path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Template/Plugin/ b/lib/Template/Plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b29dafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Template/Plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+package Template::Plugin::ASCIITable;
+use base 'Template::Plugin';
+use Text::ASCIITable;
+use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD);
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ [% USE ASCIITable %]
+ blah
+ [% ASCIITable.cols('a', 'b', 'c');
+ ASCIITable.rows([1,2,3],['one','two','three']);
+ ASCIITable.draw() %]
+This module allows you to use L<Text::ASCIITable> in your templates.
+A plugin object will be instantiated with the directive:
+ [% USE ASCIITable %]
+You can pass a number of parameters to the constructor, for example:
+ [% USE ASCIITable(cols => ['a','b','c'], show=>'rowline') %]
+See L</Parameters> for details.
+To obtain the table, you invoke the C<draw> method, to which you can
+pass the same parameters:
+ [% ASCIITable.draw(rows=>[[1,2,3],['one','two','three']]) %]
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<new>
+This is the plugin construtor. You should never call it directly: use
+the C<USE> directive.
+sub new {
+ my ($class,$context,$params)=@_;
+ my $self=bless {hide=>{rowline=>1}},$class;
+ $self->handleParms(%$params) if $params;
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<draw>
+This method invokes L<Text::ASCIITable> to obtain the textual
+representation of the table, and returns it.
+You can pass various parameters to it, see L</Parameters>.
+sub draw {
+ my ($self,@rest)=@_;
+ $self->handleParms(@rest) if @rest;
+ my $t=Text::ASCIITable->new({$self->_globals()});
+ $t->setCols($self->_colnames());
+ for my $c ($self->_colprops()) {
+ $t->alignCol($c->{name},$c->{align}) if $c->{align};
+ $t->alignColName($c->{name},$c->{nalign}) if $c->{nalign};
+ $t->setColWidth($c->{name},$c->{width},$c->{widen}) if ($c->{width}||-1)>0;
+ }
+ for my $r ($self->_rows()) {
+ $t->addRow($r)
+ }
+ my $ret=$t->draw($self->_style());
+ my ($l,$r)=$self->_squeeze();
+ $ret=~s/^.{$l}//mg if $l;
+ $ret=~s/.{$r}$//mg if $r;
+ $ret=~s/\n$//;
+ return $ret;
+my %paramSubs=(
+ hide => \&hide,
+ show => \&show,
+ cols => \&cols,
+ errors => \&errors,
+ reporterrors => \&errors,
+ allow => \&allow,
+ deny => \&deny,
+ alignheadrow => \&alignHeadRow,
+ rows => \&rows,
+ style => \&style,
+=head1 Parameters
+These parameters can be set in three ways:
+=over 4
+=item *
+passing them to the constructor
+=item *
+passing them to the C<draw> call
+=item *
+setting them with individual method calls
+All three forms are case-insensitive: you can do
+ [% USE t=ASCIITable(allow=>'HTML') %]
+ [% t.Allow('html') %]
+ [% t.draw(ALLOW=>'HtMl') %]
+sub handleParms {
+ my ($self,%params)=@_;
+ for my $k (keys %params) {
+ if (exists $paramSubs{lc($k)}) {
+ $paramSubs{lc($k)}->($self,$params{$k});
+ } else {
+ _die("no such parameter $k");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 C<hide>
+This parameter accepts a list of names of features to hide. The
+recognized names are:
+=over 4
+=item C<firstline>
+The very first decoration line of the table, before the column names.
+=item C<headrow>
+The line containing the names of the columns.
+=item C<headline>
+The decoration line separating the column names from the data lines.
+=item C<rowline>
+The decoration line separating one data line from the next. I<Hidden
+by default>.
+=item C<lastline>
+The very last decoration line, after all the data.
+Note: C<t.hide('headrow');t.hide('headline')> will cause I<both>
+features to be hidden. See L</show>.
+sub hide {
+ my ($self,@what)=@_;
+ if (@what==1 and ref($what[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @what=@{$what[0]};
+ }
+ @{$self->{hide}}{grep {m{(headrow)|((head|first|last|row)line)}} map {lc $_} @what}=();
+ return;
+=head2 C<show>
+This parameter does the opposite of C<hide>: sets the given features
+to be shown.
+Note: C<'headrow');'headline')> will cause I<both>
+features to be shown. See L</hide>.
+sub show {
+ my ($self,@what)=@_;
+ if (@what==1 and ref($what[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @what=@{$what[0]};
+ }
+ delete @{$self->{hide}}{grep {m{(head(row|line))|((first|last|row)line)}} map {lc $_} @what};
+ return;
+=head2 C<errors>
+Setting this to a true value will set the C<reportErrors> option (see
+sub errors {
+ my ($self,$val)=@_;
+ $self->{errors}=$val;
+ return;
+=head2 C<allow>
+This parameter accepts a list of markup names to allow inside the
+cells. This in needed to let C<Text::ASCIITable> calculate the correct
+column widths. The recognized markups are:
+=over 4
+=item C<ansi>
+This will allow you to use ANSI escape sequences for things like
+colors or baldface. This usually works only if you output to a
+compliant terminal.
