======================== Playing with a Mind Flex ======================== :CreationDate: 2015-10-23 13:11:34 :Id: HW/mindflex :tags: - hardware - software Some time ago I bought a `Mind Flex`_, with the idea of interfacing it to some motors, and control a thing **with my mind**!. As for the "thing", I bought a `Keepon`_. Of course they sat unused for years. Then I got myself a `MicroView`_, because it was pretty. Of course it, too, sat unused for years. I've finally started putting the three together. .. _`Mind Flex`: http://store.neurosky.com/products/mindflex .. _`Keepon`: http://www.mykeepon.com/ .. _`MicroView`: http://learn.microview.io/Intro/general-overview-of-microview.html Software setup ============== First of all, I had to set up the Arduino IDE + compilers. On a Gentoo system it used to be a bit tricky (although there is `a very clear post on the Apollo NG site`_ that helped), but now it's just:: emerge arduino crossdev dev-java/rxtx USE="multilib cxx" crossdev --target avr These additional symlinks are probably still needed, though:: ln -nsf /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/avr/lib/ldscripts \ /usr/avr/lib/ldscripts ln -nsf /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/avr/lib/ldscripts \ /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/avr/binutils-bin/2.20.1/ldscripts cd /usr/avr/lib ln -nsf avr5/crtm328p.o . ln -nsf avr6/crtm2561.o . ln -nsf avr6/crtm2560.o . .. _`a very clear post on the Apollo NG site`: https://apollo.open-resource.org/mission:log:2015:01:20:gentoo-crossdev-compile-avr-gcc-for-arduino-and-cura Arduino libraries ----------------- I needed two libraries: the one to `read the Neurosky EEG data`_, and the one to `control the MicroView hardware`_. I cloned them in my "sketchbook" directory:: mkdir -p ~/sketchbook/libraries cd ~/sketchbook/libraries git clone git@github.com:geekammo/MicroView-Arduino-Library.git \ MicroView git clone git@github.com:kitschpatrol/Brain Note that the MicroView library needs to be in a folder called ``MicroView``, not ``MicroView-Arduino-Library``: the Arduino IDE really dislikes dashes in library names. I also copied code from `BeatBots' GitHub repository`_. .. _`read the Neurosky EEG data`: https://github.com/kitschpatrol/Brain .. _`control the MicroView hardware`: https://github.com/geekammo/MicroView-Arduino-Library/ .. _`BeatBots' GitHub repository`: https://github.com/beatbots/mykeepon Hardware setup ============== I followed the instruction at `Frontier Nerds`_, soldering a wire to the "T" pin of the Neurosky board, one wire to ground, and (my addition) one wire to battery "+". This way I can power the MicroView from the same batteries as the Mind Flex: when I tried powering them separately, the Neurosky board seemed to have serious difficulty getting a signal, probably because of noise on the power line. I then connected (currently via a small breadboard) the MicroView to the wires: ground to ground, power to VIN, signal to pin Rx. .. _`Frontier Nerds`: http://www.frontiernerds.com/brain-hack For the Keepon, I connected four wires as explained by BeatBots: ground to ground, power to A0 (to read when the Keepon is turned on), clock to A5, data to A4. The program =========== You can `browse the repository for the program`_; I'm using EMACS and the `Arduino Makefile`_, instead of the normal IDE, because I like command-line interfaces better than point&click, and also because my C++ is so rusty that the real-time feedback of Flymake is necessary. Currently working: * read from the Neurosky * get control of the Keepon every time it's turned on * queue commands to the Keepon * show all status on the MicroView Future work: * read the status of the Keepon (button presses, sensors, maybe ever microphone?) * write some more interesting logic to map brain readings to movements .. _`browse the repository for the program`: https://www.thenautilus.net/cgit/keepon-eeg/tree/ .. _`Arduino Makefile`: https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile