Gianni Ceccarelli Home Page =========================== :CreationDate: 2003-01-28 10:09:25 Hello! ------ This website of mine exists to publish my productions, to experiment layout and graphic ideas, and overall to show off a bit. (there's always a sort of exibitionism in publishing works of one's own, isn't it?) Initially these pages have been produced with `XWeb`_; later on, using a home-grown system based on `XML`_, `XSLT`_, and `GNU Make`_, unimaginatively called sitemake_; now, they're made with another system, based on ReST_ and XSLT_, with the even more banal name of WebCoso_. This *is not* a weblog: chronological order is probably not the best way to read this site, and I often modify "old" pages. If you really want, you can follow updates with the `Atom feeds`_: there is a global feed, and a dedicated feed for each tag. .. _`xml`: http:/ .. _`gnu make`: .. _`xslt`: .. _sitemake: /SW/sitemake/ .. _WebCoso: /SW/WebCoso/ .. _`xweb`: .. _ReST: .. _`Atom feeds`: