path: root/include
diff options
authorPaul Nettle <nettle.paul@gmail.com>2017-08-25 09:30:39 -0500
committerPaul Nettle <nettle.paul@gmail.com>2017-08-25 09:30:39 -0500
commit06f646aec4dbce64d28bae1be6111bd833f8e79e (patch)
treee98859f400af75fb43150c3d03bde83de9b77f79 /include
Initial version 1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/Gobbledegook.h b/include/Gobbledegook.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6213c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/Gobbledegook.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Paul Nettle.
+// This file is part of Gobbledegook.
+// Gobbledegook is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Gobbledegook is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Gobbledegook. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// >>
+// >>
+// This file represents the complete interface to Gobbledegook from a stand-alone application.
+// >>
+// >>
+// The interface to Gobbledegook is rether simple. It consists of the following categories of functionality:
+// * Logging
+// The server defers all logging to the application. The application registers a set of logging delegates (one for each
+// log level) so it can manage the logs however it wants (syslog, console, file, an external logging service, etc.)
+// * Managing updates to server data
+// The application is required to implement two delegates (`GGKServerDataGetter` and `GGKServerDataSetter`) for sharing data
+// with the server. See standalone.cpp for an example of how this is done.
+// In addition, the server provides a thread-safe queue for notifications of data updates to the server. Generally, the only
+// methods an application will need to call are `ggkNofifyUpdatedCharacteristic` and `ggkNofifyUpdatedDescriptor`. The other
+// methods are provided in case an application requies extended functionality.
+// * Server control
+// A small set of methods for starting and stopping the server.
+// * Server state
+// These routines allow the application to query the server's current state. The server runs through these states during its
+// lifecycle:
+// EUninitialized -> EInitializing -> ERunning -> EStopping -> EStopped
+// * Server health
+// The server maintains its own health information. The states are:
+// EOk - the server is A-OK
+// EFailedInit - the server had a failure prior to the ERunning state
+// EFailedRun - the server had a failure during the ERunning state
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#pragma once
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif //__cplusplus
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Type definition for callback delegates that receive log messages
+ typedef void (*GGKLogReceiver)(const char *pMessage);
+ // Each of these methods registers a log receiver method. Receivers are set when registered. To unregister a log receiver,
+ // simply register with `nullptr`.
+ void ggkLogRegisterDebug(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterInfo(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterStatus(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterWarn(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterError(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterFatal(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterAlways(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ void ggkLogRegisterTrace(GGKLogReceiver receiver);
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Type definition for a delegate that the server will use when it needs to receive data from the host application
+ //
+ //
+ // This will be called from the server's thread. Be careful to ensure your implementation is thread safe.
+ //
+ // Similarly, the pointer to data returned to the server should point to non-volatile memory so that the server can use it
+ // safely for an indefinite period of time.
+ typedef const void *(*GGKServerDataGetter)(const char *pName);
+ // Type definition for a delegate that the server will use when it needs to notify the host application that data has changed
+ //
+ //
+ // This will be called from the server's thread. Be careful to ensure your implementation is thread safe.
+ //
+ // The data setter uses void* types to allow receipt of unknown data types from the server. Ensure that you do not store these
+ // pointers. Copy the data before returning from your getter delegate.
+ //
+ // This method returns a non-zero value on success or 0 on failure.
+ //
+ // Possible failures:
+ //
+ // * pName is null
+ // * pData is null
+ // * pName is not a supported value to store
+ // * Any other failure, as deemed by the delegate handler
+ typedef int (*GGKServerDataSetter)(const char *pName, const void *pData);
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Adds an update to the front of the queue for a characteristic at the given object path
+ //
+ // Returns non-zero value on success or 0 on failure.
+ int ggkNofifyUpdatedCharacteristic(const char *pObjectPath);
+ // Adds an update to the front of the queue for a descriptor at the given object path
+ //
+ // Returns non-zero value on success or 0 on failure.
+ int ggkNofifyUpdatedDescriptor(const char *pObjectPath);
+ // Adds a named update to the front of the queue. Generally, this routine should not be used directly. Instead, use the
+ // `ggkNofifyUpdatedCharacteristic()` instead.
+ //
+ // Returns non-zero value on success or 0 on failure.
+ int ggkPushUpdateQueue(const char *pObjectPath, const char *pInterfaceName);
+ // Get the next update from the back of the queue and returns the element in `element` as a string in the format:
+ //
+ // "com/object/path|com.interface.name"
+ //
+ // If the queue is empty, this method returns `0` and does nothing.
+ //
+ // `elementLen` is the size of the `element` buffer in bytes. If the resulting string (including the null terminator) will not
+ // fit within `elementLen` bytes, the method returns `-1` and does nothing.
+ //
+ // If `keep` is set to non-zero, the entry is not removed and will be retrieved again on the next call. Otherwise, the element
+ // is removed.
+ //
+ // Returns 1 on success, 0 if the queue is empty, -1 on error (such as the length too small to store the element)
+ int ggkPopUpdateQueue(char *pElement, int elementLen, int keep);
+ // Returns 1 if the queue is empty, otherwise 0
+ int ggkUpdateQueueIsEmpty();
+ // Returns the number of entries waiting in the queue
+ int ggkUpdateQueueSize();
+ // Removes all entries from the queue
+ void ggkUpdateQueueClear();
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Set the server state to 'EInitializing' and then immediately create a server thread and initiate the server's async
+ // processing on the server thread.
+ //
+ // At that point the current thread will block for maxAsyncInitTimeoutMS milliseconds or until initialization completes.
+ //
+ // If initialization was successful, the method will return a non-zero value with the server running on its own thread in
+ // 'runServerThread'.
+ //
+ // If initialization was unsuccessful, this method will continue to block until the server has stopped. This method will then
+ // return 0.
+ //
+ //
+ // The data setter uses void* types to allow receipt of unknown data types from the server. Ensure that you do not store these
+ // pointers. Copy the data before returning from your getter delegate.
+ //
+ // Similarly, the pointer to data returned to the data getter should point to non-volatile memory so that the server can use it
+ // safely for an indefinite period of time.
+ int ggkStart(GGKServerDataGetter getter, GGKServerDataSetter setter, int maxAsyncInitTimeoutMS);
+ // Blocks for up to maxAsyncInitTimeoutMS milliseconds until the server shuts down.
+ //
+ // If shutdown is successful, this method will return a non-zero value. Otherwise, it will return 0.
+ //
+ // If the server fails to stop for some reason, the thread will be killed.
+ //
+ // Typically, a call to this method would follow `ggkTriggerShutdown()`.
+ int ggkWait();
+ // Tells the server to begin the shutdown process
+ //
+ // The shutdown process will interrupt any currently running asynchronous operation and prevent new operations from starting.
+ // Once the server has stabilized, its event processing loop is terminated and the server is cleaned up.
+ //
+ // `ggkGetServerRunState` will return EStopped when shutdown is complete. To block until the shutdown is complete, see
+ // `ggkWait()`.
+ //
+ // Alternatively, you can use `ggkShutdownAndWait()` to request the shutdown and block until the shutdown is complete.
+ void ggkTriggerShutdown();
+ // Convenience method to trigger a shutdown (via `ggkTriggerShutdown()`) and also waits for shutdown to complete (via
+ // `ggkWait()`)
+ int ggkShutdownAndWait();
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Current state of the server
+ //
+ // States should progress through states in this order:
+ //
+ // EUninitialized -> EInitializing -> ERunning -> EStopping -> EStopped
+ //
+ // Note that in some cases, a server may skip one or more states, as is the case of a failed initialization where the server
+ // will progress from EInitializing directly to EStopped.
+ //
+ // Use `ggkGetServerRunState` to retrive the state and `ggkGetServerRunStateString` to convert a `GGKServerRunState` into a
+ // human-readable string.
+ enum GGKServerRunState
+ {
+ EUninitialized,
+ EInitializing,
+ ERunning,
+ EStopping,
+ EStopped
+ };
+ // Retrieve the current running state of the server
+ //
+ // See `GGKServerRunState` (enumeration) for more information.
+ enum GGKServerRunState ggkGetServerRunState();
+ // Convert a `GGKServerRunState` into a human-readable string
+ const char *ggkGetServerRunStateString(enum GGKServerRunState state);
+ // Convenience method to check ServerRunState for a running server
+ int ggkIsServerRunning();
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // The current health of the server
+ //
+ // A running server's health will always be EOk, therefore it is only necessary to check the health status after the server
+ // has shut down to determine if it was shut down due to an unhealthy condition.
+ //
+ // Use `ggkGetServerHealth` to retrieve the health and `ggkGetServerHealthString` to convert a `GGKServerHealth` into a
+ // human-readable string.
+ enum GGKServerHealth
+ {
+ EOk,
+ EFailedInit,
+ EFailedRun
+ };
+ // Retrieve the current health of the server
+ //
+ // See `GGKServerHealth` (enumeration) for more information.
+ enum GGKServerHealth ggkGetServerHealth();
+ // Convert a `GGKServerHealth` into a human-readable string
+ const char *ggkGetServerHealthString(enum GGKServerHealth state);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif //__cplusplus