
-* `Loups Garous <>`_
+* `Loups Garous <>`_
Very confused story, badly developed, with random mixing of
unrelated events.
-* `Sora no Woto <>`_, first 2 episodes
+* `Sora no Woto <>`_, first 2 episodes
Switzerland, after a *very* long war, a military post is held by
young girls, who play music. Not sure where it's going, but it's
very pretty to look at.
-* `Idol Defence Force Hummingbird <>`_
+* `Idol Defence Force Hummingbird <>`_
Military defence has been outsourced to the private sector; only the
idol/showbiz companies were willing to take it up. So we have idols
@@ -326,13 +326,13 @@ March 31st 2013
October 26th 2013
-* `Penguindrum <>`_, first 16 episodes.
+* `Penguindrum <>`_, first 16 episodes.
A complicated story of siblings, identity, destiny, and penguins. I
wrote `a review
- <>`_.
+ <>`_.
-* `Kill me baby <>`_, first 3 episodes.
+* `Kill me baby <>`_, first 3 episodes.
Very random slapstick comedy: a stupid schoolgirl, her assassin
classmate, and a visiting ninja. Short sketches, easy laughs.
@@ -340,26 +340,26 @@ October 26th 2013
December 7th 2013
-* `Zettai Bouei Leviathan <>`_
+* `Zettai Bouei Leviathan <>`_
Bog standard RPG converted to anime. Easy watching with some laughs.
-* `Kill me baby <>`_, episodes 4-8.
+* `Kill me baby <>`_, episodes 4-8.
February 15th 2014
-* `Wolf's Children <>`_
+* `Wolf's Children <>`_
Very nice story about raising children and chosing our own life.
-* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_
+* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_
Comedy / farce about high school thugs. I watched it for the first
time years ago, and it still cracks me up
* `Saint young men
- <>`_
+ <>`_
Jesus and Buddha living together in a rental flat in Japan. Funny,
but we lost all the Buddha in-jokes, and the pacing of the story
@@ -368,24 +368,24 @@ February 15th 2014
October 4th 2014
-* `Mai Mai Miracle <>`_
+* `Mai Mai Miracle <>`_
-* `Ouran High School Host Club <>`_, the first
+* `Ouran High School Host Club <>`_, the first
two episodes
-* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_ episodes 4 and 5
+* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_ episodes 4 and 5
February 28th 2015
-* `Patema Inverted <>`_
-* `The woman called Fujiko Mine <>`_, first 7
+* `Patema Inverted <>`_
+* `The woman called Fujiko Mine <>`_, first 7
episodes (`review </anime/review/fujiko-mine/>`_)
March 21st 2015
-* `The woman called Fujiko Mine <>`_, final 7
+* `The woman called Fujiko Mine <>`_, final 7
* some shorts from the `Anime Mirai
@@ -395,26 +395,26 @@ March 21st 2015
April 25th 2015
-* live action `Yatterman <>`_
+* live action `Yatterman <>`_
May 30th 2015
-* `Gatchaman Crowds <>`_, all of it; see also
+* `Gatchaman Crowds <>`_, all of it; see also
`my review </anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/>`_
June 20th 2015
-* `When Marnie was There <>`_
-* `Marvelous Melmo <>`_, first 2 episodes
+* `When Marnie was There <>`_
+* `Marvelous Melmo <>`_, first 2 episodes
October 24th 2015
-* `Hinata no Aoshigure <>`_ 20 minutes short
+* `Hinata no Aoshigure <>`_ 20 minutes short
about 10-year-olds in love
-* `Princess Tutu <>`_ first three episodes; very
+* `Princess Tutu <>`_ first three episodes; very
weird but very engaging story about a duckling who falls in love
with a boy dancer, gets transformed into a girl who becomes a
magical girl… it all makes more sense in the series, I promise.
@@ -422,12 +422,12 @@ October 24th 2015
February 27th 2016
-* `Gatchaman Crowds Insight <>`_
+* `Gatchaman Crowds Insight <>`_
March 13th 2016
-* `Now and Then, Here and There <>`_ one of the
+* `Now and Then, Here and There <>`_ one of the
bleakest series I've even watched. Content notes for kidnapping,
child soldiers, war, rape, graphical violence, discussion of
abortion, drowning. I think that covers it.
@@ -435,45 +435,45 @@ March 13th 2016
May 21st 2016
-* `Kyousougiga <>`_, all of it; see also `my
+* `Kyousougiga <>`_, all of it; see also `my
review </anime/review/kyousougiga/>`_.
June 18th 2016
-* `Katanagatari <>`_, first 2 episodes: slow,
+* `Katanagatari <>`_, first 2 episodes: slow,
boring, cheaply animated, 50 minutes episodes. We gave up.
-* `Ano Hana <>`_, first 4 episodes: we really
+* `Ano Hana <>`_, first 4 episodes: we really
liked this one!
August 20th 2016
-* finished `Ano Hana <>`_, it's a really good
+* finished `Ano Hana <>`_, it's a really good
-* `Punch Line <>`_ first episode: overly messy
+* `Punch Line <>`_ first episode: overly messy
and complicated setup, most reviews say "it gets decent after six
episodes"; I'm pretty sure we're not going to watch the rest
-* `HaNaYaMaTa <>`_ first episode: cute story of
+* `HaNaYaMaTa <>`_ first episode: cute story of
unlikely friendship
November 19th 2016
-* `Bakemono no Ko <>`_, very nice movie by
+* `Bakemono no Ko <>`_, very nice movie by
`Mamoru Hosoda
- <>`_
-* first three episodes of `Baccano" <>`_: lots
+ <>`_
+* first three episodes of `Baccano" <>`_: lots
of characters, lots of plot threads, quite difficult to follow, but
promises to be good
December 17th 2016
-* `The Tatami Galaxy <>`_, first 5 episodes:
+* `The Tatami Galaxy <>`_, first 5 episodes:
very weird time-loop story, it gets a bit too repetitive if watched
all at once, so we stopped halfway through
-* `Expelled from Paradise <>`_ movie about
+* `Expelled from Paradise <>`_ movie about
uploaded humans, fake utopias, the nature of consciousness; as usual
with Nitro+, I find the questions much better than the answers
(also, the CG animation is terrible)
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ December 17th 2016
January 28th 2017
-* `Flip Flappers <>`_, first 9 episodes:
+* `Flip Flappers <>`_, first 9 episodes:
oneiric magical girls, many episodes are clearly spoofing other
animes or tropes; I've finished watching it on my own, it turns very
Akira-like by the end.
@@ -489,31 +489,31 @@ January 28th 2017
February 18th 2017
-* `Gunbuster <>`_, all 6 episodes: epic
+* `Gunbuster <>`_, all 6 episodes: epic
giant-robots series, early Gainax.
March 17th 2018
-* `Madoka Magica: Rebellion <>`_, the third
+* `Madoka Magica: Rebellion <>`_, the third
movie of the series.
June 16th 2018
-* `The Great Passage <>`_, all 11 episodes:
+* `The Great Passage <>`_, all 11 episodes:
very nice story of friendship and teamwork between people compiling
a dictionary
November 17th 2018
-* `Girls' Last Tour <>`_, a few episodes; two
+* `Girls' Last Tour <>`_, a few episodes; two
your girls drive a `kettenkrad
<>`_ through an immense
deserted city
-* `Nagi no Asukara <>`_, a few episodes;
+* `Nagi no Asukara <>`_, a few episodes;
love polygon with sea-dwelling people
April 13th 2019
@@ -523,20 +523,20 @@ April 13th 2019
sport anime, with a strong focus on the characters'
personalities. The art style is also quite peculiar, like sketches
and watercolors
-* `Chio's School Road <>`_, first
+* `Chio's School Road <>`_, first
episode. School girl who plays video games way too much, has surreal
and awkward adventures on her way to school
-* `Joshi Kausei <>`_, first two
+* `Joshi Kausei <>`_, first two
episodes. Extremely short episodes (3 minutes each), no dialogues,
slice of life
-* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, first five
+* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, first five
episodes. Telekinetic girl teleports into the house of a yakuza
member, making his life even more complicated. Sweet and funny.
May 18th 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ first 3 episodes. Two
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ first 3 episodes. Two
girls trying to live and make music on Mars (we're not sure why it's
set on Mars). Cute, written and directed by WATANABE Shinichirou,
director of Cowboy Bebop.
@@ -544,27 +544,43 @@ May 18th 2019
June 15th 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodes 4 to 6. Not
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodes 4 to 6. Not
much plot here, we're still not clear why it's on Mars
July 20th 2019
-* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, all remaining
+* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, all remaining
episodes. Too many plot threads half-forgotten, but still funny.
September 14th 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodes 7
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodes 7
to 13. Things are happening, lots of drama, many new songs.
November 16th 2019
-* finished `Carole & Tuesday <>`_, things *did*
+* finished `Carole & Tuesday <>`_, things *did*
-.. _DM:
+February 11th 2023
+* `Millennium Actress <>`_ fantastic in the way
+ it mixes memories / movie fragments / present time; one of my
+ friends has recently been watching classic live action Japanese
+ movies and caught many many references. I was reminded of Catherynne
+ Valente's "Radiance", both for the love of cinema and for the style
+ of reconstructing a life from documentary fragments.
+* `Belle <>`_ visually stunning, with good
+ music, and a story that's at times very engaging. But it leaves some
+ plot points way too implicit, and the conflict resolution in the end
+ is… wrong? Like, boy, that's really not what you should be doing in
+ the future, you've been doing that all along and what necessitated
+ your actions is *the whole problem*!
+.. _DM:
.. _`e-mail`:
.. _`write me`:
diff --git a/src/anime/london/ b/src/anime/london/
index 802b7be..75c78df 100644
--- a/src/anime/london/
+++ b/src/anime/london/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Anime. Da guardare. A casa mia.