+=item C<html>
+This will allow you to use HTML tags. No check is performed on the
+well-formedness of any such tag.
+Note: C<t.allow('html');t.allow('ansi')> will cause I<both>
+markups to be recognized. See L</deny>.
+sub allow {
+ my ($self,@what)=@_;
+ if (@what==1 and ref($what[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @what=@{$what[0]};
+ }
+ @{$self->{allow}}{grep {m{ansi|html}} map {lc $_} @what}=();
+ return;
+=head2 C<deny>
+This parameter does the opposite of C<allow>: ignores the given
+markups inside cells, counting them as data.
+Note: C<t.deny('html');t.deny('ansi')> will cause I<both>
+markups to be ignored. See L</allow>.
+sub deny {
+ my ($self,@what)=@_;
+ if (@what==1 and ref($what[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @what=@{$what[0]};
+ }
+ delete @{$self->{allow}}{grep {m{ansi|html}} map {lc $_} @what};
+ return;
+=head2 C<alignHeadRow>
+Sets the alignment for the column names. Can be one of:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+sub alignHeadRow {
+ my ($self,$val)=@_;
+ $self->{headrow}=$val;
+ return;
+sub _handleCols {
+ my ($self,@colspec)=@_;
+ if (@colspec==1 and ref($colspec[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @colspec=@{$colspec[0]};
+ }
+ my %colpos=();
+ my @cols=();
+ for (@colspec) {
+ if (ref $_) {
+ push @cols,{name=>$_->[0],
+ align=>$_->[1],
+ width=>$_->[2],
+ widen=>$_->[3],
+ nalign=>$_->[4],
+ };
+ $colpos{$_->[0]}=$#cols;
+ } else {
+ push @cols,{name=>$_};
+ $colpos{$_}=$#cols;
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@cols,\%colpos)
+=head2 C<cols>
+This parameter sets the names, and optionally some properties, of all
+the columns in the table. To add columns to an existing table, use
+the L</addCols> parameter (usually as a method).
+This parameter accepts a list of column specifications. Each
+specification can be:
+=over 4
+=item a single string
+that becomes the name of the column, and width and alignment default
+to 'auto'
+=item an array reference
+that contains, in order:
+=over 8
+=item *
+the name
+=item *
+the alignment for the data, one of 'left', 'right', 'center', 'auto' (see
+=item *
+the maximum width of the column, in characters (see
+=item *
+whether to force the width of the column, a boolean (see
+L<Text::ASCIITable/setColWidth>, the last parameter)
+=item *
+the name alignment (see L<Text::ASCIITable/alignColName>)
+Note: this sets I<all of the columns>. C<t.cols('a','b');t.cols('c')>
+will result in a table with I<only 1> column. See L</addCols>.
+sub cols {
+ my $self=shift;
+ ($self->{cols},$self->{colpos})=$self->_handleCols(@_);
+ return;
+=head2 C<addCols>
+This parameter works like C<cols>, but adds the given columns to the
+existing ones, instead of replacing them. So
+C<t.cols('a','b');t.addCols('c')> will result in a table with 3 columns.
+sub addCols {
+ my $self=shift;
+ my ($cols,$colpos)=$self->_handleCols(@_);
+ push @{$self->{cols}},@$cols;
+ @{$self->{colpos}}{keys %$colpos}=values %$colpos;
+ return;
+=head2 C<rows>
+This parameter accepts a list of array references, one per row. Each
+row must have one scalar element per each column that will be
+Note that, because of the way this plugin works, you can do something
+ [% USE t=ASCIITable(cols=>['a','b']);
+ t.rows([1,2,3],[4,5,6]);
+ t.addCols('c');
+ t.draw() %]
+And it will print a 3x2 table.
+Note: this sets I<all of the rows>.
+will result in a table with I<only 1> row. See L</addRows>.
+sub rows {
+ my ($self,@rows)=@_;
+ if (@rows==1 and ref($rows[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @rows=@{$rows[0]};
+ }
+ $self->{rows}=[@rows];
+ return;
+=head2 C<addRows>
+This parameter works like C<rows>, but adds the given rows to the
+existing ones, instead of replacing them. So
+will result in a table with 3 rows.
+sub addRows {
+ my ($self,@row)=@_;
+ if (@row==1 and ref($row[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @row=@{$row[0]};
+ }
+ push @{$self->{rows}},[@row];
+ return;
+my %styles=(
+ 'default'=>
+ {lines=>undef,
+ globals=>{hide=>'rowline'},
+ },
+ 'rest-simple'=>
+ {lines=>[
+ ['<','>','=',' '],
+ ['<','>',' '],
+ ['<','>','=',' '],
+ ['<','>',' '],
+ ['<','>','=',' '],
+ ['<','>','-',' '],
+ 1,1,
+ ],
+ globals=>{hide=>'rowline'},
+ },
+ 'rest-grid'=>
+ {lines=>[
+ ['+','+','-','+'],
+ ['|','|','|'],
+ ['+','+','=','+'],
+ ['|','|','|'],
+ ['+','+','-','+'],
+ ['+','+','-','+'],
+ 0,0,
+ ],
+ globals=>{show=>'rowline'},
+ },
+ );
+=head2 C<style>
+This parameter sets the draw style for the table. You can set it to a
+list of array references, or to a style name.
+If you pass it a list, it can have 5, 6, or 8 elements. The first 6
+elements are interpreted in the same way as the parameters of
+C<Text::ASCIITable::draw> (see L<Text::ASCIITable/Custom tables>). The
+last two, which default to 0, are the number of columns to remove on
+the left- and right-hand side of the generated table; this is used to
+have tables without vertical borders.
+If you pass it a style name, it must be one of the following:
+=over 4
+=item C<default>
+this is the default C<Text::ASCIITable> style:
+ .--------------------------.
+ | one | two | three | four |
+ +-----+-----+-------+------+
+ | one | one | one | one |
+ | two | two | two | two |
+ '-----+-----+-------+------'
+=item C<rest-simple>
+this is the "simple table" style as used in reStructuredText:
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+ one two three four
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+ one one one one
+ two two two two
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+If you give C<show('rowline')> you get:
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+ one two three four
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+ one one one one
+ ----- ----- ------- ------
+ two two two two
+ ===== ===== ======= ======
+Note that there is no blank space on either side.
+=item C<rest-grid>
+this is the "grid table" style as used in reStructuredText:
+ +-----+-----+-------+------+
+ | one | two | three | four |
+ +=====+=====+=======+======+
+ | one | one | one | one |
+ +-----+-----+-------+------+
+ | two | two | two | two |
+ +-----+-----+-------+------+
+sub style {
+ my ($self,$style)=@_;
+ if (ref $style eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@$style==6) {
+ $self->{style}=[@$style,0,0]
+ } elsif (@$style==5) {
+ $self->{style}=[@$style,[],0,0]
+ } elsif (@$style==8) {
+ $self->{style}=[@$style]
+ } else {
+ _die('Wrong style specification')
+ }
+ } elsif (exists $styles{lc $style}) {
+ $self->{style}=$styles{lc $style}->{lines};
+ $self->handleParms(%{$styles{lc $style}->{globals}});
+ } else {
+ _die("No such style $style");
+ }
+ return if $AUTOLOAD=~/:?DESTROY$/;
+ if (exists $paramSubs{lc($AUTOLOAD)}) {
+ goto &{$paramSubs{lc($AUTOLOAD)}};
+ } else {
+ _die("no such method $AUTOLOAD")
+ }
+sub _globals {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ my @ret=();
+ push @ret,'hide_HeadRow',1 if exists $self->{hide}{headrow};
+ push @ret,'hide_HeadLine',1 if exists $self->{hide}{headline};
+ push @ret,'hide_FirstLine',1 if exists $self->{hide}{firstline};
+ push @ret,'hide_LastLine',1 if exists $self->{hide}{lastline};
+ push @ret,'allowANSI',1 if exists $self->{allow}{ansi};
+ push @ret,'allowHTML',1 if exists $self->{allow}{html};
+ push @ret,'reportErrors',$self->{errors} if $self->{errors};
+ push @ret,'alignHeadRow',$self->{headrow} if $self->{headrow};
+ push @ret,'drawRowLine',1 unless exists $self->{hide}{rowline};
+ return @ret;
+sub _colprops {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ return @{$self->{cols}};
+sub _colnames {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ return map {$_->{name}} @{$self->{cols}};
+sub _rows {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ return ($self->{rows}?@{$self->{rows}}:());
+sub _style {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ return ($self->{style}?@{$self->{style}}[0..5]:());
+sub _squeeze {
+ my ($self)=@_;
+ return ($self->{style}?@{$self->{style}}[6,7]:(0,0));
+sub _die {
+ die (Template::Exception->new('ASCIITable',$_[0]))
+=head1 TODO
+Better tests?
+=head1 BUGS
+None known so far. If you find any, please report them using or e-mail. It would be great if you could provide a simple
+test case that exercises the bug.
+Copyright (C) 2005 dakkar <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.