path: root/
diff options
authordakkar <dakkar@luxion>2006-12-02 17:57:56 +0000
committerdakkar <dakkar@luxion>2006-12-02 17:57:56 +0000
commit283a78c4ea345b9371f3a69f472375e5a4070a69 (patch)
tree10dfb9f60f1fc5716216558a9254dec41fb95130 /
import del proxy-filtro-salto-etc
git-svn-id: svn://luxion/repos/myProxy/trunk@229 fcb26f47-9200-0410-b104-b98ab5b095f3
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34ffe9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use HTTP::Proxy;
+use HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple;
+use HTTP::Response;
+use Log::Log4perl;
+use FindBin;
+use YAML;
+# qui dovrei inizializzare log4perl
+my $PORT=3128;
+my @PATFILES=map {"$FindBin::Bin/adzap/scripts/$_"} qw(prematch.list squid_redirect postmatch.list);
+my $ZAPSDIR="$FindBin::Bin/adzap/zaps";
+sub subptn2re {
+ my ($pat)=@_;
+ return "[^/]*" if $pat eq '*'; # * -> [^/]*
+ return ".*" if $pat=~/^\*+$/; # ** -> .*
+ return $pat; # leave everything else alone
+sub ptn2re {
+ my ($pat)=@_;
+ $pat=~s|([.\@\%\$?+])|\\$1|g; # quote specials
+ $pat=~s|/+|/+|g; # turn slashes into "/+"
+ $pat=~s:(\\.|[^*\\]|\*+):subptn2re($1):ge; # expand wildcards
+ return qr{^$pat$};
+my %ACTIONS=(
+ PASS => [\&pass],
+ NOZAP => [\&redirect],
+ AD => [\&constant,'ad.gif', 'image/gif'],
+ ADBG => [\&constant,'adbg.gif', 'image/gif'],
+ ADPOPUP => [\&constant,'closepopup.html', 'text/html'],
+ ADJS => [\&constant,'no-op.js', 'text/javascript'],
+ ADJSTEXT => [\&constant,'no-op.js', 'text/javascript'],
+ ADHTML => [\&constant,'no-op.html', 'text/html'],
+ ADHTMLTEXT => [\&constant,'no-op.html', 'text/html'],
+ COUNTER => [\&constant,'counter.gif', 'image/gif'],
+ COUNTERJS => [\&constant,'no-op-counter.js', 'text/javascript'],
+ COUNTERHTML => [\&constant,'no-op-counter.html', 'text/html'],
+ WEBBUG => [\&constant,'webbug.gif', 'image/gif'],
+ WEBBUGJS => [\&constant,'webbug.js', 'text/javascript'],
+ WEBBUGHTML => [\&constant,'webbug.html', 'text/html'],
+ ADMP3 => [\&constant,'ad.mp3', 'audio/mpeg'],
+ ADSWF => [\&constant,'ad.swf', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'],
+ PRINT => [\&redirect],
+ REWRITE => [\&redirect],
+ ANTICRACK => [\&constant,'ad.gif', 'image/gif'],
+ HR => [\&constat,'ad-clear.gif','image/gif'],
+ URCHIN => [\&constant,'urchin.js','text/javascript'],
+ );
+my $addPatternLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.load.addPattern');
+sub addPattern {
+ my ($action,$match,@parms)=@_;
+ $addPatternLogger->debug("adding: $action ($match) -> [@parms]");
+ unless (exists $ACTIONS{$action}) {
+ $addPatternLogger->error("Unknown action $action, skipping");
+ return;
+ }
+ push @PATTERNS,[ptn2re($match),@{$ACTIONS{$action}},@parms];
+my $loadPatternsLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.load.loadPatterns');
+sub loadPatterns {
+ my ($file)=@_;
+ my $fh;
+ open $fh,'<',$file or do {
+ $loadPatternsLogger->warn("Can't open $file");
+ return;
+ };
+ $loadPatternsLogger->info("Opening $file");
+ my $state=0;
+ my @line;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ next unless $_!~/^\s*$/;
+ next if /^#/;
+ $loadPatternsLogger->debug("Got line: $_");
+ @line=split /\s+/,$_;
+ if ($state==0) { # non sappiamo ancora se è una lista o un sorgente Perl
+ if (uc($line[0]) eq $line[0]) {
+ $loadPatternsLogger->debug("detected pattern");
+ $state=1;
+ addPattern(@line);
+ } else {
+ $loadPatternsLogger->debug("detected Perl header, skipping");
+ $state=2;
+ }
+ } elsif ($state==2) { # è un sorgente Perl, skip fino a __DATA__
+ /^__DATA__\b/ and $state=1;
+ } else { # abbiamo un pattern
+ addPattern(@line);
+ }
+ }
+my $passLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.filter.pass');