:tags: - anime
Ho qualche settimana di anime da guardare. Ma guardarli da solo non è
-divertente. Per cui invoco chi mi segue su Twitter, chi legge questo
-sito, e i loro fidati amici: troviamoci a casa mia, e guardiamo
+divertente. Per cui invoco chi mi segue su Twitter, Fediverse, chi
+legge questo sito, e i loro fidati amici: troviamoci a casa mia, e
+guardiamo qualcosa.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Ci troviamo di solito il terzo (o a volte il primo) sabato di ciascun mese.
Prossimi incontri
-14 Dicembre.
+25 Marzo.
La mailing list
@@ -39,32 +39,32 @@ Cosa abbiamo guardato in passato
2 Aprile 2011
-* `Freedom <>`_
+* `Freedom <>`_
7 Maggio 2011
-* `Fractale <>`_ fino all'episodio 5
-* `Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
+* `Fractale <>`_ fino all'episodio 5
+* `Puni Puni Poemi <>`_
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_
episodio 6 (`recensione </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
5 Giugno 2011
-* `Fractale <>`_ dall'episodio 6 alla fine
-* `Oruchuban Ebichu <>`_ episodi 1-2
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
+* `Fractale <>`_ dall'episodio 6 alla fine
+* `Oruchuban Ebichu <>`_ episodi 1-2
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
7-8 (`recensione </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
2 Luglio 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
all'episodio 3 (`recensione </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
-* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, primo episodio
-* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, primo episodio
-* `Robot Carnival <>`_
+* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, primo episodio
+* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, primo episodio
+* `Robot Carnival <>`_
20 Agosto 2011
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Cosa abbiamo guardato in passato
Eravamo solo in due, quindi abbiamo guardato cose a caso:
probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
-* `K-On! <>`_, primi 2 episodi (`recensione
+* `K-On! <>`_, primi 2 episodi (`recensione
Quattro studentesse delle superiori formano un gruppo musicale. O
@@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
tutti i personaggi sono tremendamente moe. I primi episodi sono
quasi esclusivamente di presentazione.
-* `Super Gals <>`_, primi 2 episodi
+* `Super Gals <>`_, primi 2 episodi
Gal a Shibuya. Divertente con parti serie che stonano un po'. Mi
sembra che il fumetto gestisse meglio le transizioni tra i due toni.
-* `Scene affascinanti delle tre maghette <>`_
+* `Scene affascinanti delle tre maghette <>`_
20 minuti in tutto, di cui circa 5 sono animazione nuova, e il resto
sono collage dalle tre serie di maghette. Se non avete mai visto
- `Creamy Mami <>`_, `Evelyn
- <>`_, e `Magica Emi <>`_,
+ `Creamy Mami <>`_, `Evelyn
+ <>`_, e `Magica Emi <>`_,
questo corto non ha alcun senso. Se le avete viste, è solo un po'
noioso :)
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
9-10 (`recensione </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
Questo diventa sempre più assurdo.
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
17 Settembre 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
all'episodio 5 (`recensione </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
La protagonista non è ancora una Maghetta, gente continua ad essere
ferita, e mi fido sempre meno di Kyuubee
-* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, fino
+* `Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei <>`_, fino
all'episodio 3
In modi improbabili, Itoshiki & Fuura riescono a fare qualcosa di
buono. La gente continua a comportarsi in modo incomprensibile.
-* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
+* `Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt <>`_ episodi
11-13 (`recensione </anime/review/panty-stocking>`_)
Gli episodi 11 e 12 sono un po' caso come i precedenti. Il 13
@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
15 Ottobre 2011
-* `Space Battleship Yamato <>`_
+* `Space Battleship Yamato <>`_
Film dal vivo, non animazione. Racconta grosso modo la stessa storia
della prima stagione del `cartone animato omonimo
- <>`_. La recitazione è mediocre e il tempo è
+ <>`_. La recitazione è mediocre e il tempo è
tremendamente lento. Gli effetti speciali sono però fatti piuttosto
bene, e gli alieni sono alieni abbastanza.
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino
all'episodio 8 (`recensione </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
Non voglio rovinare la storia a nessuno, ma devo dire che siamo
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
di anticipo, principalmente supponendo che Kyuubee sia molto più
malvagio di quanto pensassimo. Una scommessa sicura.
-* `Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu <>`_ episodio
+* `Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu <>`_ episodio
Serie demenziale di dieci anni fa, mi ero scordato quanto fosse
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
13 Novembre 2011
-* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino alla
+* `Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica <>`_, fino alla
fine (`recensione </anime/review/madoka-magica>`_)
Oh mamma. Alla fine hanno vinto. Kyuubee è ancora più bastardo di
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
bellissima. Dovete guardare questa serie, davvero!
* `Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
- <>`_
+ <>`_
Sì, proprio. Non anime, neppure abbastanza vecchio (è del 1995!) da
scusare i modelli alquanto brutti e la storia confusa. Pure la
@@ -169,23 +169,23 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
17 Dicembre 2011
-* `Eve no Jikan <>`_
+* `Eve no Jikan <>`_
Mini-serie molto ben fatta, dallo stesso autore di Pale Cocoon (vedi
sotto). Descrive alcune possibili conseguenze dell'introduzione di
robot umanoidi come descritti da Asimov.
Abbiamo visto questi episodi grazie a `crunchyroll
- <>`_, un servizio di streaming (con
+ <>`_, un servizio di streaming (con
pubblicità) per anime recenti, con sottotitoli in inglese.
-* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodi da 1 a 4.
+* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodi da 1 a 4.
Ragazzo timido, amante delle canzoni melodiche, diventa il cantante
di una band di death metal. Gliene capitano di tutti i
colori. Tragicomico.
-* `Pale Cocoon <>`_
+* `Pale Cocoon <>`_
OAV corto, mostra la ricostruzione della storia attraverso il
restauro di archivi antichi. Ambientato qualche secolo nel
@@ -195,19 +195,19 @@ probabilmente nessuno ne sentirà la mancanza.
21 Gennaio 2012
-* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodi da 5 alla
+* `Detroit Metal City <>`_, episodi da 5 alla
Altri eventi tragicomici, apoteosi finale. Merita di essere
visto. Una volta sola, però!
-* `Eve no Jikan Gekijouban <>`_
+* `Eve no Jikan Gekijouban <>`_
Riassunto della serie, con aggiunti un po' di dettagli, e una quasi
spiegazione dei vari punti rimasti oscuri, *durante i titoli di
-* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, episodio 10
+* `Meitantei Holmes <>`_, episodio 10
Sì, un episodio a caso. E abbiamo pescato quello da cui sono tratte
quasi tutte le scene della sigla iniziale!
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ video musicale. Nulla di interessante.
3 Marzo 2012
-* `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo <>`_ e
- `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Ha <>`_
+* `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo <>`_ e
+ `Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Ha <>`_
Abbiamo guardato i primi due film del nuovo Evangelion. La storia è
molto fedele alla serie animata del 1996, specialmente
@@ -233,17 +233,17 @@ video musicale. Nulla di interessante.
31 Marzo 2012
-* `Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho <>`_
+* `Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho <>`_
Scritto e diretto da `Makoto Shinkai
- <>`_.
+ <>`_.
Fantascienza ambientata grosso modo ai giorni nostri, ma con un
passato un po' diverso, con sogni e chiacchiere quantistiche. Come
in altre opere di Shinkai, l'attenzione è principalmente sulla
crescita dei personaggi e sulle loro interazioni. Lento e scarso di
spiegazioni, ma meritevole.
-* `Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space <>`_
+* `Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save the Space <>`_
first episode
Impiegato tristissimo viene avvicinato da strane donne che vogliono
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ video musicale. Nulla di interessante.
April 21st 2012
-* `Dai Mahou Touge <>`_, tutto.
+* `Dai Mahou Touge <>`_, tutto.
Un'altra "maghetta". Violenza, tanta violenza: se la protagonista
non riesce a vincere con la magia, vince massacrando gli avversari a
pugni. Sconsigliato ai deboli di cuore; comico per tutti gli altri.
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ i primi 8
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ i primi 8
Un villaggio isolato, sparizioni e assassinii misteriosi. La storia
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ April 21st 2012
20 Maggio 2012
-* `The Sky Crawlers <>`_
+* `The Sky Crawlers <>`_
Film, regia evidente di Mamoru Oshii, sulla guerra e la vita. *Molto*
lento, con idee interessanti.
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodi 9-13
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodi 9-13
Un altra sequenza, con sempre più differenze. Il protagonista è
forse pazzo?
@@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ April 21st 2012
22 Settembre 2012
-* `Karigurashi no Arrietty <>`_
+* `Karigurashi no Arrietty <>`_
-* `Re:Cutie Honey <>`_
+* `Re:Cutie Honey <>`_
-* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodi 14-15
+* `Higurashi no Naku Koro ni <>`_ episodi 14-15
Un po' di retroscena. Continuo a non avere idea di dove stia andando
a parare.
@@ -298,18 +298,18 @@ April 21st 2012
20 Ottobre 2012
-* `From Up On Poppy Hill <>`_
+* `From Up On Poppy Hill <>`_
L'ultimo film Ghibli, l'ho `recensito (in inglese)
-* `Hells <>`_
+* `Hells <>`_
Storia complicata e disordinata di una studentessa all'inferno,
scritta da Shinichi Hiromoto. Ci sono quasi delle idee sulle realtà
consensuali, ma è tutto molto confuso e tirato troppo in lungo.
-* `Dragon Half <>`_
+* `Dragon Half <>`_
Adattamento molto divertente del manga di Ryuusuke Mita, peccato sia
stato abbandonato dopo due episodi.
