/* * BLEUUID.h * * Created on: Jun 21, 2017 * Author: kolban */ #ifndef COMPONENTS_CPP_UTILS_BLEUUID_H_ #define COMPONENTS_CPP_UTILS_BLEUUID_H_ #include "sdkconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) #include #include /** * @brief A model of a %BLE UUID. */ class BLEUUID { public: BLEUUID(std::string uuid); BLEUUID(uint16_t uuid); BLEUUID(uint32_t uuid); BLEUUID(esp_bt_uuid_t uuid); BLEUUID(uint8_t* pData, size_t size, bool msbFirst); BLEUUID(esp_gatt_id_t gattId); BLEUUID(); uint8_t bitSize(); // Get the number of bits in this uuid. bool equals(BLEUUID uuid); esp_bt_uuid_t* getNative(); BLEUUID to128(); std::string toString(); static BLEUUID fromString(std::string uuid); // Create a BLEUUID from a string private: esp_bt_uuid_t m_uuid; // The underlying UUID structure that this class wraps. bool m_valueSet = false; // Is there a value set for this instance. }; // BLEUUID #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED */ #endif /* COMPONENTS_CPP_UTILS_BLEUUID_H_ */