+sub pass {
+ my ($proxy,$request,@parms)=@_;
+ my $uri=$request->uri;
+ if ($passLogger->is_debug()) {$passLogger->debug("passing $uri [@parms]")}
+ return;
+my $constantLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.filter.constant');
+sub constant {
+ my ($proxy,$request,$theFile,$type)=@_;
+ my $uri=$request->uri;
+ if ($constantLogger->is_debug()) {
+ $constantLogger->debug("passing $theFile($type) for $uri");
+ }
+ my $res=HTTP::Response->new(200);
+ $res->content_type($type);
+ {local $/;
+ open my $fh,'<',"$ZAPSDIR/$theFile" or do {
+ $constantLogger->error("Can't open $ZAPSDIR/$theFile");
+ };
+ my $data=<$fh>;
+ $res->content($data);}
+ $proxy->response($res);
+my $redirectLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.filter.redirect');
+sub redirect {
+ my ($proxy,$request,$newUrl)=@_;
+ my $uri=$request->uri;
+ if ($redirectLogger->is_debug()) {
+ $redirectLogger->debug("redirecting from $uri to $newUrl");
+ }
+ my $matches=$proxy->stash('url_matches');
+ $newUrl=~s{^\d+:}{}; # kill the redirect value: we always send 302
+ $newUrl=~s{\$(\d)}{$matches->[-1+$1]}ge; # expand match vars
+ $newUrl=~s{\$\{?\&\}?}{$proxy->stash('full_match')}ge; # full match expand
+ $newUrl=~s{\$\{?`\}?}{$proxy->stash('pre_match')}ge;
+ $newUrl=~s{\$\{?'\}?}{$proxy->stash('post_match')}ge;
+ if ($redirectLogger->is_debug()) {
+ $redirectLogger->debug("new url = $newUrl");
+ }
+ my $res=HTTP::Response->new(302);
+ $res->header(Location => $newUrl);
+ $proxy->response($res);
+my $doFilterLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.filter.doFilter');
+sub doFilter {
+ my ($self,$headers,$request)=@_;
+ my $uri=$request->uri;$uri="$uri";
+ if ($doFilterLogger->is_debug()) {
+ $doFilterLogger->debug("Looking at $uri");
+ }
+ for (@PATTERNS) {
+ my ($pat,$sub,@rest)=@$_;
+ if ($uri=~/$pat/) {
+ $self->proxy->stash('url_matches',[$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9]);
+ $self->proxy->stash('pre_match',substr($uri,0,$-[0]));
+ $self->proxy->stash('full_match',substr($uri,$-[0],$+[0]-$-[0]));
+ $self->proxy->stash('post_match',substr($uri,$+[0]));
+ $sub->($self->proxy(),$request,@rest);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+{ # jumpurl
+ my $jumpFilterLogger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.filter.jumpFilter');
+sub jumpFilter {
+ return unless -f '/tmp/jumpurl';
+ my ($self,$headers,$request)=@_;
+ my $uri=$request->uri;
+ $jumpFilterLogger->debug("Should $uri jump?");
+ return if $uri =~ m|^http://(.*?)|;
+ my $stuff;
+ my $u=URI->new($uri);
+ my %p=$u->query_form();
+ $jumpFilterLogger->debug("Params:".Dump(\%p));
+ if (exists $p{u} && $u->path =~ /((outp?|c|process)\.(php|cgi))|(\/[lc]$)/) {$stuff=$p{u}}
+ elsif (exists $p{url}) {$stuff=$p{url}}
+ elsif (exists $p{URL}) {$stuff=$p{URL}}
+ elsif (exists $p{gal}) {$stuff=$p{gal}}
+ elsif (exists $p{link}) {$stuff=$p{link}}
+ else {return}
+ if (
+ $stuff !~ m{://}
+ and
+ $stuff =~ m{^\w+\.\w+}
+ ) {
+ $stuff='http://'.$stuff
+ }
+ return unless $stuff =~ m{^http://};
+ $jumpFilterLogger->debug("Jumping from $uri to $stuff");
+ my $res=HTTP::Response->new(302);
+ $res->header(Location => $stuff);
+ $self->proxy->response($res);
+ my $logger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger('MyProxy.main');
+ $logger->info("Loading...");
+ for (@PATFILES) {loadPatterns($_)};
+ my $proxy=HTTP::Proxy->new(port=>$PORT);
+ $proxy->push_filter(request => HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple->new(\&doFilter));
+ $proxy->push_filter(request => HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple->new(\&jumpFilter));
+ $logger->info("Running on port ".$proxy->port());
+ $proxy->start();