@@ -317,18 +317,18 @@ April 21st 2012
31 Marzo 2013
-* `Loups Garous <>`_
+* `Loups Garous <>`_
Storia molto confusa, mal gestita, eventi poco correlati mescolati a
-* `Sora no Woto <>`_, primi 2 episodi
+* `Sora no Woto <>`_, primi 2 episodi
Svizzera, dopo una guerra *molto* lunga, un forte militare è tenuto
da giovani ragazze, che suonano musica. Non son sicuro di dove andrà
a parare, ma per ora è molto bello da guardare.
-* `Idol Defence Force Hummingbird <>`_
+* `Idol Defence Force Hummingbird <>`_
La Difesa è stata delegata al settore privato; solo le compagnie di
spettacolo e idol si son prese la briga di gestirlo. Per cui abbiamo
@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ April 21st 2012
26 Ottobre 2013
-* `Penguindrum <>`_, primi 16 episodi.
+* `Penguindrum <>`_, primi 16 episodi.
Complicata storia di fratelli e sorelle, identità, destino, e pinguini.
Ne ho scritto `una recensione (in inglese)
- <>`_.
+ <>`_.
-* `Kill me baby <>`_, primi 3 episodi.
+* `Kill me baby <>`_, primi 3 episodi.
Commedia demenziale molto astrusa: scolaretta stupida, compagna di
classe assassina, e una ninja in visita. Sketch brevi, risate
@@ -354,28 +354,28 @@ April 21st 2012
7 Dicembre 2013
-* `Zettai Bouei Leviathan <>`_
+* `Zettai Bouei Leviathan <>`_
RPG standard alla giapponese, convertito in anime. Senza impegno,
qualche risata.
-* `Kill me baby <>`_, episodi 4-8.
+* `Kill me baby <>`_, episodi 4-8.
15 Febbario 2014
-* `Wolf's Children <>`_
+* `Wolf's Children <>`_
Storia molto carina su come crescere figli e come scegliere la
propria vita.
-* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_
+* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_
Commedia / farsa su studenti teppisti. Noto in Italia come "Due come
noi", l'avevo visto anni addietro, ma fa sempre ridere.
* `Saint young men
- <>`_
+ <>`_
Gesù e Budda vivono assieme in un appartamento in affitto in
Giappone. Divertente, ma ci siamo persi tutte le battute su Budda, e
@@ -384,24 +384,24 @@ April 21st 2012
4 Ottobre 2014
-* `Mai Mai Miracle <>`_
+* `Mai Mai Miracle <>`_
-* `Ouran High School Host Club <>`_, i primi due
+* `Ouran High School Host Club <>`_, i primi due
-* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_ episodi 4 e 5
+* `Kyou kara ore wa… <>`_ episodi 4 e 5
28 Febbraio 2015
-* `Patema Inverted <>`_
-* `La donna chiamata Fujiko Mine <>`_, primi 7
+* `Patema Inverted <>`_
+* `La donna chiamata Fujiko Mine <>`_, primi 7
episodi (`recensione </anime/review/fujiko-mine/>`_)
21 Marzo 2015
-* `La donna chiamata Fujiko Mine <>`_, ultimi 7
+* `La donna chiamata Fujiko Mine <>`_, ultimi 7
* alcuni corti dalla serie `Anime Mirai
@@ -410,27 +410,27 @@ April 21st 2012
25 Aprile 2015
-* `Yatterman <>`_ (film dal vivo)
+* `Yatterman <>`_ (film dal vivo)
30 Maggio 2015
-* `Gatchaman Crowds <>`_, tutto; ho scritto `una
+* `Gatchaman Crowds <>`_, tutto; ho scritto `una
recensione (in Inglese)
20 Giugno 2015
-* `When Marnie was There <>`_
-* `Melmo <>`_, primi 2 episodi
+* `When Marnie was There <>`_
+* `Melmo <>`_, primi 2 episodi
24 Ottobre 2015
-* `Hinata no Aoshigure <>`_ corto (20 minuti),
+* `Hinata no Aoshigure <>`_ corto (20 minuti),
bimbi di dieci anni innamorati
-* `Princess Tutu <>`_ primi tre episodi; storia
+* `Princess Tutu <>`_ primi tre episodi; storia
molto strana ma molto ben fatta: una paperella si innamora di un
giovane ballerino, viene trasformata in una ragazza che diventa una
maghetta… fidatevi, nel contesto della seria la cosa è meglio di
@@ -439,12 +439,12 @@ April 21st 2012
27 Febbraio 2016
-* `Gatchaman Crowds Insight <>`_
+* `Gatchaman Crowds Insight <>`_
13 Marzo 2016
-* `Now and Then, Here and There <>`_ una delle
+* `Now and Then, Here and There <>`_ una delle
serie più deprimenti che abbia mai visto. Contiene: rapimenti,
soldati bambini, guerra, stupri, violenza esplicita, discussioni
sull'aborto, annegamento. Mi sembra di aver messo tutto.
@@ -452,44 +452,44 @@ April 21st 2012
21 Maggio 2016
-* `Kyousougiga <>`_, tutto; ho scritto `una
+* `Kyousougiga <>`_, tutto; ho scritto `una
recensione (in Inglese) </anime/review/kyousougiga/>`_.
18 Giugno 2016
-* `Katanagatari <>`_, primi 2 episodi: lento,
+* `Katanagatari <>`_, primi 2 episodi: lento,
noioso, animato al risparmio, episodi di 50 minuti. Ci siamo arresi.
-* `Ano Hana <>`_, primi 4 episodi: questo invece
+* `Ano Hana <>`_, primi 4 episodi: questo invece
c'è piaciuto.
20 Agosto 2016
-* finito `Ano Hana <>`_, è una gran bella storia.
-* `Punch Line <>`_ primo episodio: confuso,
+* finito `Ano Hana <>`_, è una gran bella storia.
+* `Punch Line <>`_ primo episodio: confuso,
complicato, molte recensioni dicono "diventa decente dopo sei
episodi"; sono piuttosto sicuro che non guarderemo il resto
-* `HaNaYaMaTa <>`_ primo episodio: storia molto
+* `HaNaYaMaTa <>`_ primo episodio: storia molto
carina di un'amicizia improbabile.
19 Novembre 2016
-* `Bakemono no Ko <>`_, gran bel film di
+* `Bakemono no Ko <>`_, gran bel film di
`Mamoru Hosoda
- <>`_
-* primi tre episodi di `Baccano <>`_: un sacco
+ <>`_
+* primi tre episodi di `Baccano <>`_: un sacco
di personaggi, un sacco di trame, piuttosto difficile da seguire, ma
promette bene
17 Dicembre 2016
-* `The Tatami Galaxy <>`_, primi 5 episodi:
+* `The Tatami Galaxy <>`_, primi 5 episodi:
time loop, storia stramba, diventa un po' tanto ripetitiva se la si
guarda tutta di seguito, per cui ci siamo fermati a metà
-* `Expelled from Paradise <>`_ film con menti
+* `Expelled from Paradise <>`_ film con menti
trasferite in computer, utopie che sotto sotto non lo sono tanto,
cosa conta come "cosciente"; al solito quando Nitro+ scrive storie,
le domande che pone mi sembrano molto migliori delle risposte che si
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ April 21st 2012
28 Gennaio 2017
-* `Flip Flappers <>`_, primi 9 episodi:
+* `Flip Flappers <>`_, primi 9 episodi:
storia molto onirica di maghette, molti episodi sono richiami o
parodie di altri anime o temi; l'ho finito di vedere per conto mio,
vira molto verso Akira alla fine.
@@ -506,31 +506,31 @@ April 21st 2012
17 Febbraio 2017
-* `Gunbuster <>`_, tutto i 6 episodi: serie epica
+* `Gunbuster <>`_, tutto i 6 episodi: serie epica
di robottoni, prodotto da Gainax agli inizi.
17 Marzo 2018
-* `Madoka Magica: Rebellion <>`_, il terzo film
+* `Madoka Magica: Rebellion <>`_, il terzo film
della serie.
16 Giugno 2018
-* `The Great Passage <>`_, tutti gli 11
+* `The Great Passage <>`_, tutti gli 11
episodi: gran bella storia di amicizia e collaborazione tra persone
che compilano un dizionario.
17 Novembre 2018
-* `Girls' Last Tour <>`_, qualche episodio; due
+* `Girls' Last Tour <>`_, qualche episodio; due
ragazzine guidano un `kettenkrad
<>`_ in
una enorme città deserta
-* `Nagi no Asukara <>`_, qualche episodio;
+* `Nagi no Asukara <>`_, qualche episodio;
poligono amoroso con umani che abitano sotto il mare
13 Aprile 2019
@@ -540,20 +540,20 @@ April 21st 2012
sportivo insolito, forte attenzione alle personalità dei
personaggi. Anche lo stile di disegno è particolare, fondali
acquarellati e figure tracciate con segni rapidi
-* `Chio's School Road <>`_, primo
+* `Chio's School Road <>`_, primo
episodio. Studentessa che gioca troppo ai videogiochi ha avventure
surreali e imbarazzanti andando a scuola
-* `Joshi Kausei <>`_, primi due
+* `Joshi Kausei <>`_, primi due
episodi. Cortissimi (3 minuti l'uno), senza dialoghi, vita
-* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, primi 5 episodi. Ragazza
+* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, primi 5 episodi. Ragazza
telecinetica si teletrasporta nella casa di un membro della Yakuza,
rendendogli la vita ancora più complicata. Divertente e dolce
18 Maggio 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ primi 3 episodi. Due
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ primi 3 episodi. Due
ragazze cercano di tirare avanti a fare musica su Marte (non è
ancora chiaro perché la storia è ambientata su Marte). Carino,
scritto e diretto WATANABE Shinichirou, regista di Cowboy Bebop.
@@ -562,30 +562,47 @@ April 21st 2012
15 Giugno 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodi 4-6. Succede
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodi 4-6. Succede
poco in questi episodi, e ancora non sappiamo perché è ambientato su
20 Luglio 2019
-* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, tutti gli episodi
+* `HINAMATSURI <>`_, tutti gli episodi
rimasti. Un sacco di trame lasciate un po' per aria, ma comunque
14 Settembre 2019
-* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodi
+* `Carole & Tuesday <>`_ episodi
7-13. Finalmente un po' di trama, intrighi e complicazioni. Tante
nuove canzoni.
16 Novembre 2019
-* finito `Carole & Tuesday <>`_: alla fine è
+* finito `Carole & Tuesday <>`_: alla fine è
stata una gran bella storia.
-.. _DM:
+11 Febbraio 2023
+* `Millennium Actress <>`_ mescola memorie /
+ frammenti di film / tempo presente in modo fantastico; un amico mio
+ ha visto di recente svariati film dal vivo classici giapponesi e ha
+ notato un sacco di riferimenti. A me ha ricordato tanto "Radiance"
+ di Catherynne Valente, sia per l'amore per il cinema, sia per la
+ scelta stilistica di ricostruire una vita basandosi su frammenti
+ filmici
+* `Belle <>`_ bellissimo a vedersi, buona
+ musica, e a tratti la storia è coinvolgente. Ma lascia certi
+ passaggi di trama un po' troppo impliciti, e la risoluzione del
+ conflitto principale è… sbagliata? Voglio dire, bimbo, no, nel
+ futuro non devi fare *quello*, l'hai fatto per tutto questo tempo, e
+ la causa che ti ha costretto a farlo è *il problema da risolvere*!
+.. _DM:
.. _`posta elettronica`:
.. _`scrivetemi`:
diff --git a/src/anime/review/009-re-cyborg/ b/src/anime/review/009-re-cyborg/
index 0341ba7..4d2c786 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/009-re-cyborg/
+++ b/src/anime/review/009-re-cyborg/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ They were born 50 years ago. They were never forgotten. Now the world needs savi
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
Fifty years ago, in 1963, ISHINOMORI Shōtarō (石ノ森 章太郎,
1938-1998) started writing what would become the most successful work
diff --git a/src/anime/review/agartha/ b/src/anime/review/agartha/
index 9455cff..c67c6ae 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/agartha/
+++ b/src/anime/review/agartha/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
You've probably heard of SHINKAI Makoto (新海 誠), or at least seen
some of his works: "Voices of a Distant Star", "The Place Promised in
diff --git a/src/anime/review/appleseed-xiii/ b/src/anime/review/appleseed-xiii/
index 872a94a..1f03bcd 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/appleseed-xiii/
+++ b/src/anime/review/appleseed-xiii/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A study in equality, unequal to its task.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
SHIRŌ Masamune (士郎 正宗) is a well known and beloved mangaka,
although not one of the most prolific: in thirty years he's published
diff --git a/src/anime/review/bakuman/ b/src/anime/review/bakuman/
index f74508c..5bcbfe6 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/bakuman/
+++ b/src/anime/review/bakuman/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
You may be familiar with the names OBATA Takeshi (小畑 健) and OOBA
Tsugumi (大場 つぐみ): they're the ones who created Death Note, they
diff --git a/src/anime/review/berserk-1/ b/src/anime/review/berserk-1/
index 85604d8..5d16261 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/berserk-1/
+++ b/src/anime/review/berserk-1/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
A boy born from a hanged woman. A sword capable of defeating
semi-divine beings. A beautiful mercenary leader. Ambition so
diff --git a/src/anime/review/berserk-2/ b/src/anime/review/berserk-2/
index 38b8945..908f618 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/berserk-2/
+++ b/src/anime/review/berserk-2/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
Here we have the second instalment in the long undertaking of
transposing the whole of Miura's manga in animation. This movie covers
diff --git a/src/anime/review/berserk-3/ b/src/anime/review/berserk-3/
index 92af51c..cfd4207 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/berserk-3/
+++ b/src/anime/review/berserk-3/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
Third and final part of the "Golden Age" arc, this film shows the end
of Griffith and his Band of the Hawk, precipitated by Guts's decision,
diff --git a/src/anime/review/captain-harlock/ b/src/anime/review/captain-harlock/
index 55b23b0..0dc95f8 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/captain-harlock/
+++ b/src/anime/review/captain-harlock/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
After "`Space Battleship Yamato <../yamato/>`_", another one of
MATSUMOTO Leiji's (松本零士) works gets a movie reboot: *the* space
diff --git a/src/anime/review/code-geass/ b/src/anime/review/code-geass/
index ba6ba68..3cc7561 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/code-geass/
+++ b/src/anime/review/code-geass/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
The Empire of Britannia has conquered most of the world. Japan is now
a province of the Empire, stripped of its name and referred to as just
diff --git a/src/anime/review/colorful/ b/src/anime/review/colorful/
index 62ee2d2..bc99a83 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/colorful/
+++ b/src/anime/review/colorful/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
First person visual, our point of view / protagonist is in what looks
like a train station: souls of the dead collect their ticket and
diff --git a/src/anime/review/cowboy-bebop/ b/src/anime/review/cowboy-bebop/
index 186f2cb..6e03f9e 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/cowboy-bebop/
+++ b/src/anime/review/cowboy-bebop/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
Space: the final frontier. Even if Roddenberry's emphasis was on
exploration, the term still evokes stories of cowboys and "Indians",
diff --git a/src/anime/review/disappearance-haruhi-suzumiya/ b/src/anime/review/disappearance-haruhi-suzumiya/
index ff7f22d..28004a8 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/disappearance-haruhi-suzumiya/
+++ b/src/anime/review/disappearance-haruhi-suzumiya/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A world without Haruhi is not a world in which I want to live.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
All right, I have to admit up front that I'm in love with Haruhi. This
review is unavoidably coloured by my attachment to the character.
diff --git a/src/anime/review/durarara/ b/src/anime/review/durarara/
index 3dac08e..79d27d2 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/durarara/
+++ b/src/anime/review/durarara/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
:Id: anime/review/durarara
:tags: - anime
:rating: 4
I almost gave up on this series after the first 4 or 5 episodes. They
are slow, mostly concerned with introducing characters (and there's
diff --git a/src/anime/review/fractale/ b/src/anime/review/fractale/
index 185ecdf..0ec9c8a 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/fractale/
+++ b/src/anime/review/fractale/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Would you choose between peace and freedom? Would you choose for all of humanity
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
It's about a thousand years in our future. There is no poverty, no
hunger. Everyone lives wherever they want, doing whatever they
diff --git a/src/anime/review/freezing/ b/src/anime/review/freezing/
index af077a7..ee32bba 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/freezing/
+++ b/src/anime/review/freezing/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 2
Sometimes I think I'd like to see what goes on during the meetings in
which distributors decide which series / movies to buy: «Oh, this one
diff --git a/src/anime/review/fujiko-mine/ b/src/anime/review/fujiko-mine/
index 6987406..6792dd1 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/fujiko-mine/
+++ b/src/anime/review/fujiko-mine/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Lupin the 3rd: the woman called Fujiko Mine
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
(aside: it's pronounced "Mee-neh", not "mine")
diff --git a/src/anime/review/garden-of-words/ b/src/anime/review/garden-of-words/
index c24ea5c..1a1a019 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/garden-of-words/
+++ b/src/anime/review/garden-of-words/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
SHINKAI Makoto (新海 誠) became famous a decade ago with Voices of a
Distant Star (Hoshi no Koe ほしのこえ), a short (25 minutes) about a
diff --git a/src/anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/ b/src/anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/
index 5f0c65a..3ee2798 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/
+++ b/src/anime/review/gatchaman-crowds/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
The name Gatchaman has been around for quite a while: it was 1972
diff --git a/src/anime/review/giovanni-island/ b/src/anime/review/giovanni-island/
index b08d2fe..b181b20 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/giovanni-island/
+++ b/src/anime/review/giovanni-island/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
This is a story of death and loss and friendship and of life carrying
on. It's a restrained depiction of the effects of war and
diff --git a/src/anime/review/gits-sac/ b/src/anime/review/gits-sac/
index 8ad905b..6fc4cca 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/gits-sac/
+++ b/src/anime/review/gits-sac/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
In the beginning, there was Koukaku Kidoutai (攻殻 機動隊), the
Armored Riot Police, written between 1989 and 1990 by SHIROU Masamune
diff --git a/src/anime/review/gyo/ b/src/anime/review/gyo/
index 3d6a930..6f968e0 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/gyo/
+++ b/src/anime/review/gyo/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Walking fishes! Stinky fishes! Fishes everywhere!
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 2.5
This is a horror movie. You know because there's people with terrified
faces, the main character is a Plain Girl that's in over her head,
diff --git a/src/anime/review/hanayamata/ b/src/anime/review/hanayamata/
index d74a53a..56bab97 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/hanayamata/
+++ b/src/anime/review/hanayamata/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
There are times when you want art that challenges you, or shows you
new perspectives, or enriches your existence. And there are times when
diff --git a/src/anime/review/ikki-tousen/ b/src/anime/review/ikki-tousen/
index 04fbb25..a42e145 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/ikki-tousen/
+++ b/src/anime/review/ikki-tousen/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 2
They tell me that the Ikki Tousen series ("Dragon Destiny" being the
second of four seasons, plus some OVAs) is inspired by (or "loosely
diff --git a/src/anime/review/k-on/ b/src/anime/review/k-on/
index d0585c0..1918524 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/k-on/
+++ b/src/anime/review/k-on/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Moe, singing, schoolgirls.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
The setup: the "Light Music Club" at the high school risk disbanding,
since there are only two members instead of the four required by the
diff --git a/src/anime/review/kill-la-kill/ b/src/anime/review/kill-la-kill/
index eb9fedf..0ce57f1 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/kill-la-kill/
+++ b/src/anime/review/kill-la-kill/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
At Honnouji Academy, the student council rules supreme: its members
wear special Ultima Uniforms that give superhuman strength and combat
diff --git a/src/anime/review/kyousougiga/ b/src/anime/review/kyousougiga/
index ee8767b..99f4b69 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/kyousougiga/
+++ b/src/anime/review/kyousougiga/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
At the end of the 12th century, near Kyōto, lived the Buddhist monk
Myōe (明恵). Among many other works, he founded the Kōzan-ji temple
@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ particular is very catchy and nicely sets the tone for the story.
You can watch this masterwork by TOUDOU Izumi (東堂 いづみ, Ojamajo
Doremi, Purecure) and MATSUMOTO Rie (松本 理恵) on Cruncyroll
- You should probably skip
+ You should probably skip
episode 0, which may spoil some of the story.
diff --git a/src/anime/review/last-exile/ b/src/anime/review/last-exile/
index eb971a3..2b57331 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/last-exile/
+++ b/src/anime/review/last-exile/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
The setting: the two countries of Anatoray and Disith are engaged in
an endless war, governed by strict rules enforced by the Guild. Most
diff --git a/src/anime/review/loups-garous/ b/src/anime/review/loups-garous/
index 1231902..72ada50 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/loups-garous/
+++ b/src/anime/review/loups-garous/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 1.5
Oh my, where do I start describing this thing…
diff --git a/src/anime/review/madoka-magica/ b/src/anime/review/madoka-magica/
index fcc8f94..e76ec9c 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/madoka-magica/
+++ b/src/anime/review/madoka-magica/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A great leap in quality for the Magical Girl genre.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
"Magical Girl" is one of the main genre of Japanese animation,
alongside "giant robots", "sports", "fighting", and the like.
diff --git a/src/anime/review/nadia/ b/src/anime/review/nadia/
index 33702fc..dae7a20 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/nadia/
+++ b/src/anime/review/nadia/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
There are some works of art that force you to take notice. You may not
have the knowledge, or the context, to fully appreciate the craft or
diff --git a/src/anime/review/ninja-scroll/ b/src/anime/review/ninja-scroll/
index 9e8654b..c6ac751 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/ninja-scroll/
+++ b/src/anime/review/ninja-scroll/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 2
You know I don't like action movies, and I hope nobody is surprised
that I didn't like Ninja Scroll very much. All the positive reviews
diff --git a/src/anime/review/oblivion-island/ b/src/anime/review/oblivion-island/
index a4d3131..fcbb53b 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/oblivion-island/
+++ b/src/anime/review/oblivion-island/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
There's the mystery of socks disappearing from washing machines.
There's the speculation that ballpoint pens vanish from drawers to
diff --git a/src/anime/review/panty-stocking/ b/src/anime/review/panty-stocking/
index 27becf0..e4b509e 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/panty-stocking/
+++ b/src/anime/review/panty-stocking/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ They were kicked out of Heaven. Heaven had very good reasons.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
This series is not for little kids!
diff --git a/src/anime/review/patema/ b/src/anime/review/patema/
index ca66574..b9780d4 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/patema/
+++ b/src/anime/review/patema/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
Patema, a young girl, explores an underground abandoned industrial
warren of tunnels. She reaches a large vertical shaft in which dust
diff --git a/src/anime/review/poppy-hill/ b/src/anime/review/poppy-hill/
index cf77009..24f64f0 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/poppy-hill/
+++ b/src/anime/review/poppy-hill/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
I went to see this movie, at the UK preview during the Terracotta Film
Festival at the Prince Charles Cinema in London, thinking that it
diff --git a/src/anime/review/princess-jellyfish/ b/src/anime/review/princess-jellyfish/
index 1bc2192..9702751 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/princess-jellyfish/
+++ b/src/anime/review/princess-jellyfish/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A flat-share full of introverted girls, and a girl with a surprise.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
"Introverted" is probably an understatement: the five girls of the
Amamizu-kan are otaku with paralysing social anxiety problems. Chieko
diff --git a/src/anime/review/princess-kaguya/ b/src/anime/review/princess-kaguya/
index e590ae5..475fde7 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/princess-kaguya/
+++ b/src/anime/review/princess-kaguya/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
TAKAHATA Isao (高畑 勲) is the other big name of Studio Ghibli: he has
diff --git a/src/anime/review/psycho-pass/ b/src/anime/review/psycho-pass/
index 92071ea..f58fee9 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/psycho-pass/
+++ b/src/anime/review/psycho-pass/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
How do you recognise a criminal? How do you make sure that innocents
are not targeted or even inconvenienced by law enforcement? How do you
diff --git a/src/anime/review/robotics-notes/ b/src/anime/review/robotics-notes/
index b97d6b5..bd257c7 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/robotics-notes/
+++ b/src/anime/review/robotics-notes/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
When I was in Japan last April, I was on the lookout for interesting
new manga and anime that may make their way to the rest of the world
diff --git a/src/anime/review/roujin-z/ b/src/anime/review/roujin-z/
index 620ae95..2265f78 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/roujin-z/
+++ b/src/anime/review/roujin-z/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Let's care for the elderly… with robots!
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
Written by OOTOMO Katsuhiro (大友 克洋, "Akira", "Memories",
"Steamboy"), directed by KITAKUBO Hiroyuki (北久保 弘之, "Robot
diff --git a/src/anime/review/short-peace/ b/src/anime/review/short-peace/
index d5c74ba..efd5c8a 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/short-peace/
+++ b/src/anime/review/short-peace/
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
-The `Japan Foundation <>`_ has been, for years,
+The `Japan Foundation <>`_ has been, for years,
organising many events to promote Japanese culture, including `touring
-film showings <>`_. Sometimes they
+film showings <>`_. Sometimes they
show anime in London at the `Institute of Contemporary Arts
<>`_; last year I watched "Colorful" there,
this year, as part of the "It Only Happens in the Movies?" series, I
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ more than just Akira: he's written Roujin Z (1991), written and
directed Steamboy (2004), designed Freedom (2006). What is more
topical for this review, though, is his work on anthologies. In 1987
he worked an two episodes of `Robot Carnival
-<>`_, a set of 9 shorts on the theme of robots,
+<>`_, a set of 9 shorts on the theme of robots,
ranging from the surreal, to the whimsical, to the tragic. In 1989 he
directed one of the three shorts of `Neo Tokyo
-<>`_ (Manie-Manie 迷宮物語), all based on stories
+<>`_ (Manie-Manie 迷宮物語), all based on stories
written by MAYUMURA Taku (眉村 卓). In 1995 he wrote and coordinated
-`Memories <>`_, probably the most well-known of
+`Memories <>`_, probably the most well-known of
his anthologies in the West.
Short Peace is a multimedia project: in addition to the four animated
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ fixes them, or prays thanking them for their services. The following
morning, as he is leaving, he finds that the spirits have left him
some of the renewed objects, as thanks for his help. This story builds
on the very Japanese concept of `tsukumogami (付喪神)
-<>`_, the spirits of old (or,
+<>`_, the spirits of old (or,
sometimes, neglected) objects. The animation is done in rather good 3D
CG, even if it has the usual weirdness of movements. The director,
MORITA Shuuhei (森田 修平) also directed Freedom and Tokyo Ghoul.
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ rocks. In the background, Fuji prepares to erupt.
The ICA screening of Short Peace was accompanied by an introduction
and a Q&A with Helen McCarthy (`Wikipedia page
-<>`_, `personal website
+<>`_, `personal website
<>`_, `Twitter account
<>`_), an internationally renowned
expert on Japanese anime. I first heard about her back in 1998, on the
`Nausicaa mailing list
-<>`_ for fans of Studio
+<>`_ for fans of Studio
Ghibli, but I had never met her before. She's very knowledgeable,
although I may disagree with some of her opinions.
@@ -137,5 +137,5 @@ All in all, Short Peace is a very good anthology, in which different
themes and styles complement each other and produce an artistic whole
that any anime fan should see, together with the other anthologies
already mentioned. In the Q&A, McCarthy also recommended watching
-`Genius Party <>`_ (2007) and `Genius Party
-Beyond <>`_ (2008), both from Studio 4°C.
+`Genius Party <>`_ (2007) and `Genius Party
+Beyond <>`_ (2008), both from Studio 4°C.
diff --git a/src/anime/review/space-show/ b/src/anime/review/space-show/
index e3f7060..98e7292 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/space-show/
+++ b/src/anime/review/space-show/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
I really liked this movie while I was watching it. It's got likable
characters, adventure, wonder, friendship, aliens, monsters. It relies
diff --git a/src/anime/review/spice-wolf/ b/src/anime/review/spice-wolf/
index 4878c84..bcab066 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/spice-wolf/
+++ b/src/anime/review/spice-wolf/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
What happen to deities when people stop believing in them? Even worse,
what happens when people stop needing them?
diff --git a/src/anime/review/squid-girl/ b/src/anime/review/squid-girl/
index de951ad..d01d314 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/squid-girl/
+++ b/src/anime/review/squid-girl/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Young girls and tentacles! Don't worry, it's not *that* kind of anime :)
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3.5
Anime has a very bad reputation when it comes to tentacles, not
entirely undeserved: there's been some very, let's say, creative uses
diff --git a/src/anime/review/strike-witches-2/ b/src/anime/review/strike-witches-2/
index 106a2c5..2c25465 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/strike-witches-2/
+++ b/src/anime/review/strike-witches-2/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 2
You may remember how the `first season of Strike Witches`_ managed to
hold my interest despite its many problematic aspects: a "fight story"
diff --git a/src/anime/review/strike-witches/ b/src/anime/review/strike-witches/
index db9b0c2..ab83e0f 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/strike-witches/
+++ b/src/anime/review/strike-witches/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
I'm quite a bit surprised about my own reaction to this anime: I
watched it all in just two evenings. I just couldn't stop: I had to
diff --git a/src/anime/review/towa-no-quon/ b/src/anime/review/towa-no-quon/
index 267e982..572e8a1 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/towa-no-quon/
+++ b/src/anime/review/towa-no-quon/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 3
Someone at Bones has been reading the X-Men.
diff --git a/src/anime/review/world-god-only-knows/ b/src/anime/review/world-god-only-knows/
index 18d0c99..6005d1c 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/world-god-only-knows/
+++ b/src/anime/review/world-god-only-knows/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ God of Conquest? God of Objectification, more likely.
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 1.5
I've watched the whole first season of this series hoping for some
redeeming feature, but I couldn't find any. Oh, the animation is not
diff --git a/src/anime/review/yamato/ b/src/anime/review/yamato/
index 857c3a9..c4f803a 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/yamato/
+++ b/src/anime/review/yamato/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4
It's the year 2199. Orbital kinetic strikes with radioactive meteors
have rendered the surface of Earth uninhabitable; humanity has
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ of anime enthusiasts: it's not everyday that bronze statues of
animated characters get erected, but in the town of `Tsuruga
<>`_ there are
`almost 30 such statues
-<>`_, representing
+<>`_, representing
characters and scenes from Yamato, but also Galaxy Express 999 and
Captain Harlock. Yes, because after fusing the hero's journey with
space opera and military ambitions, Matsumoto kept producing
diff --git a/src/anime/review/your-name/ b/src/anime/review/your-name/
index 38bc1d7..fa39f73 100644
--- a/src/anime/review/your-name/
+++ b/src/anime/review/your-name/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:tags: - anime
- review
:rating: 4.5
Ah, the life of high school students in Japan. In her small country
town, Mitsuha gets up, prepares breakfast for herself, her sister and
diff --git a/src/books/jehovah1/ b/src/books/jehovah1/
index 220b0b0..f4ed7d3 100644
--- a/src/books/jehovah1/
+++ b/src/books/jehovah1/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Rispondo io: beh, no. E infatti nessuno si sogna di pensarlo! Non c'è
nessun bisogno di avere sia RNA sia DNA assieme (molti batteri non
hanno DNA); si possono avere catene proteiche senza che siano
costruite da una cellula; etc etc. Si veda anche `la pagina su <>`_. <>`_.
Capitolo 10 “Se il Creatore si interessa di noi, perché ci sono tante sofferenze?”
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Ora, visto chi è `Edoardo Boncinelli
sia stata presa fuori contesto, o alterata. Non è riportato da quale
delle sue tante pubblicazioni è stata presa, per cui non posso
controllare. Voglio però citare un altro passaggio (grazie `WikiQuote
Coloro che ancora oggi mettono in dubbio la validità della teoria
dell'evoluzione biologica fanno semplicemente ridere
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Vorrei far notare come una possibile causa all'ipotetico inizio (ok,
va bene, potrei anche lasciar perdere i giri di parole…) non ha nessun
bisogno di essere "eterna". Una causa puntuale è più che
sufficiente. Citando anche (di nuovo) `
-<>`_, la spiegazione
+<>`_, la spiegazione
religiosa non è una spiegazione: è solo un modo di riformulare la
domanda. «Da cosa ha avuto origine l'universo? Da Dio» non spiega un
bel niente, sia perché non abbiamo una buona definizione di questo
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Il capitolo sostanzialmente cita alcune coincidenze (i valori delle
costanti fondamentali, ad esempio) per rafforzare l'ipotesi della
creazione. Peccato che tutti i loro discorsi si possano rapidamente
smontare usando il `principio antropico
diff --git a/src/contacts/ b/src/contacts/
index a844dd8..a78624c 100644
--- a/src/contacts/
+++ b/src/contacts/
@@ -19,18 +19,16 @@ but I can't promise anything.
-I'm often present on the FreeNode_ and ``_ networks as
+I'm often present on the `Libera.Chat`_ and ``_ networks
+as ``dakkar``.
Other channels
In descending order of preference:
+- Fediverse: ` <>`_
- Twitter: `@dakkar <>`_
-- Google Hangouts:
-Don't send me e-mail messages to the Gmail address: I don't read it.
-.. _FreeNode:
-.. _``:
+.. _`Libera.Chat`:
+.. _``:
diff --git a/src/contacts/ b/src/contacts/
index b367576..28ce5b4 100644
--- a/src/contacts/
+++ b/src/contacts/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ meglio, ma non prometto nulla.
-Sono spesso presente sulle reti FreeNode_ e ``_ col
+Sono spesso presente sulle reti `Libera.Chat`_ e ``_ col
nickname ``dakkar``.
Altri canali
@@ -27,11 +27,8 @@ Altri canali
In ordine discendente di preferenza:
+- Fediverse: ` <>`_
- Twitter: `@dakkar <>`_
-- Google Hangouts:
-Non mandatemi messaggi di posta elettronica all'indirizzo Gmail: non
-lo leggo.
-.. _FreeNode:
-.. _``:
+.. _`Libera.Chat`:
+.. _``:
diff --git a/src/cv/ b/src/cv/
index 3f38797..da77aa0 100644
--- a/src/cv/
+++ b/src/cv/
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ University`_ with top marks (110/110 e lode); moreover I've been a
fellow at the `Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa`_ for all the five
years of university.
-.. _`computer science`:
-.. _`Pisa University`:
-.. _`Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa`:
+.. _`computer science`:
+.. _`Pisa University`:
+.. _`Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa`:
My university thesis__ was about an extension of reinforcement learning
algorithms using recurrent neural networks for structured data,
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ associated ``C++`` library are `available on SourceForge`__. The
library is released under the terms of the `GNU LGPL`_ and the thesis
under the terms of the `GNU FDL`_.
-.. __:
-.. __:
-.. _`GNU LGPL`:
-.. _`GNU FDL`:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. _`GNU LGPL`:
+.. _`GNU FDL`:
From 2002-01-01 to 2002-12-31 I've been a PhD student at the `Computer
@@ -103,22 +103,22 @@ Among the various projects I participated in, the most significant are:
the design and development of some modules, and on the definition of
formats and protocols for data interchange.
-.. _Hyperborea:
-.. _Python:
-.. _GNATS:
+.. _Hyperborea:
+.. _Python:
+.. _GNATS:
.. _CVS:
-.. _Oracle:
-.. _PostgreSQL:
-.. _MySQL:
-.. _XML:
-.. _XPath:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _`XSL-FO`:
-.. _`XML Schema`:
-.. _ibo:
-.. _`Università di Milano Bicocca`:
+.. _Oracle:
+.. _PostgreSQL:
+.. _MySQL:
+.. _XML:
+.. _XPath:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _`XSL-FO`:
+.. _`XML Schema`:
+.. _ibo:
+.. _`Università di Milano Bicocca`: https:!//
.. _TabulaeX:
-.. _`Ecumene project`:
+.. _`Ecumene project`:
At Blackbit
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ about a year. Among the projects we worked on:
.. _`Studio Blackbit`:
.. _`Opera Sacra`:
-.. _osCommerce:
-.. _`Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources`:
-.. _`magneto-telluric sensor`:
-.. _Perl:
-.. _`Gtk+2`:
+.. _osCommerce:
+.. _`Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources`:
+.. _`magneto-telluric sensor`:
+.. _Perl:
+.. _`Gtk+2`:
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ and increased my knowledge in several areas. In particular:
* Working around Microsoft-centric policies imposed by the parent
company, using free software
-.. _``:
-.. _BigNews:
+.. _``:
+.. _BigNews:
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ a Perl developer. The most significant projects I worked on were:
* a framework to build non-blocking RESTful APIs (should have been
open-sourced as well, but it got lost in bureaucracy)
-.. _``:
+.. _``:
.. _`policies and helpers`:
.. _`complete messaging client solution`:
.. _UPS:
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ include an internationalization system, and I supervised (with the
help of tellure Rôta's specialists) translation in English, French,
German and Spanish.
-.. _`tellure Rôta`:
+.. _`tellure Rôta`:
In 1995 I developer for PFB_ (Modena, Italy) a program for a test
bench for overspeed governors. They make and sell mechanical lift
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ certificates of conformity. The system runs on PCs, in text mode under
DOS, and it's written in Borland Pascal. The database system is, also
in this case, written ad-hoc.
-.. _PFB:
+.. _PFB:
From 1996 I took part in the construction of a Ethernet local area
network among heterogeneous machines (Macintosh and PC with Windows,
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ Between July and August, 2000 I've been invited to `University of
Wollongong`_ in Australia to work with prof. Ah Chung Tsoi and his
group on neural networks for structured domains.
-.. _`University of Wollongong`:
+.. _`University of Wollongong`:
In 2000 I held some lessons on Perl programming for some of my fellow
students, showing the basics of the language (and some obscure
@@ -292,23 +292,23 @@ organized by my junior high school math teacher.
I wrote the Italian translation of SourceForge_, and I helped the
Italian translators of `KDE 2`_.
-.. _SourceForge:
-.. _`KDE 2`:
+.. _SourceForge:
+.. _`KDE 2`:
I've been on the organization team of the `Italian Perl Workshop`_ for
all its editions (4 of them so far), and the European Perl conference
(`YAPC::EU`_) in 2010 in Pisa, handling the web-site, the selection of
submitted talks, and the scheduling.
-.. _`Italian Perl Workshop`:
-.. _`YAPC::EU`:
+.. _`Italian Perl Workshop`:
+.. _`YAPC::EU`:
-I've written a couple of articles for\ , and I
+I've written a couple of articles for\ , and I
have a `CPAN account`_. Some of my code can be found on `my CGit
pages`_ and on `my GitHub account`_.
-.. _`CPAN account`:
-.. _`my CGit pages`:
+.. _`CPAN account`:
+.. _`my CGit pages`:
.. _`my GitHub account`:
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Atlantic.
I am sysadmin for my Linux machines, all running `Gentoo Linux`_,
including the dedicated host that runs the ```` domain.
-.. _`Gentoo Linux`:
+.. _`Gentoo Linux`:
I speak, read and write fluently in Italian and English; I can read
French and with some difficulties Spanish. I've attended a first-level
diff --git a/src/cv/ b/src/cv/
index e6b3042..6e75532 100644
--- a/src/cv/
+++ b/src/cv/
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ l'`Università di Pisa`_ con la votazione di 110/110 e lode; sono
inoltre stato allievo ordinario presso la `Scuola Normale Superiore di
Pisa`_ per tutta la durata del corso di laurea (5 anni).
-.. _`informatica`:
-.. _`Università di Pisa`:
-.. _`Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa`:
+.. _`informatica`:
+.. _`Università di Pisa`:
+.. _`Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa`:
La mia `tesi di laurea`__ ha come argomento un'estensione degli
algoritmi di apprendimento con rinforzo tramite reti neurali
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ libreria ad essa correlata sono `disponibili su SourceForge`__. La
libreria è rilasciata sotto licenza `GNU LGPL`_ e la tesi sotto `GNU
-.. __:
-.. __:
-.. _`GNU LGPL`:
-.. _`GNU FDL`:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. _`GNU LGPL`:
+.. _`GNU FDL`:
Dal 200-201-01 al 2002-12-31 sono stato iscritto al dottorato in
informatica presso il Dipartimento di Informatica_ dell'`Università di
@@ -106,22 +106,22 @@ Tra i progetti cui ho partecipato, i più significativi sono:
.. _`Hyperborea s.c.`:
-.. _Hyperborea:
-.. _Python:
-.. _GNATS:
+.. _Hyperborea:
+.. _Python:
+.. _GNATS:
.. _CVS:
-.. _Oracle:
-.. _PostgreSQL:
-.. _MySQL:
-.. _XML:
-.. _XPath:
-.. _XSLT:
-.. _`XSL-FO`:
-.. _`XML Schema`:
-.. _ibo:
-.. _`Università di Milano Bicocca`:
+.. _Oracle:
+.. _PostgreSQL:
+.. _MySQL:
+.. _XML:
+.. _XPath:
+.. _XSLT:
+.. _`XSL-FO`:
+.. _`XML Schema`:
+.. _ibo:
+.. _`Università di Milano Bicocca`:
.. _TabulaeX:
-.. _`progetto Ecumene`:
+.. _`progetto Ecumene`:
Presso Blackbit
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ per circa un anno. Tra i progetti cui abbiamo lavorato:
.. _`Studio Blackbit`:
.. _`Opera Sacra`:
-.. _osCommerce:
-.. _`Istituto di Geo-scienze e Geo-risorse`:
-.. _`sensore magneto-tellurico`:
-.. _Perl:
-.. _`Gtk+2`:
+.. _osCommerce:
+.. _`Istituto di Geo-scienze e Geo-risorse`:
+.. _`sensore magneto-tellurico`:
+.. _Perl:
+.. _`Gtk+2`:
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ progetti, e rafforzato le mie conoscenze in varie aree. In particolare:
* Aggirare, usando software libero, le direttive dell'azienda che
supponevano tutti usassero prodotti Microsoft
-.. _``:
-.. _BigNews:
+.. _``:
+.. _BigNews:
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ significativi a cui ho lavorato sono:
rilasciarlo come open source, ma è rimasto incastrato nella
-.. _``:
+.. _``:
.. _`linee guida e programmi di supporto`:
.. _`soluzione completa per scambio messaggi`:
.. _UPS:
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ sistema per la traduzione dei messaggi, e ho curato (assieme a
specialisti della tellure Rôta) la traduzione in inglese, francese,
tedesco, spagnolo.
-.. _`tellure Rôta`:
+.. _`tellure Rôta`:
Nel 1995 ho sviluppato per la PFB_ di Modena un programma per la
gestione di un banco prova per regolatori. L'azienda produce
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ certificato di conformità. Il sistema gira su sistemi PC, in modo
testo sotto DOS, ed è stato scritto in Borland Pascal. Il sistema di
archiviazione è anche in questo caso sviluppato ad hoc.
-.. _PFB:
+.. _PFB:
Dal 1996 ho partecipato alla costruzione di una rete locale basata su
Ethernet tra macchine eterogenee (Macintosh e PC con Windows, DOS,
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Nel periodo Luglio-Agosto 2000 sono stato invitato presso
l'`Università di Wollongong`_ in Australia per lavorare col gruppo del
prof. Ah Chung Tsoi su reti neurali per domìnî strutturati.
-.. _`Università di Wollongong`:
+.. _`Università di Wollongong`:
Nel 2000 ho tenuto alcune lezioni di Perl per altri studenti,
esponendo i fondamenti del linguaggio (e qualche caratteristica oscura
@@ -307,23 +307,23 @@ scuole medie tenuto dal mio insegnante di matematica alle medie.
Ho curato la traduzione italiana di SourceForge_, e ho aiutato i
traduttori italiani di `KDE 2`_.
-.. _SourceForge:
-.. _`KDE 2`:
+.. _SourceForge:
+.. _`KDE 2`:
Ho fatto parte dell'organizzazione degli `Italian Perl Workshop`_ per
tutte le sue edizioni (4 al momento), e la conferenza europea del Perl
(`YAPC::EU`_) nel 2010 a Pisa, gestendo il sito web, la selezione
degli interventi proposti, e la stesura del programma.
-.. _`Italian Perl Workshop`:
-.. _`YAPC::EU`:
+.. _`Italian Perl Workshop`:
+.. _`YAPC::EU`:
-Ho scritto alcuni articoli per\ , e ho un `account
+Ho scritto alcuni articoli per\ , e ho un `account
CPAN`_. Un po' del mio codice può essere esaminato nelle pagine del
`mio CGit`_ e del `mio account GitHub`_.
-.. _`account CPAN`:
-.. _`mio CGit`:
+.. _`account CPAN`:
+.. _`mio CGit`:
.. _`mio account GitHub`:
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ nostri sviluppi con altri gruppi dall'altra parte dell'Atlantico.
Amministro le mie macchine Linux, tutte con `Gentoo Linux`_, incluso
il server dedicato che gestisce il dominio ````.
-.. _`Gentoo Linux`:
+.. _`Gentoo Linux`:
Parlo e scrivo correntemente in inglese; leggo il francese e con un
po' di difficoltà lo spagnolo. Ho seguito un corso di giapponese di
diff --git a/src/index/ b/src/index/
index d93ef8c..197e41d 100644
--- a/src/index/
+++ b/src/index/
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ want, you can follow updates with the `Atom feeds`_: there is a global
feed, and a dedicated feed for each tag.
.. _`xml`:
.. _`gnu make`:
.. _`xslt`:
.. _sitemake:
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ feed, and a dedicated feed for each tag.
.. _`xweb`:
.. _ReST:
.. _`Atom feeds`: /feed.en.xml
diff --git a/src/index/ b/src/index/
index cba80f6..01d69fe 100644
--- a/src/index/
+++ b/src/index/
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ aggiornamenti tramite i `feed Atom`_: ce n'è uno globale, più uno per
ciascun tag.
.. _`xml`:
.. _`gnu make`:
.. _`xslt`:
.. _`xweb`:
.. _`sitemake`:
@@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ ciascun tag.
.. _ReST:
.. _`feed Atom`: /
diff --git a/src/mail/jehovah/ b/src/mail/jehovah/
index b59973c..02e5ec9 100644
--- a/src/mail/jehovah/
+++ b/src/mail/jehovah/
@@ -305,12 +305,12 @@ No, seriamente? Mi aspettavo qualcosa di più originale! La tua
affermazione è purtroppo dimostrabilmente falsa.
Circuiti elettronici prodotti tramite mutazione casuale e selezione:
- alcuni funzionano
+ alcuni funzionano
in modi che nessuno sapeva prevedere, e se si toglie un pezzo (anche
uno apparentemente inutile) non funzionano più.
(centinaia di altri esempi:
- )
+ )
Ora mi dirai: ma c'erano delle persone a selezionare, o almeno c'erano
programmi scritti da persone! Vero, ma abbastanza irrilevante: la
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ principio antropico basta e avanza.
| > ti chiederei di indicarmi l'indirizzo del sito dove pubblicherai la
| > nostra piacevole conversazione.
- probabilmente in una nuova sezione
+ probabilmente in una nuova sezione
"religione" o simile.
| > Se vuoi, nelle prossime, potremo continuare sul tema accennato, cioè
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ Un caro saluto, Pio
.. [#] NOTA MIA: non so da dove venga quella citazione, sembra venire
solo in minima parte da `l'articolo sul Principio Antropico
- <>`_
+ <>`_
@@ -669,11 +669,11 @@ Mi sa che se continuiamo a discutere di evoluzione e anatomia
comparata, non approdiamo a nulla: la maggior parte degli argomenti
che proponi sono stati smontati più e più volte da gente molto più in
gamba di me, quindi invece che continuare a tradurre e riassumere, ti
-punto direttamente a e a un paio di libri:
+punto direttamente a e a un paio di libri:
-- "The Greatest Show on Earth",
+- "The Greatest Show on Earth",
Richard Dawkins
-- "Why Evolution is True", Jerry
+- "Why Evolution is True", Jerry
diff --git a/src/mary-sue/ b/src/mary-sue/
index 99e68b7..608b49d 100644
--- a/src/mary-sue/
+++ b/src/mary-sue/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ of the term is that it's a woman's name, and many people can't seem to
conceive of a badly-written, over-powerful wish-fulfilment character
that also happens to be a man: consider that, after all, `Batman has
most of the traits of a Mary Sue
but very few people seem to notice.
