path: root/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo')
3 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908bb10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ Building the Arduino / Sanguino on Gentoo amd64
+:CreationDate: 2009-09-01 17:27:01
+:Id: HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo
+:tags: - hardware
+ - software
+ - 3dPrint
+Ok, so I had this nice CupCake_ kit. It comes with pre-built
+electronics, and pre-installed firmware. But I like being able to do
+upgrades, especially since the whole thing is still maturing.
+So, the `MakerBot instructions`_ say "get the Arduino_ env, apply the
+Sanguino_ patch, and you're done". Easy, right?
+I start by downloading the sources for the Arduino_ software. You see,
+I run a 64-bit machine, and the pre-built Linux binaries are 32
+bits. Not good enough.
+Then, following the `Arduino instructions`_, I say::
+ ~/arduino-src/build/linux$ ./
+and it goes::
+ The Java bundle that is included with Processing supports only i686 by default.
+ To build the code, you will need to install the Java 1.5.0_15 JDK (not a JRE,
+ and not any other version), and create a symlink to the directory where it is
+ installed. Create the symlink in the "work" directory, and named it "java":
+ ln -s /path/to/jdk1.5.0_15 /home/dakkar/arduino-src/build/linux/work/java"
+Ok, I'll do it. By having mis-read the notice, I actually symlink the
+``icedtea6`` JDK. It didn't seem to mind.
+Now it builds, but it won't run: there are 32-bit libraries! Who built
+Looking at Portage (yes, I run Gentoo) I see that there is an ebuild
+for an (older) Arduino version, and it declares dependency on exactly
+the library that is giving me problems. So::
+ emerge -av dev-java/rxtx uisp
+and I have the right library. Of course the Arduino program won't use
+it (it's not in the default ``CLASSPATH``), so I symlink it over the
+bundled version::
+ rm work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar work/lib/
+ ln -s /usr/share/rxtx-2/lib/RXTXcomm.jar work/lib/
+ ln -s /usr/lib/rxtx-2/ work/lib/
+It runs!
+Of course, no Sanguino_ support, and the CupCake_ main board is a
+The `Sanguino instructions`_ say to add a couple of directories,
+overwrite a few files, add some lines to a file, and it should be
+enough. Well, not so fast. It didn't work for me.
+After a bit of ``find``, I see that the ``boards.txt`` file (the one
+that needs to have data added to) has been copied from it "source"
+location (``/home/dakkar/arduino-src/hardware/boards.txt``) to the
+"work" location
+(``/home/dakkar/arduino-src/build/linux/work/hardware/boards.txt``). Ok,
+I should have read *all* the instructions: it said to rebuild the
+Arduino environment every time a change is made.
+By this point I'm sick and tired of re-doing all the work-arounds, so
+I just change the ```` script::
+ ===================================================================
+ --- (revision 756)
+ +++ (working copy)
+ @@ -34,25 +34,7 @@
+ install -m 755 dist/arduino work/arduino
+ - ARCH=`uname -m`
+ - if [ $ARCH = "i686" ]
+ - then
+ - echo Extracting JRE...
+ - tar --extract --file=jre.tgz --ungzip --directory=work
+ - else
+ -# echo This is not my beautiful house.
+ -# if [ $ARCH = "x86_64" ]
+ -# then
+ -# echo You gots the 64.
+ -# fi
+ - echo "
+ -The Java bundle that is included with Processing supports only i686 by default.
+ -To build the code, you will need to install the Java 1.5.0_15 JDK (not a JRE,
+ -and not any other version), and create a symlink to the directory where it is
+ -installed. Create the symlink in the \"work\" directory, and named it \"java\":
+ -ln -s /path/to/jdk1.5.0_15 `pwd`/work/java"
+ - exit
+ - fi
+ + ln -s "$(java-config -O)" work/java
+ fi
+ cd ../..
+ @@ -91,6 +73,11 @@
+ rm -rf ../build/linux/work/classes
+ mkdir ../build/linux/work/classes
+ +rm ../build/linux/work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar
+ +rm ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +ln -s /usr/share/rxtx-2/lib/RXTXcomm.jar ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +ln -s /usr/lib/rxtx-2/ ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +
+ ../build/linux/work/java/bin/java \
+ -cp ../build/linux/work/java/lib/tools.jar \
+ \
+ rm -rf work/
+ ./
+ ./
+and I have the environment working! Well, at least it starts and lists
+the appropriate boards. We'll see if it actually works.
+.. _CupCake:
+.. _`MakerBot instructions`:
+.. _Arduino:
+.. _`Arduino instructions`:
+.. _Sanguino:
+.. _`Sanguino instructions`:
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b919b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+:CreationDate: 2009-09-01 17:27:01
+:Id: HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo
+:tags: - hardware
+ - software
+ - 3dPrint
+Bene, mi è arrivata la CupCake_, in scatola di montaggio. Ha
+l'elettronica già montata, e i firmware pre-installati. Ma voglio
+poter fare gli aggiornamenti, specialmente perché tutto il progetto è
+ancora in sviluppo.
