/* * BLE2904.cpp * * Created on: Dec 23, 2017 * Author: kolban */ /* * See also: * https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_presentation_format.xml */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) #include "BLE2904.h" BLE2904::BLE2904() : BLEDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t) 0x2904)) { m_data.m_format = 0; m_data.m_exponent = 0; m_data.m_namespace = 1; // 1 = Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers m_data.m_unit = 0; m_data.m_description = 0; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } // BLE2902 /** * @brief Set the description. */ void BLE2904::setDescription(uint16_t description) { m_data.m_description = description; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } /** * @brief Set the exponent. */ void BLE2904::setExponent(int8_t exponent) { m_data.m_exponent = exponent; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } // setExponent /** * @brief Set the format. */ void BLE2904::setFormat(uint8_t format) { m_data.m_format = format; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } // setFormat /** * @brief Set the namespace. */ void BLE2904::setNamespace(uint8_t namespace_value) { m_data.m_namespace = namespace_value; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } // setNamespace /** * @brief Set the units for this value. It should be one of the encoded values defined here: * https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/units * @param [in] unit The type of units of this characteristic as defined by assigned numbers. */ void BLE2904::setUnit(uint16_t unit) { m_data.m_unit = unit; setValue((uint8_t*) &m_data, sizeof(m_data)); } // setUnit #endif