diff options
authordakkar <dakkar@thenautilus.net>2016-12-07 17:14:11 +0000
committerdakkar <dakkar@thenautilus.net>2016-12-07 17:14:11 +0000
commit8d2bb70045e4a0fcbfa9d9e428e7630b29b4e476 (patch)
parentshow input/output collisions (diff)
parentMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dotXCompose b/dotXCompose
index 610852a..c87c297 100644
--- a/dotXCompose
+++ b/dotXCompose
@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ include "%L"
<Multi_key> <L> <apostrophe> : "」" UFF63 # HALFWIDTH RIGHT CORNER BRACKET
<Multi_key> <7> <quotedbl> : "『" U300E # LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET
<Multi_key> <L> <quotedbl> : "』" U300F # RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET
+<Multi_key> <parenleft> <ampersand> <parenright> : "≬" U226C # BETWEEN
<Multi_key> <l> <l> : "ℓ" U2113 # SCRIPT SMALL L
<Multi_key> <bracketleft> <bracketleft> : "⊏" U228F # SQUARE IMAGE OF
<Multi_key> <bracketleft> <equal> : "⊑" U2291 # SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO
@@ -437,6 +438,9 @@ include "%L"
<Multi_key> <bracketright> <underscore> : "⊒" U2292 # SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO
# If I did more Haskell, I'd want this more:
<Multi_key> <underscore> <bar> <underscore>: "⊥" U22A5 # UP TACK (bottom) or should we use U27C2 PERPENDICULAR?
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <exclam> <underscore>: "⊤" U22A4 # DOWN TACK (opposite of False)
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <greater> <underscore>: "⊢" U22A2 # RIGHT TACK
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <less> <underscore>: "⊣" U22A2 # LEFT TACK
# Handy for UNIX filenames... but XXX conflicts with standard <Multi_key> <slash> <slash> → "\"
<Multi_key> <slash> <slash> : "⁄" U2044 # FRACTION SLASH
@@ -477,6 +481,14 @@ include "%L"
# subscripts in other blocks
<Multi_key> <underscore> <i> : "ᵢ" U1D62 # LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I
<Multi_key> <underscore> <j> : "ⱼ" U2C7C # LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER J
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <r> : "ᵣ" U1D63 # LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER R
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <u> : "ᵤ" U1D64 # LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER U
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <v> : "ᵥ" U1D65 # LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER V
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <asterisk> <b> : "ᵦ" U1D66 # GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER BETA
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <asterisk> <g> : "ᵧ" U1D67 # GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <asterisk> <r> : "ᵨ" U1D68 # GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER RHO
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <asterisk> <f> : "ᵩ" U1D69 # GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER PHI
+<Multi_key> <underscore> <asterisk> <x> : "ᵪ" U1D6A # GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER CHI
# Custom additions: Greek letters. Mapping corresponds to Emacs Greek
# input method. Aristotle Pagaltzis informs me that this is the