#!/usr/bin/python import time, random, re, os from sys import argv try: import MySQLdb except ImportError: pass try: import sqlite except ImportError: pass def parseConfigFile(): # Originally I wrote this function to parse PHP configuration files! config = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/yubiserve.cfg', 'r').read().splitlines() keys = {} for line in config: match = re.search('(.*?)=(.*);', line) try: # Check if it's a string or a number if ((match.group(2).strip()[0] != '"') and (match.group(2).strip()[0] != '\'')): keys[match.group(1).strip()] = int(match.group(2).strip()) else: keys[match.group(1).strip()] = match.group(2).strip('"\' ') except: pass return keys def randomChars(max): retVal = '' for i in range(0, max): rand = random.randrange(0, 63) if (rand>36): retVal += chr(rand-36+96) # Starting with 'a' elif (rand>10): retVal += chr(rand-10+64) # Starting with 'A' else: # Starting with '0' retVal += chr(rand+47) return retVal config = parseConfigFile() try: if MySQLdb != None: isThereMysql = True except NameError: isThereMysql = False try: if sqlite != None: isThereSqlite = True except NameError: isThereSqlite = False if isThereMysql == isThereSqlite == False: print "Cannot continue without any database support.\nPlease read README.\n\n" quit() if config['yubiDB'] == 'mysql' and (config['yubiMySQLHost'] == '' or config['yubiMySQLUser'] == '' or config['yubiMySQLPass'] == '' or config['yubiMySQLName'] == ''): print "Cannot continue without any MySQL configuration.\nPlease read README.\n\n" quit() try: if config['yubiDB'] == 'sqlite': con = sqlite.connect(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/yubikeys.sqlite') elif config['yubiDB'] == 'mysql': con = MySQLdb.connect(host=config['yubiMySQLHost'], user=config['yubiMySQLUser'], passwd=config['yubiMySQLPass'], db=config['yubiMySQLName']) except: print "There's a problem with the database!\n" cur = con.cursor() if (len(argv)<2): print ' == YubiServe Key Management Tool 2.0 ==\n' print ' -ya \tAdd a new Yubikey' print ' -yk \t\t\t\t\tDelete a Yubikey' print ' -yd \t\t\t\t\tDisable a Yubikey' print ' -ye \t\t\t\t\tEnable a Yubikey' print ' -yl\t\t\t\t\t\tList all yubikeys in database\n' print ' -ha \t\tAdd a new OATH token' print ' -hk \t\t\t\t\tDelete a OATH token' print ' -hd \t\t\t\t\tDisable a OATH token' print ' -he \t\t\t\t\tEnable a OATH token' print ' -hl\t\t\t\t\t\tList all OATH tokens in database\n' print ' -aa \t\t\t\t\tGenerate an API Key' print ' -ak \t\t\t\t\tRemove an API Key' print ' -al\t\t\t\t\t\tList all API Keys in database\n' else: if argv[1][0:2] == '-y': # Yubico Yubikey if (argv[1][2] == 'd') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "' AND active = '1'") if (cur.rowcount == 1): cur.execute("UPDATE yubikeys SET active = '1' WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' disabled." con.commit() else: print 'Key is already disabled.' elif (argv[1][2] == 'e') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "' AND active = '1'") if (cur.rowcount == 1): cur.execute("UPDATE yubikeys SET active = '1' WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' enabled." con.commit() else: print 'Key is already enabled.' elif (argv[1][2] == 'k') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("DELETE FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' deleted." con.commit() elif (argv[1][2] == 'a') and (len(argv)>4): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) if ((len(argv[2])<=16) and (len(argv[3]) <= 16) and (len(argv[4]) <= 12) and (len(argv[5])<=32)): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM yubikeys WHERE nickname = '" + argv[2] + "' OR publicname = '" + argv[3] + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): cur.execute("INSERT INTO yubikeys VALUES ('" + argv[2] + "', '" + argv[3] + "', '" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) + "', '" + argv[4] + "', '" + argv[5] + "', 'true', 1, 1)") con.commit() print "Key '" + argv[2] + "' added to database." else: print 'Key is already into database. Delete it before adding the same key!' else: print 'Nickname and publicid must be max 16 characters long.' print 'Secretid must be 12 characters max, aeskey must be 32 characters max.