KanaTrain ========= :CreationDate: 2003-01-20 10:09:25 :tags: - software - japanese ``kanatrain.pl`` is a program to help memorize japanese phonetic characters, in particular hiragana (平仮名). It requires a Perl interpreter, version 5.6.0 or later (but it won't work with Perl 6) and a terminal capable of displaying glyphs specified with UTF-8. The program contains two exercises: in the first one you're presented with a hiragana and you should write its pronounciation. To avoid ambiguities is best to write it after the *Kunrei* romanization (ち 'ti', し 'si', ぢ 'di') instead of the more common *Hepburn* (ち 'chi', し 'shi', ぢ 'ji'). If you make a mistake the correct pronounciation will be shown, along with the hiragana corresponding to the one you gave (if any). In the second exercise you're presented with a pronunciation (written after the *Kunrei* system) and five different hiragana characters, where only one is the right one. You should write the number relative to the right one. If you make a mistake the correct hiragana will be shown, along with the pronunication of the one you chose. To end each exercise just give an empty answer. The source_ is a single file. .. _source: http://www.thenautilus.net/cgit/kana-train/tree/kana-train.pl