Diario - 15 July ================ :Id: viaggi/AU/day6 :prev: ../day5/ :next: ../day7/ :up: ../ :index: ../ :CreationDate: 2003-01-29 10:51:59 Today I'll go to a park, to see some animals. Had a shower, and noticed: bathroom heating is done with lamps. This, and the fact that thet have electrical plates to cook, an electrical oven, an el. kettle, and so on, makes me think they're not very concerned with energy consumption. Oh, yes: the bathroom seems not to have been cleaned in ages. Just a superficial cleaning from time to time, but nothing really deep. Hope next house will be cleaner. Have to bear in mind that they inherited British taditions. .. figure:: china_bbq-t.jpg :target: china_bbq.jpg :class: float-left Me and the HK girls cooking .. figure:: china_group-t.jpg :target: china_group.jpg :class: float-left Me and the HK girls .. figure:: woronora_pan-t.jpg :target: woronora_pan.jpg :class: float-left Panoramic of the park Before Maryann can drive me to catch the bus, a Thai student arrives. She understands maybe one word out of ten. However she consents to come to the city with us. So Maryann drives both of us to Station st. (North Wollongong railway station), where I had to catch the bus (the Thai student returning home to rest). The excursion had been organized for a group of HongKong students, mostly girls. Pretty ones, too. First stop: riding! The scenery is magnificent. Nobody had ever rode before, so they put us on very tame horses. We ride through the wood (bush they say here) in line. Nice experience. Next stop: BBQ lunch. I was the only one not to have brought something to eat, so I just got more BBQ'ed sausages than any other one. We were BBQ'ing in the park near Woronora Dam, nice view of the canals & basins. .. figure:: canguro_1-t.jpg :target: canguro_1.jpg :class: float-left A small kangaroo jumping .. figure:: canguro_2-t.jpg :target: canguro_2.jpg :class: float-left Face to face .. figure:: canguro_3-t.jpg :target: canguro_3.jpg :class: float-left Mother and son .. figure:: emu_1-t.jpg :target: emu_1.jpg :class: float-left A couple of emus .. figure:: ostrich_1-t.jpg :target: ostrich_1.jpg :class: float-left A couple of ostrichs .. figure:: koala_1-t.jpg :target: koala_1.jpg :class: float-left Koalas on branches .. figure:: koala_2-t.jpg :target: koala_2.jpg :class: float-left Koalas hidden behind branches Then we went to see the animals, at Symbio (greek word?) Wildilfe park. Kangaroos, koalas, wonbats, emus, ostrichs, birds. Made pictures. .. figure:: shore_1-t.jpg :target: shore_1.jpg :class: float-left Shoreline near Wollongong Back to the bus, we return towards Wollongong via the coastal road. Great view of the ocean: must go see the beach sometimes. Returned home, only to find that the Thai student hadn't understood a fundamental thing: she is not to remain here! She had unpacked most of her baggage, and when we succeed in explaining her that she has to move to her homestay family, she runs packing all her things. Had to watch for her not to take any of my things! Dinner with pizza (oh hell! why they don't change the name? it has nothing to do with Italian pizza!), and a rented movie: Inspector Gadget. Not bad, but the French cartoon was funnier (and less pretentious). Thought of the day: streetsigns. In Europe (and US, I'm told) there are symbolic signs: you don't need to know the local language to read them, they're the same everywhere. Not in Australia: No standing with left/right arrows, Wrong way, go back when you enter a one-way street from the wrong side, left turn permitted on red after stopping (at a crossing, with traffic lights: and maybe they complain about accidents!)