path: root/
diff options
authordakkar <dakkar@sardina.(none)>2009-06-27 13:41:41 +0200
committerdakkar <dakkar@sardina.(none)>2009-06-27 13:41:41 +0200
commit742a86af2a7e15cebbed6e2ca4f56b87170b9f7d (patch)
tree454d8417975ce972a66308a1e0c93fb11dc8d4a5 /
version 1.4, from CPANHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 619 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c442d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+package Class::XPath;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.4';
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use constant DEBUG => 0;
+# regex fragment for names in XPath expressions
+our $NAME = qr/[\w:]+/;
+# declare prototypes
+sub foreach_node (&@);
+# handle request to build methods from 'use Class::XPath'.
+sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ return unless @_;
+ my $target = (caller())[0];
+ # hand off to add_methods
+ $pkg->add_methods(@_, target => $target, from_import => 1);
+ # setup lists of required params
+ my %required = map { ($_,1) }
+ qw(get_name get_parent get_children
+ get_attr_names get_attr_value get_content
+ get_root call_match call_xpath);
+# add the xpath and match methods to
+sub add_methods {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my %args = (call_match => 'match',
+ call_xpath => 'xpath',
+ @_);
+ my $from_import = delete $args{from_import};
+ my $target = delete $args{target};
+ croak("Missing 'target' parameter to ${pkg}->add_methods()")
+ unless defined $target;
+ # check args
+ local $_;
+ for (keys %args) {
+ croak("Unrecognized parameter '$_' " .
+ ($from_import ? " on 'use $pkg' line. " :
+ "passed to ${pkg}->add_methods()"))
+ unless $required{$_};
+ }
+ for (keys %required) {
+ croak("Missing required parameter '$_' " .
+ ($from_import ? " on 'use $pkg' line. " :
+ "in call to ${pkg}->add_methods()"))
+ unless exists $args{$_};
+ }
+ # translate get_* method names to sub-refs
+ for (grep { /^get_/ } keys %args) {
+ next if ref $args{$_} and ref $args{$_} eq 'CODE';
+ $args{$_} = eval "sub { shift->$args{$_}(\@_) };";
+ croak("Unable to compile sub for '$_' : $@") if $@;
+ }
+ # install code into requested names to call real match/xpath with
+ # supplied %args
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"${target}::$args{call_match}"} =
+ sub { $pkg->match($_[0], \%args, $_[1]) };
+ *{"${target}::$args{call_xpath}"} =
+ sub { $pkg->xpath($_[0], \%args) }
+ }
+sub match {
+ my ($pkg, $self, $args, $xpath) = @_;
+ my ($get_root, $get_parent, $get_children, $get_name) =
+ @{$args}{qw(get_root get_parent get_children get_name)};
+ croak("Bad call to $args->{call_match}: missing xpath argument.")
+ unless defined $xpath;
+ print STDERR "match('$xpath') called.\n" if DEBUG;
+ # / is the root. This should probably work as part of the
+ # algorithm, but it doesn't.
+ return $get_root->($self) if $xpath eq '/';
+ # . is self. This should also work as part of the algorithm,
+ # but it doesn't.