For a very in-depth, but not exactly balanced, analysis of the idea,
`TVTropes is always a good starting point
-<>`_, and `the
+<>`_, and `the
Wikipedia article has useful references
diff --git a/src/modelli/lego-piano/ b/src/modelli/lego-piano/
index 036e4a0..ef59c42 100644
--- a/src/modelli/lego-piano/
+++ b/src/modelli/lego-piano/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ whole sensor support in one go (29 studs long). The sensors need to be
aligned with the hammers (there's no space behind the stems of the
keys, also the hammers are white so more visible to the
phototransistor, and move more, so it's less probable we'll have false
-positives). I used `OpenSCAD <>`_ to `model
+positives). I used `OpenSCAD <>`_ to `model
the support
diff --git a/src/modelli/lego-piano/ b/src/modelli/lego-piano/
index 0091373..fa4290e 100644
--- a/src/modelli/lego-piano/
+++ b/src/modelli/lego-piano/
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ sola. I sensori devono essere allineati ai martelletti (non c'è posto
dietro le stecche dei tasti, inoltre i martelletti sono bianchi per
cui più visibili ai sensori, e si muovono di più per cui riducono la
probabilità di letture sbagliate). Ho usato `OpenSCAD
-<>`_ per `costruire il modello del supporto
+<>`_ per `costruire il modello del supporto
.. image:: sensor-mount-size-check.jpg
diff --git a/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/ b/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
index ba4b166..0a70a5f 100644
--- a/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
+++ b/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ four suits of playing cards:
.. image:: card-suits-plus-pointy-circles-t.jpg
:target: card-suits-plus-pointy-circles.jpg
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
and this is what they look like from the side:
@@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ Marbles, of course, roll downwards:
.. _`Japan House`:
.. _`SUGIHARA Kokichi`:
diff --git a/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/ b/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
index 7aa64f1..7e43784 100644
--- a/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
+++ b/src/modelli/sugihara-impossible-objects/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ e i semi delle carte:
.. image:: card-suits-plus-pointy-circles-t.jpg
:target: card-suits-plus-pointy-circles.jpg
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
di lato sono così:
@@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ La biglia, ovviamente, rotola verso il basso:
.. _`Japan House`:
.. _`SUGIHARA Kokichi`:
diff --git a/src/modelli/tachikoma/ b/src/modelli/tachikoma/
index c9bdb0a..df1a6b8 100644
--- a/src/modelli/tachikoma/
+++ b/src/modelli/tachikoma/
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
:tags: - anime
- models
-When I saw that `a LEGO enthusiast <>`_ had
+When I saw that `a LEGO enthusiast <>`_ had
built a `Tachikoma in LEGO
[*]_ I knew I had to build it for myself.
-The `Rebrickable page <>`_
+The `Rebrickable page <>`_
provides the parts list in the XML format used by `Bricklink
-<>`_, so I did the obvious thing: set up an
+<>`_, so I did the obvious thing: set up an
account on Bricklink and ordered all the parts (from 16 different
sellers!). I'm not going to say how much it cost…
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Was it worth it? See for yourself:
.. image:: front-t.jpg
:alt: LEGO Tachikoma, from ahead
:target: front.jpg
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
.. image:: back-t.jpg
:alt: LEGO Tachikoma, from behind
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Also, a short movie of the model in action:
:height: 240
.. [*] if you don't know what a Tachikoma is, `Wikipedia can help
- <>`_
+ <>`_
diff --git a/src/modelli/tachikoma/ b/src/modelli/tachikoma/
index bedebb8..fc73161 100644
--- a/src/modelli/tachikoma/
+++ b/src/modelli/tachikoma/
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
- models
Quando ho saputo che `un appassionato di LEGO
-<>`_ aveva costruito un `Tachikoma
+<>`_ aveva costruito un `Tachikoma
[*]_ non ho avuto altra scelta che costruirmene uno.
La `pagina su Rebrickable
-<>`_ fornisce l'elenco dei
+<>`_ fornisce l'elenco dei
pezzi nel formato XML usato da `Bricklink
-<>`_, per cui ho fatto la cosa ovvia: ho
+<>`_, per cui ho fatto la cosa ovvia: ho
creato un account su Bricklink e ho ordinato tutti i pezzi (da 16
venditori diversi!). Non vi dico quanto m'è costato…
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Ne è valsa la pena? Guardate qua:
.. image:: front-t.jpg
:alt: Tachikoma LEGO, da davanti
:target: front.jpg
- :class: twitter
+ :class: preview
.. image:: back-t.jpg
:alt: Tachikoma LEGO, da dietro
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ Inoltre, un breve filmato del modello in azione:
:height: 240
.. [*] se non sapete cosa sia un Tachikoma, `Wikipedia aiuta
- <>`_
+ <>`_
diff --git a/src/poste-pacchi/ b/src/poste-pacchi/
index 1e49431..2b28bf8 100644
--- a/src/poste-pacchi/
+++ b/src/poste-pacchi/
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
Oggi ho provato a spedire un pacco. Siccome lo faccio molto di rado, e
non mi va di fare due giri all'ufficio postale, vado a leggere il `sito
-ufficiale delle Poste Italiane <>`_, alla sezione
-`"spedire pacchi" <>`_.
+ufficiale delle Poste Italiane <>`_, alla sezione
+`"spedire pacchi" <>`_.
In particolare, sembra interessante la pagina `"Guida alla spedizione"
-<>`_, in cui si legge
+<>`_, in cui si legge
- le dimensioni *massime* per un PaccoCelere3 sono 150cm di somma
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ che:
Bene! Impacchetto il materiale in modo ragionevole e compatto,
ottenendo un pacchetto di 10×5×6 cm. Poi, proviamo la `lettera di
vettura elettronica
-<>`_, che
+<>`_, che
sembra interessante: dice di ridurre i tempi allo sportello e di
garantire un servizio migliore.
diff --git a/src/tags/models/ b/src/tags/models/
index 73e15b5..98d791b 100644
--- a/src/tags/models/
+++ b/src/tags/models/
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ In this section I show some of my models, in no particular order.
[% PROCESS '' %]
.. _`hobby link japan`:
diff --git a/src/tags/models/ b/src/tags/models/
index cc1e514..f688952 100644
--- a/src/tags/models/
+++ b/src/tags/models/
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ In questa sezione mostro alcuni di questi modelli, in ordine sparso.
[% PROCESS '' %]
.. _`hobby link japan`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/day20/ b/src/viaggi/AU/day20/
index afe7e81..f1a2671 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/day20/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/day20/
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ angry about me moving his stuff around. Wrote two more lines of code.
subscribed to `everything2`_, wrote some nodes about my present situation.
.. _`everything2`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/day21/ b/src/viaggi/AU/day21/
index d0fa015..381c9a9 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/day21/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/day21/
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ looked for some accomodation for the end of august in Sydney, will have to stay
at the youth hostel: $30/night, compared to $120/night of the cheapest hotel.
.. _``:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/day37/ b/src/viaggi/AU/day37/
index 5696e99..1d13bd7 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/day37/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/day37/
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Finished docs for implemented classes. still to do: all RL.
making preparations for sydney.
.. _`sourceforge`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/day39/ b/src/viaggi/AU/day39/
index 6394f4e..32f554f 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/day39/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/day39/
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ went to Uni to check e-mail, but cibs was down. recovered some msgs from
mc-link. Put library on sourceforge, as `NNetLib`_.
.. _`nnetlib`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/day46/ b/src/viaggi/AU/day46/
index a5dd19a..93560a2 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/day46/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/day46/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Calabria. Here also there are very few clouds, and I can see the cities and the
.. _`my nnetlib docs page`:
.. _`slashdot`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/ b/src/viaggi/AU/
index 6bc1d87..71168f8 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ by the `University of Wollongong`_; this is the diary of those days:
|`4 <day46/>`_ | | | | | | |
-.. _`University of Wollongong`:
+.. _`University of Wollongong`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/AU/ b/src/viaggi/AU/
index e0e94f9..296aa26 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/AU/
+++ b/src/viaggi/AU/
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ dell'`Università di Wollongong`_; questo è il diario di quei giorni:
|`4 <day46/>`_ | | | | | | |
-.. _`Università di Wollongong`:
+.. _`Università di Wollongong`:
diff --git a/src/viaggi/fff2003/ b/src/viaggi/fff2003/
index a56a5d2..6f5ab29 100644
--- a/src/viaggi/fff2003/
+++ b/src/viaggi/fff2003/
@@ -511,28 +511,28 @@ imparato quando ormai era troppo tardi...)
.. _`samurai jack`:
.. _`barco`:
.. _`dexter's laboratory`:
.. _`"la macchina del tempo" di welles`:
.. _`"a tutte le belle passanti, che non siamo riusciti a trattenere"`:
.. _`racconto omonimo di rodari`:
.. _`powerpuff girls`:
.. _`villaggio`:
.. _`my beautiful girl, mari (마리이야기)`:
diff --git a/templates/du2html.xsl b/templates/du2html.xsl
index 3d703c8..86e0088 100644
--- a/templates/du2html.xsl
+++ b/templates/du2html.xsl
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
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