\n' quit() elif (argv[1][2] == 'l'): cur.execute('SELECT nickname, publicname FROM yubikeys') if cur.rowcount != 0: print " " + str(cur.rowcount) + " keys into database:" print '[Nickname]\t\t>> [PublicID]' for i in range(0, cur.rowcount): (nickname, publicname) = cur.fetchone() print ' ' + nickname + ' ' * (23-len(nickname)) + ">> " + publicname print '' else: print 'No keys in database\n' else: print 'Not enough parameters. Try looking at ' + argv[0] + ' --help' elif argv[1][0:2] == '-h': if (argv[1][2] == 'd') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "' AND active = '1'") if (cur.rowcount == 1): cur.execute("UPDATE oathtokens SET active = '1' WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' disabled." con.commit() else: print 'Key is already disabled.' elif (argv[1][2] == 'e') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "' AND active = '1'") if (cur.rowcount == 1): cur.execute("UPDATE oathtokens SET active = '1' WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' enabled." con.commit() else: print 'Key is already enabled.' elif (argv[1][2] == 'k') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print 'Key not found.' else: cur.execute("DELETE FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") print "Key '" + nickname + "' deleted." con.commit() elif (argv[1][2] == 'a') and (len(argv)>3): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) if (len(argv[2])<=16) and (len(argv[3]) <= 16) and (len(argv[4]) <= 40): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM oathtokens WHERE nickname = '" + argv[2] + "' OR publicname = '" + argv[3] + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): cur.execute("INSERT INTO oathtokens VALUES ('" + nickname + "', '" + argv[3] + "', '" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) + "', '" + argv[4] + "', 'true', 1)") con.commit() print "Key '" + argv[2] + "' added to database." else: print 'Key is already into database. Delete it before adding the same key!' else: print 'Nickname and publicid must be max 16 characters long.' print 'Secret key must be 40 characters max.\n' quit() elif (argv[1][2] == 'l'): cur.execute('SELECT nickname, publicname FROM oathtokens') if cur.rowcount != 0: print " " + str(cur.rowcount) + " keys into database:" print '[Nickname]\t\t>> [PublicID]' for i in range(0, cur.rowcount): (nickname, publicname) = cur.fetchone() print ' ' + nickname + ' ' * (23-len(nickname)) + ">> " + publicname print '' else: print 'No keys in database\n' else: print 'Not enough parameters. Try looking at ' + argv[0] + ' --help' elif argv[1][0:2] == '-a': if (argv[1][2] == 'a') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM apikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount != 0): print 'API Key for this nickname is already present. Remove it or choose another one.\n' quit() cur.execute('SELECT id FROM apikeys ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1') if (cur.rowcount != 0): id = cur.fetchone()[0] + 1 else: id = 1 api_key = randomChars(20) cur.execute("INSERT INTO apikeys VALUES ('" + nickname + "', '" + api_key + "', '" + str(id) + "')") con.commit() print "New API Key for '" + nickname + "': '" + api_key.encode('base64').strip() + "'" print "Your API Key ID is: " + str(id) + "\n" elif (argv[1][2] == 'k') and (len(argv)>2): nickname = re.escape(argv[2]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM apikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") if (cur.rowcount == 0): print "API Key for this nickname Doesn't exists!\n" quit() cur.execute("DELETE FROM apikeys WHERE nickname = '" + nickname + "'") con.commit() print "API Key for '" + nickname + "' has been deleted.\n" elif (argv[1][2] == 'l'): cur.execute('SELECT nickname FROM apikeys') if cur.rowcount != 0: print ' ' + str(cur.rowcount) + ' keys into database:' print '[Nickname]' for i in range(0, cur.rowcount): nickname = cur.fetchone()[0] print ' ' + nickname print '' else: print 'No keys in database\n'