+Allora, le `istruzioni di MakerBot`_ dicono "prendi l'ambiente
+Arduino_, applica la patch Sanguino_, e sei a posto". Facile, vero?
+Comincio scaricando i sorgenti per il software Arduino_. Vedete, la
+mia macchina è a 64 bit, e i binari pre-compilati sono a 32. Non
+Quindi, seguendo le `istruzioni Arduino`_, faccio::
+ ~/arduino-src/build/linux$ ./
+e mi risponde::
+ The Java bundle that is included with Processing supports only i686 by default.
+ To build the code, you will need to install the Java 1.5.0_15 JDK (not a JRE,
+ and not any other version), and create a symlink to the directory where it is
+ installed. Create the symlink in the "work" directory, and named it "java":
+ ln -s /path/to/jdk1.5.0_15 /home/dakkar/arduino-src/build/linux/work/java"
+Va bene, lo faccio. Siccome non ho letto bene, faccio il symlink dal
+JDK ``icedtea6``. Non sembra dare problemi.
+Ora compila, ma non esegue: ci sono delle librerie a 32 bit! Chi le ha
+Guardando in Portage (sì, uso Gentoo) vedo che c'è un ebuild per una
+versione (più vecchia) di Arduino, e dichiara di dipendere proprio
+dalla libreria che mi dà problemi. Per cui::
+ emerge -av dev-java/rxtx uisp
+e ho la libreria giusta. Ovviamente, il programma Arduino non la usa
+(non sta nel ``CLASSPATH`` predefinito), per cui metto dei symlink al
+posto della versione inclusa::
+ rm work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar work/lib/
+ ln -s /usr/share/rxtx-2/lib/RXTXcomm.jar work/lib/
+ ln -s /usr/lib/rxtx-2/ work/lib/
+Certo, ancora non c'è il supporto per Sanguino_, e la piastra
+principale della CupCake_ è un Sanguino_.
+Le `istruzioni Sanguino`_ dicono di copiare un paio di directory,
+sovrascrivere un po' di file, aggiungere delle linee a un file, e
+dovrebbe funzionare. Beh, non proprio. Non ha funzionato per me.
+Dopo un po' di ``find``, noto che il file ``boards.txt`` (quello a cui
+bisogna aggiungere righe) è stato copiato dalla sua posizione "sorgente"
+(``/home/dakkar/arduino-src/hardware/boards.txt``) alla posizione di "lavoro"
+(``/home/dakkar/arduino-src/build/linux/work/hardware/boards.txt``). Bene,
+avrei dovuto leggere *tutta* la documentazione: dice di ricompilare
+l'ambiente Arduino ogni volta che si fanno delle modifiche.
+A questo punto però mi sono un po' rotto di ri-fare i trucchi di cui
+sopra, quindi cambio lo script ````::
+ ===================================================================
+ --- (revision 756)
+ +++ (working copy)
+ @@ -34,25 +34,7 @@
+ install -m 755 dist/arduino work/arduino
+ - ARCH=`uname -m`
+ - if [ $ARCH = "i686" ]
+ - then
+ - echo Extracting JRE...
+ - tar --extract --file=jre.tgz --ungzip --directory=work
+ - else
+ -# echo This is not my beautiful house.
+ -# if [ $ARCH = "x86_64" ]
+ -# then
+ -# echo You gots the 64.
+ -# fi
+ - echo "
+ -The Java bundle that is included with Processing supports only i686 by default.
+ -To build the code, you will need to install the Java 1.5.0_15 JDK (not a JRE,
+ -and not any other version), and create a symlink to the directory where it is
+ -installed. Create the symlink in the \"work\" directory, and named it \"java\":
+ -ln -s /path/to/jdk1.5.0_15 `pwd`/work/java"
+ - exit
+ - fi
+ + ln -s "$(java-config -O)" work/java
+ fi
+ cd ../..
+ @@ -91,6 +73,11 @@
+ rm -rf ../build/linux/work/classes
+ mkdir ../build/linux/work/classes
+ +rm ../build/linux/work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar
+ +rm ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +ln -s /usr/share/rxtx-2/lib/RXTXcomm.jar ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +ln -s /usr/lib/rxtx-2/ ../build/linux/work/lib/
+ +
+ ../build/linux/work/java/bin/java \
+ -cp ../build/linux/work/java/lib/tools.jar \
+ \
+ rm -rf work/
+ ./
+ ./
+e ho l'ambiente funzionante! Insomma, quanto meno parte e elenca tutte
+le "boards" che mi servono. Vedremo se funziona davvero.
+.. _CupCake:
+.. _`istruzioni di MakerBot`:
+.. _Arduino:
+.. _`istruzioni Arduino`:
+.. _Sanguino:
+.. _`istruzioni Sanguino`:
diff --git a/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/du2html.xsl b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/du2html.xsl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..7364257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HW/makerbot/arduino-on-gentoo/du2html.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../../templates/du2html.xsl \ No newline at end of file