+ return $self if $xpath eq '.';
+ # break up an incoming xpath into a set of @patterns to match
+ # against a list of @target elements
+ my (@patterns, @targets);
+ # target aquisition
+ if ($xpath =~ m!^//(.*)$!) {
+ $xpath = $1;
+ # this is a match-anywhere pattern, which should be tried on
+ # all nodes
+ foreach_node { push(@targets, $_) } $get_root->($self), $get_children;
+ } elsif ($xpath =~ m!^/(.*)$!) {
+ $xpath = $1;
+ # this match starts at the root
+ @targets = ($get_root->($self));
+ } elsif ($xpath =~ m!^\.\./(.*)$!) {
+ $xpath = $1;
+ # this match starts at the parent
+ @targets = ($get_parent->($self));
+ } elsif ($xpath =~ m!^\./(.*)$!) {
+ $xpath = $1;
+ @targets = ($self);
+ } else {
+ # this match starts here
+ @targets = ($self);
+ }
+ # pattern breakdown
+ my @parts = split('/', $xpath);
+ my $count = 0;
+ for (@parts) {
+ $count++;
+ if (/^$NAME$/) {
+ # it's a straight name match
+ push(@patterns, { name => $_ });
+ } elsif (/^($NAME)\[(-?\d+)\]$/o) {
+ # it's an indexed name
+ push(@patterns, { name => $1, index => $2 });
+ } elsif (/^($NAME)\[\@($NAME)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\]$/o or
+ /^($NAME)\[\@($NAME)\s*=\s*'([^']+)'\]$/o) {
+ # it's a string attribute match
+ push(@patterns, { name => $1, attr => $2, value => $3 });
+ } elsif (/^($NAME)\[\@($NAME)\s*(=|>|<|<=|>=|!=)\s*(\d+)\]$/o) {
+ # it's a numeric attribute match
+ push(@patterns, { name => $1, attr => $2, op => $3, value => $4 });
+ } elsif (/^($NAME)\[($NAME|\.)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\]$/o or
+ /^($NAME)\[($NAME|\.)\s*=\s*'([^']+)'\]$/o) {
+ # it's a string child match
+ push(@patterns, { name => $1, child => $2, value => $3 });
+ } elsif (/^($NAME)\[($NAME|\.)\s*(=|>|<|<=|>=|!=)\s*(\d+)\]$/) {
+ # it's a numeric child match
+ push(@patterns, { name => $1, child => $2, op => $3, value => $4 });
+ } elsif (/^\@($NAME)$/) {
+ # it's an attribute name
+ push(@patterns, { attr => $1 });
+ # it better be last
+ croak("Bad call to $args->{call_match}: '$xpath' contains an attribute selector in the middle of the expression.")
+ if $count != @parts;
+ } else {
+ # unrecognized token
+ croak("Bad call to $args->{call_match}: '$xpath' contains unknown token '$_'");
+ }
+ }
+ croak("Bad call to $args->{call_match}: '$xpath' contains no search tokens.")
+ unless @patterns;
+ # apply the patterns to all available targets and collect results
+ my @results = map { $pkg->_do_match($_, $args, @patterns) } @targets;
+ return @results;
+# the underlying match engine. this takes a list of patterns and
+# applies them to child elements
+sub _do_match {
+ my ($pkg, $self, $args, @patterns) = @_;
+ my ($get_parent, $get_children, $get_name, $get_attr_value, $get_attr_names, $get_content) =
+ @{$args}{qw(get_parent get_children get_name get_attr_value get_attr_names get_content)};
+ local $_;
+ print STDERR "_do_match(" . $get_name->($self) . " => " .
+ join(', ', map { '{' . join(',', %$_) . '}' } @patterns) .
+ ") called.\n"
+ if DEBUG;
+ # get pattern to apply to direct descendants
+ my $pat = shift @patterns;
+ # find matches and put in @results
+ my @results;
+ my @kids;
+ { no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ @kids = grep { $get_name->($_) eq $pat->{name} } $get_children->($self);
+ }
+ if (defined $pat->{index}) {
+ # get a child by index
+ push @results, $kids[$pat->{index}]
+ if (abs($pat->{index}) <= $#kids);
+ } elsif (defined $pat->{attr}) {
+ if (defined $pat->{name}) {
+ # default op is 'eq' for string matching
+ my $op = $pat->{op} || 'eq';
+ # do attribute matching
+ foreach my $kid (@kids) {
+ my $value = $get_attr_value->($kid, $pat->{attr});
+ push(@results, $kid)
+ if ($op eq 'eq' and $value eq $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '=' and $value == $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '!=' and $value != $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '>' and $value > $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '<' and $value < $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '>=' and $value >= $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '<=' and $value <= $pat->{value});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $attr = $pat->{attr};
+ push(@results, $get_attr_value->($self, $attr))
+ if grep { $_ eq $attr } $get_attr_names->($self);
+ }
+ } elsif (defined $pat->{child}) {
+ croak("Can't process child pattern without name")
+ unless defined $pat->{name};
+ # default op is 'eq' for string matching
+ my $op = $pat->{op} || 'eq';
+ # do attribute matching
+ foreach my $kid (@kids) {
+ foreach (
+ $pat->{child} eq "." ? $kid
+ : grep {$get_name->($_) eq $pat->{child}} $get_children->($kid)
+ ) {
+ my $value;
+ foreach_node {
+ my $txt = $get_content->($_);
+ $value .= $txt if defined $txt;
+ } $_, $get_children;
+ next unless defined $value;
+ push(@results, $kid)
+ if ($op eq 'eq' and $value eq $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '=' and $value == $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '!=' and $value != $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '>' and $value > $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '<' and $value < $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '>=' and $value >= $pat->{value}) or
+ ($op eq '<=' and $value <= $pat->{value});
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @results, @kids;
+ }
+ # all done?
+ return @results unless @patterns;
+ # apply remaining patterns on matching kids
+ return map { $pkg->_do_match($_, $args, @patterns) } @results;
+sub xpath {
+ my ($pkg, $self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($get_parent, $get_children, $get_name) =
+ @{$args}{qw(get_parent get_children get_name)};
+ my $parent = $get_parent->($self);
+ return '/' unless defined $parent; # root's xpath is /
+ # get order within same-named nodes in the parent
+ my $name = $get_name->($self);
+ my $count = 0;
+ for my $kid ($get_children->($parent)) {
+ last if $kid == $self;
+ $count++ if $get_name->($kid) eq $name;
+ }
+ # construct xpath using parent's xpath and our name and count
+ return $pkg->xpath($parent, $args) .
+ ($get_parent->($parent) ? '/' : '') .
+ $name . '[' . $count . ']';
+# does a depth first traversal in a stack
+sub foreach_node (&@) {
+ my ($code, $node, $get_children) = @_;
+ my @stack = ($node);
+ while (@stack) {
+ local $_ = shift(@stack);
+ $code->();
+ push(@stack, $get_children->($_));
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Class::XPath - adds xpath matching to object trees
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In your node class, use Class::XPath:
+ # generate xpath() and match() using Class::XPath
+ use Class::XPath
+ get_name => 'name', # get the node name with the 'name' method
+ get_parent => 'parent', # get parent with the 'parent' method
+ get_root => \&get_root, # call get_root($node) to get the root
+ get_children => 'kids', # get children with the 'kids' method
+ get_attr_names => 'param', # get names and values of attributes
+ get_attr_value => 'param', # from param
+ get_content => 'data', # get content from the 'data' method
+ ;
+Now your objects support XPath-esque matching:
+ # find all pages, anywhere in the tree
+ @nodes = $node->match('//page');
+ # returns an XPath like "/page[1]/paragraph[2]"
+ $xpath = $node->xpath();
+This module adds XPath-style matching to your object trees. This
+means that you can find nodes using an XPath-esque query with
+C<match()> from anywhere in the tree. Also, the C<xpath()> method
+returns a unique path to a given node which can be used as an
+To use this module you must already have an OO implementation of a
+tree. The tree must be a true tree - all nodes have a single parent
+and the tree must have a single root node. Also, the order of
+children within a node must be stable.
+B<NOTE:> This module is not yet a complete XPath implementation. Over
+time I expect the subset of XPath supported to grow. See the SYNTAX
+documentation for details on the current level of support.
+=head1 USAGE
+This module is used by providing it with information about how your
+class works. Class::XPath uses this information to build the
+C<match()> and C<xpath()> methods for your class. The parameters
+passed to 'use Class::XPath' may be set with strings, indicating
+method names, or subroutine references. They are:
+=item get_name (required)
+Returns the name of this node. This will be used as the element name
+when evaluating an XPath match. The value returned must matches
+=item get_parent (required)
+Returns the parent of this node. The root node must return undef from
+the get_parent method.
+=item get_children (required)
+Returns a list of child nodes, in order.
+=item get_attr_names (required)
+Returns a list of available attribute names. The values returned must
+match /^[\w:]+$/).
+=item get_attr_value (required)
+Called with a single parameter, the name of the attribute. Returns
+the value associated with that attribute. The value returned must be
+C<undef> if no value exists for the attribute.
+=item get_content (required)
+Returns the contents of the node. In XML this is text between start
+and end tags.
+=item get_root (required)
+Returns the root node of this tree.
+=item call_match (optional)
+Set this to the name of the C<match()> method to generate. Defaults
+to 'match'.
+=item call_xpath (optional)
+Set this to the name of the C<xpath()> method to generate. Defaults
+to 'xpath'.
+If you're using someone else's OO tree module, and you don't want to
+subclass it, you can still use Class::XPath to add XPath matching to
+it. This is done by calling C<Class::XPath->add_methods()> with all
+the options usually passed to C<use> and one extra one, C<target>.
+For example, to add xpath() and match() to HTML::Element (the node
+class for HTML::TreeBuilder):
+ # add Class::XPath routines to HTML::Element
+ Class::XPath->add_methods(target => 'HTML::Element',
+ get_parent => 'parent',
+ get_name => 'tag',
+ get_attr_names =>
+ sub { my %attr = shift->all_external_attr;
+ return keys %attr; },
+ get_attr_value =>
+ sub { my %attr = shift->all_external_attr;
+ return $attr{$_[0]}; },
+ get_children =>
+ sub { grep { ref $_ } shift->content_list },
+ get_content =>
+ sub { grep { not ref $_ } shift->content_list },
+ get_root =>
+ sub { local $_=shift;
+ while($_->parent) { $_ = $_->parent }
+ return $_; });
+Now you can load up an HTML file and do XPath matching on it:
+ my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
+ $root->parse_file("foo.html");1
+ # get a list of all paragraphs
+ my @paragraphs = $root->match('//p');
+ # get the title element
+ my ($title) = $root->match('/head/title');
+This module generates two public methods for your class:
+=item C<< @results = $node->match('/xpath/expression') >>
+This method performs an XPath match against the tree to which this
+node belongs. See the SYNTAX documentation for the range of supported
+expressions. The return value is either a list of node objects, a list
+of values (when retrieving specific attributes) or an empty list if no
+matches could be found. If your XPath expression cannot be parsed then
+the method will die.
+You can change the name of this method with the 'call_match' option
+described above.
+=item C<< $xpath = $node->xpath() >>
+Get an xpath to uniquely identify this node. Can be used with match()
+to find the element later. The xpath returned is guaranteed to be
+unqiue within the element tree. For example, the third node named
+"paragraph" inside node named "page" has the xpath
+You can change the name of this method with the 'call_xpath' option
+described above.
+=head1 SYNTAX
+This module supports a small subset of XPath at the moment. Here is a
+list of the type of expressions it knows about:
+=item .
+Selects and returns the current node.
+=item name
+=item ./name
+Selects a list of nodes called 'name' in the tree below the current
+=item /name
+Selects a list of nodes called 'name' directly below the root of the
+=item //name
+Selects all nodes with a matching name, anywhere in the tree.
+=item parent/child/grandchild
+Selects a list of grandchildren for all children of all parents.
+=item parent[1]/child[2]
+Selects a single child by indexing into the children lists.
+=item parent[-1]/child[0]
+Selects the first child of the last parent. In the real XPath they
+spell this 'parent[last()]/child[0]' but supporting the Perl syntax is
+practically free here. Eventually I'll support the XPath style too.
+=item ../child[2]
+Selects the second child from the parent of the current node.
+Currently .. only works at the start of an XPath, mostly because I
+can't imagine using it anywhere else.
+=item child[@id=10]
+Selects the child node with an 'id' attribute of 10.
+=item child[@id>10]
+Selects all the child nodes with an 'id' attribute greater than 10.
+Other supported operators are '<', '<=', '>=' and '!='.
+=item child[@category="sports"]
+Selects the child with an 'category' attribute of "sports". The value
+must be a quoted string (single or double) and no escaping is allowed.
+=item child[title="Hello World"]
+Selects the child with a 'title' child element whose content is "Hello World".
+The value must be a quoted string (single or double) and no escaping is allowed.
+ <child>
+ <title>Hello World</title>
+ </child>
+=item //title[.="Hello World"]
+Selects all 'title' elements whose content is "Hello World".
+=item child/@attr
+Returns the list of values for all attributes "attr" within each child.
+=item //@attr
+Returns the list of values for all attributes "attr" within each node.
+B<NOTE:> this module has no support for Unicode. If this is a problem
+for you please consider sending me a patch. I'm certain that I don't
+know enough about Unicode to do it right myself.
+=head1 BUGS
+I know of no bugs in this module. If you find one, please file a bug
+report at:
+Alternately you can email me directly at Please
+include the version of the module and a complete test case that
+demonstrates the bug.
+=head1 TODO
+Planned future work:
+=item *
+Support more of XPath!
+=item *
+Do more to detect broken get_* functions. Maybe use Carp::Assert and
+a special mode for use during development?
+I would like to thank the creators of XPath for their fine work and
+the W3C for supporting them in their efforts.
+The following people have sent me patches and/or suggestions:
+ Tim Peoples
+ Mark Addison
+ Timothy Appnel
+Copyright (C) 2002 Sam Tregar
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sam Tregar <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The XPath W3C Recommendation: